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Everything posted by bluenose_n1

  1. I'm sorry mate it has everything to do with us its only a matter of time before they think they can do shite like that in our pubs and clubs and to our woman and children heading to games the reason scotlands in the fucking state it's in is because we all said fuck the snp etc it's fuck all to do with us well that came back to bite us in the arse they went to that shop and attacked it because he was defending our country against these bastards and called them out for openly supporting Muslim terrorists so as a unionist myself and a supporter of a unionist club I expect to see this in every football forum up and down the country to highlight what fucking scum those cunts are
  2. Who's the young rangers fans are you kidding the last twice we played them at Hampden young rangers fans have been attacked one with a bottle your saying fuck Tommy Robinson a guy who started the edl after watching the muslims in his town abuse our soldiers on their homecoming parade and also burning Poppy's on rememberence Sunday fucking tit
  3. Fuck off mate thats what we should be doing to they bastards every time we play them they shouldn't get a chance to bottle young rangers fans because they should lying in a pool of their own blood
  4. To be fair who the fuck wears a football top to fucking court plunge mcnugget loyal
  5. Not me but me and my mates skipped into the old park head New Year's Day 1994 13 year old and we had four cans of skol between 6 of us anyway we just took a made dash and bounced straight over the wee shitey turnstiles they had and we were in got up into the rangers end and my mate screams that he can't believe he's skipped into an old firm game as loud as he could and a big copper was standing there and grabbed him and dragged him by hood and flung him out on his arse was funny as fuck won 4-2
  6. I don't think it is mate i do remember us doing a few tops in adults size without sponsor and I think this was one of them my mate got one and he said it was the Muslim edition
  7. Said before and I will say it again the only thing that should be recognised during that time is the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women this is what separates us from the rest also as far as I'm aware their titles during ww1 were official and ours during ww2 were unofficial fuck them
  8. But you do realise that it's all copied and pasted from the filths forum
  9. Things like that is what separates us from the rest we respect our armed forces and under no circumstances should we recognise anything during the wars other than the sacrifice made by our forces to defend our country the reason they claim them is because we will always cast a major shadow over them and they will stoop to any level to try and convince themselves that the are at the very least equal to us but as any good prod knows they are just scum
  10. Im on a orlando to new york flight and i paid 20 quid to use planes wifi to watch a fucking twitter page and i feel like jumping out the fucking plane but tbh probably a blessing in disguise as we are nowhere near good enough to beat anyone in europe
  11. The fox and hound watched it there yesterday on the 192 5 mins past the old town
  12. Well my 2 boys play on a saturday one at 10/11 and the other at 2 which fucks me for going to most games
  13. What the fuck does that even mean. get this to fuck
  14. King got his ppi through and we don't give a fuck
  15. This and also nobody should ever complain about a trip across the water
  16. Mate me and my missus are doing it what is your plans to link it to the charity etc
  17. Me and my missus are doing it mate its not 93 mile but it's only Glasgow to Edinburgh we are doing
  18. Always remember wishing they brought it out
  19. Anyone remember this strip sure it was a one off for a tournament or something
  20. But what you don't seem to be getting is we don't have a fucking say on who the manager signs we need to support whoever is in a blue jersey
  21. The fact that you cant understand that we need players that badly that we can't be choosy
  22. How because you said so ya prick I hate all the deserters but if Naismith can come in a do us a turn then I'm all for it as the clubs needs are greater than my opinion fuck sake ibrox wasn't silent when mo Johnstone scored against the tarriers we just finished record amount of points behind they cunts they fucked us 5-1 twice this season, we need all the quality we can get
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