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danger ranger

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Everything posted by danger ranger

  1. Brown belongs in Broxi's den, the board don't look too clever either, employing Warburton in the first place and not getting rid of him before the start of this season, the man is only one of a long list of arseholes who are still making a living from Rangers for being one of Kings stooges.
  2. Every time someone with money is liked to Rangers all hell breaks loose with an all out propaganda war against them, labelling them as demons out to damage us, there is an old saying "follow the money and it leads you to the source", quite easy to work out the protagonists in our case.
  3. No I'am not being unfair as there is no time for bad displays or stupid line ups due to players being unfit then forced changes that look stupid as Motherwell could have quite easily scored more, we got lucky on Saturday. I have also posted that he should have played a damage limitation game until the end of the season instead of a typical Warburton game of a poor first half and then running about like madmen in the second half trying to secure something out of the game. The squad is not that strong but he seems to play the players and formation that let Warburton down, hardly an improvement, I hope for rangers sake he tightens up for the rest of the season and secures 3rd spot, anything can happen in the cup but I can't see it happening.
  4. The appointment was allegedly after an interview, if that is the case and given his high wage why did they not go for McInnes(for example) who would have cost roughly the same to employ and at least guarantee us 2nd spot and with better players just maybe challenge for the title, but no they went for an unknown manager and next season is still uncertain especially if there is little money for players and he can't cut it. At least McInnes has proved to be able to get 2nd spot season after season, IMO this board preach prudence and patience but chase after the beautiful game with no money and no time to fund it and when you look at both Portugal and Spain and also Holland they took about 25-30 years to get to the stage of playing the beautiful game, they should practice what they preach and learn to walk before they can run. You are right, it's Hobson choice for us fans and we have had to endure bad choices for managers over the last 5 years, if Pedro fails we will be back to square one and the scum a racing certainty for 10 in a row.
  5. This board are digging a hole that we won't get out of, unknown manager gets the most important job to make us title challengers and makes a total mess of beating a bottom of the league team at home doesn't fill the fans with any hope and with little investment coming from this board no wonder most fans will doubt him while this board get away with murder.
  6. The only reason he is at Ibrox is we were on our knees money wise, just like Kenny we also need to move on.
  7. It's more like damage limitation we need to finish 3rd and start afresh in the summer, there is no way this lot could play in Europe.
  8. Learn to fucking read properly ya rocket, it's plainly obvious that another player would have been required to replace Hodson that the manager said also was feeling not well before the game. Who gives a fuck what a manager says in a presser, it's on the park that you do your talking and sadly it's pish that we spout just like you.
  9. He got the game on Saturday completely wrong, misjudging both the Motherwell tactics and the quality of the same old failures and playing unfit players, he is already judged as making the same old mistakes of the last manager that has got us in the position of not being good enough after speaking volumes of doing what's right and he does the exact opposite. A manager is judged by his performances and how he gets them, not by somebodies whim of what the timeline should be, if the record is broken, change it.
  10. He has seen Rangers players for three games now, even Warburton had the good sense not to play Waghorn thro the middle and indeed not play him at all, he is here to do a job and got lucky with the forced changes as they made the team play better and actually play football and the ever present problem of both Miller and Waghorn not being able to score cost is the win overall, over to you pedro.
  11. He made a mess of the starting line up, Senderos and Halliday should have started for Hill, Wallace and Hodson who the manager had said they were not feeling good before the kick off, which would have given him the inevitable choices later in the game as we have major problems in the striking department and up front in general. He has to do better, even with the players he has and it will be interesting to see what he does in the coming weeks, continuing with the same duds every week ain't going to work, basically copying Warburton's shite with the same old excuses being rolled out by everyone including posters on here. It's about time a Rangers manager shut up and starts to deliver consistent performances with players who can actually play in their proper positions and changing the formation to achieve it, welcome to Scottish football Pedro.
  12. He should take Miller with him, we must have the slowest under achieving strikers in the SPL and just look at our goal difference, it backs that fact.
  13. That fact never stopped them in the past, looking at the present board members and how they do business it's definitely not going to change a habit of a life time. The term local assistant job is a non entity, made up nonsense. European sides have no problem in seeing off Scottish sides and they know nothing of Scottish football, every year!!. Along with the DOF it will end up as jobs for the boys when the only person that really matters is the manager and how well he does his job, just look at Hearts and the chaos surrounding their DOF and the manager at the weekend, nuff said.
  14. The fact he quit his job at Clyde tells me he is the local coach regardless of all the shite going on about McLeish.
  15. Don't think he will, at the presser before the Hamilton game he mentioned their place in the league, scoring rate and goals conceded, in other words telling everybody we should beat them. He seems a manager that knows what his side is capable of and won't except excuses.
  16. If Waghorn had taken most of his good chances at goal this season he would be easily on the road to 30 goals by now!!. Griffiths as an example is quite simply a second rate striker who couldn't make it in the English championship yet scored 40 goals last season, whether we achieve it or not it's an indication of a title winning side. Its not so much ultra high scoring but scoring important goals and putting them away when he should and he hasn't been doing that. 4 weeks ago this forum was calling for every players head, now it's aw give them a second chance or even praising them to the high heavens. It will be interesting to see what changes the new manager makes, at the moment he has hobson's choice, come summer may be different.
  17. Leigh Griffiths managed 40 goals in a lack lustre scum team, a second rate Wolves striker, same as Miller. But go ahead with your head in the sand, we need high scoring dynamic strikers not just for playing in Scotland but Europe, just like you, most Rangers fans have become lost in this "we have no money excuse" as if it somehow lets us off in excepting second rate strikers. Garner looked out of place on Saturday and likewise Dodoo when he came on, made no difference to the performance, it's early days, maybe the new manager can get the best out of them, time will tell, but on this seasons performances all the strikers have been below par and ultimately can only be tested against top opposition, granted that will be in old firm, crunch games and European games and the final decision on what strikers will come from the manager and not from forum posters and the manager has to make the correct call.
  18. Why keep an average player when he will only keep a good striker from being in the team and that goes for every player at Rangers. We beat a shit team yesterday and we play shit teams just about every week, our future strikers need to be averaging 40 goals a season and the midfield contributing a lot more than they have been, at times Waghorn is too slow to react and clumsy with it and that's playing in Scottish football!!. We will probably be playing in Europe next year, we need to move on and get suitable strikers.
  19. Waghorn hasn't got the finishing that's required, also his touch is too heavy with bad control under pressure, perfect example was when he was elbowed in the face due to not controlling the ball.
  20. Never defeated always cheated, Dembele got away with blatant simulation in the second half, Karma's a bitch.
  21. Mourinho cant have it both ways, TV gives EPL teams mega money, Pogba..90 million?. Personally I think it's too many games, but more importantly do the clubs think that way when they can afford a stronger and bigger squad.
  22. That's what I thought, a bit slow like most of the Rangers players today, but obviously playing to a plan to stop the scum getting a rythim going.
  23. He must have been promised a decent amount, because he has to replace a lot of underachievers. Even if we had won the game today there are players who are just not good enough, time will tell.
  24. We should all just calm down, there is still badly needed improvements in the midfield and defence.
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