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Everything posted by wbairds

  1. kris common as muck has sad the rangers players were singing THE CELTIC ARE SHITE i will only inspire us to win the league the petted lip brigade
  2. a,no pun intended, fortune to be second class again
  3. septic have spent years investing in ref and sfa inTIMadation private eyes following linesmen and refs 2 bit shyster lawyers exploiting every loophole under the sun.refs and sfa are terrified of them. dont even start me on the bbcatholic commentators whose voice rising to ecstasy ever time septic get past half way. the best one was rangers have prevented a septic treble excuse me they not even in the scottish cup final yet and as for the league , the last time i looked we were 2 points behind with a game in hand.they have still to come to IBROX their hardly certainties for that. sorry i posted this in wrong place earlier
  4. septic have spent years investing in ref and sfa inTIMadation private eyes following linesmen and refs 2 bit shyster lawyers exploiting every loophole under the sun.refs and sfa are terrified of them. dont even start me on the bbcatholic commentators whose voice rising to ecstasy ever time septic get past half way. the best one was rangers have prevented a septic treble excuse me they not even in the scottish cup final yet and as for the league , the last time i looked we were 2 points behind with a game in hand.they have still to come to IBROX their hardly certainties for that.
  5. i think its dundee finn harp they were called
  6. another legend hi jacked by the clatty mhob
  7. and wee pat the rhat had the cheek to say nikica tried to cheat
  8. class tells attack them at ibrox and well beat them again:crabflute: happy as a pig in shit:peanut:
  9. stephen hendry couldnt backspin a ball like that
  10. septic have worked hard to get to this point where refs are terrified to give anything against them sadly its worked
  11. they are releasing a statement now any fair minded person would say thats a penalty aye right
  12. job lot league cup winners 2011 t shirts only problem septic on them
  13. ill second that we are simply the best
  14. i think we all owe him an apology arise sir david no surrender
  15. and naismith was well clear of the imaginary defender who was getting back. i had a lot of respect for moyes till today once a chunt always a chunt
  16. 1 cup 1 winner rangers simples 27
  17. only wants to fight he couldnt today. wanker
  18. thats where to answer them on the park its called dignity
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