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Everything posted by KazzyTI

  1. I study not a kick in the arse off Birmingham and know a lot of Villa fans down there but I'll be looking to make a jaunt along to St Andrews and watch him. Rangers legend and I wish him all the very best at Birmingham.
  2. I saw the last Klitschko flight when I was in Corfu the other week, Wladimir iirc. Chagaev looked like he had been hit by a wrecking ball when the fight was stopped in the 9th and there was not a scratch on the big Ukrainian. With all the obnoxious self-hype Haye has given himself, I'd like to see both brothers knock seven shades of shit out of him.
  3. I won tickets to see them at the Birmingham NIA for last year's grand final, wasn't a great spectacle if I'm honest. I'm sure it'd be better at the Braehead though, more Bears to cheer them on.
  4. Speaking of Eric Bo Andersen, is it just me that thinks he had a fling while in Scotland and Steven Whittaker was his bastard love child? Just noticed it there watching that video.
  5. There's always the option of doing what Ferguson does at Man Utd and pay for a batch to be created and distributed amongst the fringe players of the squad?
  6. Glad I'm not the only one expressing this opinion.
  7. Epic LOL at some of the names that will be linked. Slaven Bilic, apparently he'd walk over broken glass to manage them. :roll:
  8. All because he was never accepted by the fans for not being Catholic. I actually feel a little bit sorry for the guy.
  9. Well, let's be totally honest. He's not gonna turn around and say he enjoyed the success at Celtic more, is he?
  10. Boruc to Loovens: "Look, my hand went that far in that I lost my fucking watch!"
  11. Completely agree. I thought his workrate was tremendous, did a power of running and, as mentioned, a goal and an assist. Superb.
  12. Seconded. I thought today we played with a style, verve and confidence previously absent in our game. It was a performance befitting a title-winning game.
  13. All the players and staff have talked down the influence of that Samaras quote but I'm certain every single one of them loved ramming those words right back down his greasy throat.
  14. Can't make it being 300 miles away; plenty of pictures please, bears and bearettes.
  15. Funny how they haven't bothered about this before this year....
  16. Judging by his actions in reprimanding McGregor and Ferguson, I'd expect Lafferty to be facing a fine at least. This brings the club into more disrepute in my opinion than sticking the V's up at some media wankers.
  17. How the FUCK did he score that? 4 defenders around him, not one worth their fucking salt.
  18. Let's reflect upon the fairness (or lack thereof) of the SFA/SPL Disciplinary Panel. Celtic's Glenn Loovens and Scott MacDonald make 2 despicable and cowardly decisions with the intent to injure Maurice Edu and Lee Wilkie respectively. The red cards are not issued during the game but a committee will look at these decisions retrospectively. No bans will come into effect until next season so both are free for their run in. Rangers' Madjid Bougherra is sent off for a 50/50 challenge with the Aberdeen goalkeeper. A yellow card at most but certainly not a red. Due to incidents earlier in the match resulting in an Aberdeen player being unfairly sent off, the referee feels obliged to compensate and does so. This red card, issued during the match, probably will be appealed but probably won't be overturned, leaving us light of a crucial player going into the game which could decide the destination of the title. Make your own judgements.
  19. I'll answer that if that's directed at me. I'd rather have confidence that our players can do the job 11 vs 11 rather than resort to dirty tricks to tilt the game in our favour. If Neil Lennon jumped off a bridge to get 3 points, should we do the same? Fuck that, we have a little thing called dignity. Leave the cheating shite to them, I'd rather win fair. i was aiming it at booth and crocker, rangers fans booing lafferty In which case....
  20. I'll answer that if that's directed at me. I'd rather have confidence that our players can do the job 11 vs 11 rather than resort to dirty tricks to tilt the game in our favour. If Neil Lennon jumped off a bridge to get 3 points, should we do the same? Fuck that, we have a little thing called dignity. Leave the cheating shite to them, I'd rather win fair.
  21. Mulgrew red card, what the hell happened between him and Lafferty? Only got a radio link.
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