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Everything posted by Teamgers

  1. Not seeing anything as yet, thought the coverage was from 7:15PM?
  2. We need to start moving more of the dead wood out...
  3. Now there's a man who speaks the absolute truth....
  4. Fucking unbelievable, just fucking unbelievable, away and do a fucking proper job ya shower of fucking arseholes!
  5. How that tinky bastard never even got a yellow for his assault on Jack is fucking unbelievable.
  6. How many red cards need to be rescinded, before the authorities finally get it through their fucking thick skulls that their officials are incompetent cunts!
  7. Absolute cunts with an agenda, you'd need to be fucking blind not to see what's going on, shower of utter cunts!
  8. I'll bet the cunts were nowhere near the midden when the brain dead were hanging effigies from the stands!
  9. Aww damn, sorry mate. Basically lists the changes to the channels, lots of ppl up in arms about UKTV being binned.
  10. 500 pager...…………...?
  11. Come on guys give the OP a break, he's from Balloch remember...…..?
  12. Check the link mate..... http://www.virginmedia.com/shop/tv/tvupdate.html
  13. Yes, looks like it mate, they've added a few other channels as well, but most are rubbish.
  14. Ok thanks, that's good as Virgin has just added Premier to some packages for free.
  15. Could be Premier Sports again mate.
  16. So you don't think we have a chance?
  17. What don't you get? What's not the point of being optimistic? I certainly am not pessimistic about our chances against a side that we can beat, after all, it's all on the night, or all on the two nights, anything can happen mate, I'd rather be optimistic about my teams chances than giving up before a ball has even been kicked, as big Marv would say "keep believing"...……..?
  18. That's it guys, keep the optimism going...…...?
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