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Everything posted by Teamgers

  1. Ok maybe he's not been great in any games he's played for us, but as I said he's better than anything else we have imo, and I wouldn't say that he's been garbage, as you put it.
  2. Away and don't talk pish ffs, he's not been great in some games, but he's better than anything else we've got.
  3. We should be able to beat them in the replay at Ibrox!
  4. In you come, fucking easy, no bait required....btw fucking cheer up eh................lol
  5. Yea, and I hope one of them is this, thanks and goodbye!
  6. What the hell does that mean exactly, how can you say that the supporters are an embarrassment, ok we may have some idiots who follow us and say things that they maybe shouldn't say, but so does every other big club, you cannot tar all the supporters with the same brush mate, it's those same supporters that have kept this club alive over the last 5 years or so.
  7. The burd wi the big tits and hairy fanny...............
  8. Perfectly reasonable question that I asked you, nothing sinister, and I bet you celebrated like every other bear when we did NIAR!
  9. Were you saying that when he brought us NIAR?
  10. Fuck sake mate, that's a bit harsh!
  11. I actually think Sutton is better than Butcher, Butcher seems to have a big downer on us, fuck knows what his problem is.
  12. I'd drop him and get Miller back in.....
  13. Fuck me, the doom sayers are in full flow, fuck sake we played pretty well, won 0-3 away from home and still some of our support aren't happy...................
  14. That's all that cunt ever does, anything to get the knife into Rangers, fucking arsehole of a man.
  15. Rangers paid this cunt a fortune, never known a former player who I dislike as much as this fucking arsehole!
  16. I thought Sutton was better than Butcher imo.
  17. You've started something now lol, a new language is coming.................
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