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Everything posted by Doughnut001

  1. Perhaps you could explain how disrupting the game supports the team? I mean really, what sort of a muppet prefers the game to be stopped so they can watch somebody clean up some bog roll instead?
  2. Just ban the idiots. We're better than that.
  3. If only Neil lennon had spent this morning working out what tactics to use instead of making this thread, the scum might be ahead of ICT in the league. Silly ginger twat.
  4. He is quietly getting on with things in the boardroom and apparently trying to sort out the mess we are in. Compared to Green's daily embarrassments, he is a godsend.
  5. I can't believe nobody has mentioned Le Guen yet. When Barry decided he was bigger than the club so he should be the guy running the club.
  6. Last year he played in a charity game where he got strechered off while being given oxygen by paramedics after a shoulder sharge with Teddy Sheringham. So he ain't quite the hard man he likes to say he is.
  7. Wasn't it a single bounce game? I.e not even up to the standard of being billed as a friendly and probably only seen by people walking their edogs in the park.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong but you can't copyright a public statement anyway. The whole purpose of the statement is for it to be in the public domain. It's the other stuff on the website that's copyrighted.
  9. There does seem to be an element of paranoia on here. I've had a few idiots suggest I must be a Celtic fan because I don't like Charles Green.
  10. His this story been confirmed yet? At the moment it looks like something green himself has leaked. I'd prefer to hear it from a trustworthy source.
  11. I have to admit I was really pleased when I heard Green was leaving the club. Sadly though it appears Green himself has released that statement so I'd have to be a complete mug to believe it without someone trustworthy backing it up.
  12. I really can't see the problem with betting on your own team. Betting against them is seriously stupid though
  13. He is clearly an accomplished centre mid, I've not seen him on the left so can't really comment.
  14. It seems pretty relevant to me. You made 3 points defending Charles Green and I pointed out the flaws in all 3. The way I see it Charles green's 'offer' to sell his shares was only made for one of two reasons: 1) He actually expects someone might take him up on it, but the only reason anyone in their right mind would take that deal is because they think he is damaging the club and they are willing to pay a premium to get rid of him. 2) He doesn't expect anyone to take him up on it and it was all just a publicity stunt, media whoring or an attempt to somehow ingratiate himself to a section of the fans. (again) Neither of options is good for the club. Do you have one that is? So you can slag me off all you like but so far you haven't managed to say a single thing that means there is anything wrong with any of my perfectly valid reasons to not like the guy or to want him gone.
  15. I suppose you're a fan of David Icke too? He's also a self styled messiah.
  16. 1) What possible reason would anyone have in accepting his offer unless they thought he was damaging the club and they wanted to save it? 2) He doesn't have a controlling interest anyway and even if he did a hostile takeover wouldn't cost double the book price for shares. 3) He can embarrass the club on an almost daily basis in the press, try to screw as much money from the club as possible and finally help his little paki friend sue us over a dodgy contract that he authorised ion the first place.
  17. He has publicly admitted dealing with Craig Whyte after publicly denying having any contact with him. Clearly he lied. As for the 500 million fans and £100m in digital revenue, if that were in any way true there wouldn't have been any financial trouble in the first place. I doubt there is a club on earth that makes that much in internet services. Finally, as for the claims he saved the club: 1) As I remember it his group was the only bid who would accept liquidation. The other bids wouldn't and that caused duff and phelps to class them as riskier. 2) There is no proof he invested a single penny in the club. 3) Anything positive he may have done for the club was done as an employee of the club. One who got paid a lot more than he was worth. 4) It was the fans IPO investment that ultimately saved the club, no single individual and certainly not that single individual.
  18. Perhaps you could explain a single thing I said that wasn't 100% true? Anything whatsoever. I won't hold my breath though...................................
  19. It doesn't sound to me like he is here to make sure we don't go into admin. In fact offering to sell his shares at double their actual value is tantamount to blackmail. Any investor who wants a controlling interest can get it much more cheaply. The only reason someone would pay double the share value would be if they thought it was the only way to save the club because green himself was causing too much damage in the meantime.
  20. He has caught Rangers-itis= lie He is in talks with English clubs and Man U want us in the EPL= lie He is arranging a deal with the dallas cowboys=lie He is arranging a deal with addidas and |Rangers will be the biggest team they sponsor this year = lie He had no dealings with Craig Whyte = lie Rangers have a potential 500 million worldwide support and can get £100m in digital TV revenues= lie Saved Rangers= lie
  21. I'd say yes. Right up until some idiot tries to make it all about Northern Ireland because they don't actually care about football in the slightest. At that poiint the anthem and those who despoil it should be banned.
  22. I agree with the statement entirely. The sooner green gets to fuck, the sooner Rangers can get back to concentrating on football matters.
  23. The 12 grand thing sounds like a PR stunt designed to once again get mugs to stand behind him and think he is out to help the club. How about some truth from him for once? Is he even capable of that?
  24. The club can easily counter any lies and propaganda, all they need to do is make the truth public. Given what has happened the last couple of years the fans deserve that at least.
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