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Everything posted by Moraybluenose

  1. The police and society in general are now conditioned that the only sectarian behaviour is caused by Rangers fans. The police would not know sectarian behaviour if it hit them in the face, so they go by what they know and only look at our club and our fans for this. Its absolutely rediculous but thats the way its protrayed in the press.
  2. I agree its difficult not to like him (although some may argue!), I am sure there is an element of what he says where he does play to the audience but for me we are finally on the right track to recover from this mess.
  3. I agree, let him retire. I met him last year and I have to say it wasnt pleasant! Even although we had just won the league he was an utter prick, didnt want to sign autographs or take pictures. Probably the only person from Rangers who I have seen like that, shame really.
  4. My concern was the licence, I thought they would punish us through not getting a full licence
  5. Yes I agree, they said nothing wrong. In fact they said things that were long overdue. My concern was the timing of what they said. Glad they did though, cause it brought a smile to this face!
  6. Please note when I say that they have said nothing wrong, I meant that. My worry was that the SFA would not provide a full unconditional licence given what was said. As I say, I welcome Mr Green & Co's stance on these issues and I welcome their ability to throw it straight back at them. Well done CG
  7. Im sure you are taking the piss here! Is there nothing on the telly tonight?
  8. Its not a case of IF its a case of WHEN
  9. would luv to be there, cant get tickets. Cant wait to see Rangers do what we do best. C'mon the Gers :clap: :clap: :clap:
  10. The media allways down play our support, there looked to be 45-50,000 there last night. But then again some people believe that there was only 100,000 in Manchester as well!
  11. Yeh it was brilliant to hear all the crowd and to hear the radio commentators arguing about the attendance being understated. Proud to be a bear
  12. Charles Green is obviously keeping himself well informed, listening to everything, reading everything and when the time is right he uses the info to get back at them! Well done Charles, couldnt ask for more
  13. Aye Im starting to really like this guy, thats the thing with our wee club it gets into your blood!
  14. To be clear I am not saying we shouldnt have made the statements, just a bit concerned about the time and the fact we are still awaiting a full unconditional licence from these pricks
  15. This thread appears to be infultrated more than others
  16. Surely as he is now managing a side looking to win the 3rd division he is a capable manager and can only enhance his managerial abilities by taking the team through the lower divisions. By the time we reach the top teir again (not sure what it will be called by then) he will be an even better manager.
  17. The players and their agents would just laugh and walk IMHO
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