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Everything posted by Fiogh

  1. Who could have predicted such an outcome? Britney twisting the facts to suite an agenda, never thought I'd see the day...
  2. The tune didn't catch on - the reasons behind it did. I couldn't really give a monkeys what is sung at Ibrox, the more noise the better. Still doesn't get away from the fact that until this was printed as being sectarian no-one was interested. I think the reason why everyone is so keen on the hokey kokey is becuase of the utterly farcical story surrounding it. It encapuslates everything that is slowly turning this country into a joke and is the defenition of mopery. I mean honestly, to be offended by the hokey kokey, and have 48,000 bears singing it is an oppurtunity not to be missed. In short - hokey kokey will piss them off, your song would make them think we had learning difficulties.
  3. Oh aye I bet Boyd is dying to apologise and sit on the bench for a clueless manager in a qualifying campaign thats already over. Butcher and Burley are fools.
  4. There was a pretty much identical incident in the prem that ended in a penalty at the weekend. And I'd wager the refs there are slightly better than ours.
  5. Here here, if the guy want an idiotic drunk he wouldnt be in this siatuation. Though i agree boyd had to improve, why include a player in your squad and then not play him?
  6. true...should have posted under other board...sorry people I'm also interested to know
  7. What does this have to do with rangers? there is a general sports section for this chat.
  8. Doesn't seem like a very Roy Hodgson-esque signing TBO, usually likes players of some technical ability. yeah i thought he would be a certainty for stoke in january but it's what mcculloch has told relatives. said he only wanted to be here to say he has played for us and now he is bored of the standard up here and wants back down south. :lol: :lol: Indeed, must have been embarrasing for him ripping players apart every week with his superior skill and passing ability knowing he was a cut above...
  9. Hmmm this thread is very Madrid/Barca Orientated! Lets not forget the real players in La Liga, Mallorca, got a very creditable draw at home to Sevilla. Next game...Real Madrid at home
  10. Doesn't seem like a very Roy Hodgson-esque signing TBO, usually likes players of some technical ability.
  11. 442 had Mark Fotheringham as the 16th best youngster in world back in 2001... Messi was only about 90odd :lol: I remember that list well. Bojan Djordjic, Massimo Donati and Shaun Maloney all ranked higher than Ricky Kaka. haha I wont be reading that list then. Saying that its probably the list that WS goes by for his transfers I remember i found an old match annual in my room a couple of years ago, think it was the 1995 one. They had the 'future' england team in it with such superstars as Michael Branch and Francis Jeffers...
  12. Should that not be tantamount, mr journo :harhar: Don't be fooled into thinking Journo's are word perfect sir. Too many Coors by that point last night and only one mistake, I'd say that's good. I base all my journalistic standards on Chick young, so you are a veritable journalistic shakespeare in my eyes. Where is everyone getting these coors from, I was hunting asda for them last night but they didn't have any. F*cking Lancashire. Unlucky, getting 20 bottles for £7 just now. 4.5% and only 88 cals a bottle, perfect for me I think Coors may be too cultured for Wigan - Place seems to run on John Smiths. I look froward to your pro rangers articles in the future.
  13. Should that not be tantamount, mr journo :harhar: Don't be fooled into thinking Journo's are word perfect sir. Too many Coors by that point last night and only one mistake, I'd say that's good. I base all my journalistic standards on Chick young, so you are a veritable journalistic shakespeare in my eyes. Where is everyone getting these coors from, I was hunting asda for them last night but they didn't have any. F*cking Lancashire.
  14. He was commentating on a game from a nightclub? How unprofessional!
  15. Should that not be tantamount, mr journo :harhar:
  16. Yes, these past 3 seasons have been the best ever! Its a matter of principle as far as i'm concerned. The club heirarchy appear to have none. To be honest, if we had our own version of FC United i doubt i'd be back at Ibrox until the new club (FC Rangers) came in and booted the current mob out. spot on mate. Could you imagine 25-20k turning up at games belting out TBB etc in the west of scotland premier league would be mental!
  17. I will Fillet my own scrotom if we ever play in the Premiership. Who's the author TG?
  18. Hope your taking notes mate Off Idessane?! No thanks Quick question, is he a t*ig? He can't seem to hide his enjoyment when we concede or timothy scores.
  19. But then what would djw1992 do with his time? I know, lets have a poll and find out... (etc etc)
  20. I would have said his more impressive performances were in europe tbh. Can't really judge him in that villa side last night, it was woeful!
  21. Thought I was going off my tits when I saw that. The white one with the red stripes coming down from the top of the arms?? Thats the one
  22. He's just not a winger, which is where he'll be punted to. Still think Him up top with buffel behind would have been absolutely deadly.
  23. Anyone else see the guy in the 1992/3 gers away top behind Villas goal in the first half? Or am I going Loopy Also what the hell was Cuellar trying to do for Humburgs 2nd?!?
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