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big blue Fin

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Everything posted by big blue Fin

  1. Did you miss the bit where I said "no surviving fenian scum"? We'll agree to differ.
  2. Fair enough I only asked, I'll keep hoping for it to happen right enough as after over fifty years of hearing their shite I'm truly sick to death of them.
  3. Is it wrong of me that I want the plane they're flying in to crash and and burn with no surviving fenian scum left at all?
  4. If you do try your best to land on a fat taig.
  5. Two things I have a problem with. 1. Calling them Scottish. 2. Only putting one of them down.
  6. I have to keep looking in to this thread just in case he's jumped off a bridge, so far no luck. I'll keep hoping anyway.
  7. Please tell me you're joking and not serious.
  8. To be added to all the uefa fines the kiddy fiddler's get this season too.
  9. Fenians, I know this because I've seen it. Good on the lassie battering fuck out of two kiddy fiddling goons.
  10. Puts him in the shop window so hopefully some team of idiots'll pay to take him away. Either that or we leave him out with the bins for the council to take to landfill.
  11. Sorry should have edited it to read Of course not etc.
  12. Don't be silly, they don't want to hear from us just the deluded cunts.
  13. Do you honestly think any of the English leagues would open their doors and welcome in this bunch of terrorist loving, kiddy fiddling filth?
  14. He's absolutely correct. Scotland in the early years of the 21st century is filled with people who hate Britain, Rangers, Unionism, Loyalism and anything even remotely related to them. Our wee country's in the keech up to our knees, the trouble is we fell in head first.
  15. Best thing he can do with the money is give to one of the armed forces charities then if (sorry should of course read WHEN) they complain they'll be shown up for the cunts we all known them to be.
  16. The bitter cunt english was certainly hurting but did anyone see mclaughlin's face when he was talking about the EBTs? He looked liked he'd boaby for so long his lips had got stuck in that position.
  17. What is there to be proud of? Kiddy fiddling? Loving the ira? Loving the PLO and ETA? Hating the country that pays your benefits and keeps your kids in school? I wish to fuck Eugenics was still allowed.
  18. From your keyboard to god's eyes
  19. Remind me why we are asked to pay a licence fee to this corrupt organisation which up here in Scotland is full of Rangers haters? tom english and all the rest of his bbc colleagues must be choking on their agendas today.
  20. See this is what happens when you shag your sister and then fiddle with kiddies. Taigs and trump voters separated by thousands of miles but equally as deluded.
  21. supporting the scummiest team and following the second scummiest religion and living in a country becoming scummier by the scummy fucking second. How many breaches does it take before the cunts at Uefa say "enough is enough" and ban them for at least five years? Or will it take a flare thrown from their fans killing someone before Uefa grows a pair of baws?
  22. Aye against the hivs and the kiddy fiddlers.
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