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Everything posted by andyhrfc

  1. Nasty horrible club with 40000 day trippers every home match and an enduring love in with Septic.
  2. Another article empahising that The Rangers are The People and the only voice worth listening to in Scotland. Let the rest do whatever their bigoted short sighted minds feel is best, they will be the ones who dissapear into oblivion whilst The Gers rise again.
  3. Sitting at the match is crap. Spend most of the time stood up in BF3, can't see why anyone wants to sit down unless you are old / have a disability / have young children. The atmosphere is totally crap at Ibrox these days, better atmosphere at my lad's match on a Sunday morning with around 70 watching, let's crank up the volume.
  4. Last chance saloon for Super Mario.
  5. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=liverpool+loyal&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbo=d&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4AURU_enGB519GB519&biw=1366&bih=595&tbm=isch&tbnid=PqvVNFmIpiwVOM:&imgrefurl=http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LIVERPOOL-LOYAL-NO-SURRENDER-ENAMEL-FOOTBALL-BADGE-/150933515621&docid=X7XdVNnpnzLFOM&itg=1&imgurl=http://i.ebayimg.com/t/LIVERPOOL-LOYAL-NO-SURRENDER-ENAMEL-FOOTBALL-BADGE-/00/s/MTQzMlgxNjAw/%2524(KGrHqV,!qsFBeQ!qN1IBQi(R!yrnQ~~60_35.JPG&w=300&h=268&ei=8qgJUa-6MqrS0QXo1YDIBg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:6,s:0,i:100&iact=rc&dur=2&sig=110362653572207734256&page=1&tbnh=192&tbnw=199&start=0&ndsp=17&tx=85&ty=139
  6. Me too, just hope the players really believe in themselves, in some ways this match is as important as Manchester 2008 as a defining moment.
  7. Compared to the days of old maybe, but the point of my comment is that I would rather we were in Liverpool's position being called shit rather than in SFL3 with many of our own so called fans booing us of the pitch.
  8. Hopefully within the next ten years when we have migrated to England and are sitting 7th in the EPL eveyone will laugh at how shit we are. Some sad deluded (probably Septic Imposters) on here, get a life!
  9. Interesting quote from Septicminded.com a few years back ( it has got a lot worse since). Dwindling Attendances at Celtic Park Article Options 13-01-09 07:14 AM Squiggs Category: Featured Article Views: 6,976 Replies: 0 Author: Murphy7 The attendances at Celtic Park have been noticeably dwindling now for several years, but the 23,070 crowd for the Scottish Cup clash with Dundee was a new low. In reality over twenty three thousand paying fans for a match against lower league opposition just after Christmas and during tough economic conditions is actually pretty decent, and there are certainly not many football clubs in Europe who could have achieved this. Especially when you considering that Chelsea for a Champions League match against Rosenborg on match day 1 of the 2007/2008 season could only attract a crowd of 24,973. The attendance of 23,070 also compares well with other major clubs across Europe on Saturday and to illustrate this fact The Estadio da Luz was half empty as only 32,837 watched Benfica defeat S.C. Braga to go to the sumit top of the Portuguese Premier League. However, the attendance against Dundee is one of the lowest attendances for a competitive match at Celtic Park since the Jock Stein Stand was opened in 1998 and is a new low in what is a very worrying trend. The official average attendance in the 1998/1999 season when the Jock Stein Stand first opened was 59,233. This figure is probably a little high due to the fact that season ticket seats are included in the official figures regardless of whether the seats are actually filled on any specific day. However the official figures certainly are indicative of the dwindling attendances at Celtic Park. Focussing on the Strachan era, attendances have fell from 58,149 in his first season, to 57,928 in 2006/2007 and then down to 56,676 last season. This figure particularly disappointing considering the dramatic and tight title race with Rangers. Peter Lawwell has been very proactive in trying to prevent this decline. Children and OAPs could purchase tickets for the Dundee game for only a fiver and if this wasn’t the case the crowd could have been considerably lower. This year adult season ticket prices were frozen and season tickets for minors were slashed. For children twelve and under the price of a season ticket is as little as £50 which works out at £2.63 per match. It is £100 for children aged 13-16 (£5.20 per match) and £150 for children aged 17-18 (£8 per match). It’s an old cliché that children are the future and will be the lifeblood of Celtic in years’ to come thus Lawwell’s actions must be commended, however it hasn’t prevented the attendances dwindling further. In fact, I took someone to the game against Inverness on the 29th of November who hadn’t been to Celtic Park before and although the official attendance was 55,117 there could not have been more than 40,000 at the game. When asked why this was the case I struggled to give a suffice answer. Top of the league, going for 4 in a row and enjoying our most successful spell of domestic dominance since the Jock Stein era. Was the poor crowd a result of complacency? I don’t think so. Ask yourselves this question. When was the last time you got really excited at Celtic Park? It’s been a while that’s for sure. Performances such as the 3-0 drubbing of Benfica have been few and far between in recent years. This season I would say it was the second half against Falkirk in August for me. It was the game where Maloney made his first appearance on his return to the club and I could feel a sense of optimism around the stadium. We played some really good football that afternoon and saw Samaras score an excellent goal after great build-up play with Maloney. Crosas came on as a late substitute and impressed. We had the Rangers game the following week and the Champions League to look forward too. We all know how that went… Although the vast majority of performances at home haven’t exactly been vintage we have had our moments - the last minute winner against Aberdeen, an exciting win against Hibs and Skippy’s goal against Man Utd have been my highlights but generally I have left Celtic Park feeling pretty lethargic and in my opinion this is why the attendances have been dropping. With the impending departure of Nakamura in the Summer and possible transfer of McGeady following his rift with Strachan, the few creative and exciting players that I look forward to seeing are ebbing away. With the credit crunch I can’t see us spending big money either to replace them. With the potential loss of two of our best players with cheap and cheerful replacements seemingly already in place – Mizono, McGinn and McCourt, I fear the overall standard and quality of our team will only get worse and this could easily result in attendances abating further. Games against Hamilton, St Mirren, Falkirk and Inverness don’t exactly set the juices flowing anyway so if our standard does drop it will be extremely difficult if not impossible to fill Celtic Park on such occasions. Personally I know several people who are seriously considering not renewing their season tickets next season. Their opinions are ten a penny on Celtic Minded too. Essentially their bored. They aren’t enjoying going to the games as much as they did in the past. Some blame the atmosphere, or lack of while others impugn Strachan and his tactics. Are we as fans getting our moneys worth? I was discussing the issue of attendances with one of my mates who is originally from Nerwy recently, and he informed me how the numbers in the supporters club he used to be in had dropped considerably in the past five years. The bus has went from being regularly full to at times last season not having enough numbers to make the journey to Celtic Park worthwhile. To be fair, getting up at some ridiculously early hour and travelling all day to watch us scrap a 1-0 win against Inverness Caley Thistle on a cold and damp November afternoon isn’t exactly very appealing and those who do this frequently should be commended. As money does get tighter however, those making the journey regularly from Ireland or from far afield will decline sharply. Half season tickets were made available for £150 and should see a rise in attendances in the second half of the season. However, in the longer term with the country in a recession and money tighter for everyone I fear that attendances can only get worse. The fact that we struggled to sell all the Champions League packages this season is an indicator that there is a serious issue. It will be very interesting to see what the attendance is against either Peterhead or Queen’s Park in the forthcoming Scottish Cup tie. With the League Cup semi-final against Dundee Utd at Hampden on the Wednesday and a trip to Inverness on the Sunday which will probably set me back in the region of £60 before drink, another £18 for the Scottish Cup game couldn’t come at a worse time and these circumstances could quite possibly result in another embarrassingly low attendance. As the credit crunch bites the next few years will be tough for everyone with people having to tighten their belts. Attendances will suffer further as a result. Difficult times ahead. Tags: None
  10. Much as I despise putting any money into the coffers of the Bheast, it might just be worthwhile for someone to turn up at each game and film the crowd during the match. Upload onto You Tube etc and expose the attendance lie once and for all.
  11. No boycotting of home games. Wait to see what happens and then boycott any away clubs that have done us a disservice as we are with Scumdee this weekend.
  12. Signed, took a massive 40 seconds after clicking the link, anyone going to beat that time?
  13. Was talking about the home fans! Reckon Montrose must have had the 200+.
  14. 46000 at Ibrox today, if you could take the best 11 footballers from the stands( teachers, builders, emergency services, posties etc) and put them on the pitch in a blue shirt would we have won?
  15. We are so so bad, only 20 points clear! We were playing the third placed team as well today. People should remember we are a team of mainly third division players. At least two more records today, highest ever attendance in a match between Rangers and Montrose and........the first time Montrose have emerged undefeated...
  16. Might go to Dundee with a van full of high ampage PA, park near Tannadump and belt out Rangers classics throughout the match.
  17. It was frustrating today, we could and should have been 3-0 or 4-0 up at half time but we couldn't finish. As the second half drew on that sense of another Elgin increased and it was no surpise when Montrose scored with what seemed like their second shot on target. Belting goal rising and swerving into the top corner so every credit to Montrose. Atmosphere was fairly dire again, the boo boys need to get up and start singing. Would rather we played in front of 15000 who got behind the team 100% than 45000 with the majority sitting in silence throughout. And the booing is totally unacceptable.
  18. When are some people on here going to get to grips with the fact that we won't ever be playing in the SPL or equivalent again, so 54 it is for top league Scottish Championships, The Rangers are going bigger and better, might take a few years but it will happen.
  19. Club Deck holds 7300 so something similar on the Govan will take the capacity to around 58500. The whole scheme would mean taking the rooves off the Copland, Govan and Broomloan and relacing them with new structures. Filling GEC and GWC would add around 6000 so we are looking at 64-65k. I would like to see the Copland replaced with a Kop type stand at the same time taking the capacity to around 70k. Would also like to see the new roof over the Broomloan capable of accommodating a third tier if ever needed.
  20. Can't condone Hazard but looks like Swansea will have some questions to answer over the conduct of their ballboys.
  21. Suggest that someone puts a call into Strathcylde Police Corporate Communications asking for an official statement. Don't knee jerk until we know the facts.
  22. No renaming unless Ibrox remains part of the name. It is a test of the size of the club when it comes to renaming, could you imagine Man U not playing at OT or Liverpool not playing at Anfield? Ibrox is an iconic name that represents the Rangers brand so couldn't really see any sponsor wanting to drop it.
  23. Highly unlikely unless it is a pre season friendly.
  24. Yes, but living in England helps. In reality there are so many Gers living all over England that the demand would be greter than it is now.
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