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Everything posted by Bears

  1. If we have 3 upfront then play as a winger and an inside forward. If the balls wide on the left then the right sided attacker must come inside (and vice versa). His full back can cover the wing area for width. At the moment we spend too much time camped around 30 yards out in a semi circle. There must be more penetration with players to get the ball in the box without losing possession.
  2. If you have to wait a few weeks to get the 100th, make sure it's a good one. Done in style.
  3. Leighton: 'I got a touch on the ball!' Davie: 'Aye, on the way back out.'
  4. More of a North Sea league unless the Portuguese are invited...
  5. You're still presuming he (Halliday) did something wrong. What are you basing this on? Perhaps he did, I don't know. But what do you know that makes you so sure?
  6. Shall we just trust those present (and not just Barton's own defence) to sort out this mess, without going after Halliday, for all we really have is "hear say at the moment"?
  7. So you'll agree that Barton's account is only evidence of Barton's opinion?
  8. Tbh I wouldn't take Barton's version of emotive events to be a particularly objective account.
  9. Some bust ups have two or more guilty parties, some only one. Hey, some may be accidental and have no one needing censured. Here, we mere supporters have no evidence to decide and in this we need to trust the club and those in charge.
  10. If Joey is playing to his best, is he ensuring others are doing the same too? Superstar Joey and 10 unhappy teammates is not the answer. He wouldn't let Tav take free kicks where Tav is a specialist and Barton is not. I'd love it if he came back, sorted it out and became a wonderful servant of the club. I want that for all our players but is that realistic here? Not on the evidence so far.
  11. He can continue to train on his own with a (social) media blackout. He'll ask to terminate his contract within 10 days. Then do so with a clause of silence regarding the whole issue. Then any other that thinks they can use our club as a stepping stone will think twice.
  12. What will the AV owner be tweeting about this? Maybe an apology to MW? Or surely at least an acknowledgement! Won't hold my breath.
  13. All fans there should march and attend the game wearing plastic kiddies polis helmets. A few banners with 'Don't worry, we'll do your job for you'. A few pantomime horses too?
  14. Naw, yer right, Craig. That goal was a one-hit wonder.
  15. Please note the fifth word that you quoted. Or are you saying the only cause of a player having a poor spell is Joey Barton?
  16. Chicken or egg? Or vicious circle?
  17. This would explain McKay's continuing lack of confidence and perhaps why MW keeps playing him, to try to build him back up again. But it would beg the question of why Barton targeted Barrie. Easy target?
  18. Dear player, if this doesn't inspire you to greater things, please apply for a transfer on Monday morning at the manager's office. Thanks.
  19. I never saw his post but I agree with him totally. He clearly knows more about the details than I do! Thanks for the quote. The club needs to contact the SFA and inform them that this is the next step unless appropriate action is taken and also seen to be taken.
  20. Good statement. But what's the next step when it is ignored? UEFA? Health and Safety Executive?
  21. is that not fraser wishart? I'm not sure if he'd be on onboard with this.
  22. Is it not that UEFA will not allow it through the SFA but do they have power over a nation's courts? And yes, the players individually or as a group can certainly do this. But which players would do this, which would not be a good career move, being branded as a potential trouble maker for future employers? Or perhaps a club's holding company can take the SFA to court if the club cannot?
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