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Everything posted by FrozenTundras

  1. I sent a complaint through their website pointing out that this story had nothing to do with RFC, so why was it posted as lead story on the RFC page? No email confirmation of course, but at least they changed it. Sooner or later the penny will drop among the heid yins, and whoever's responsible will get their jotters.
  2. I'd rather risk being wrong rather than let this pish carry on. Some of our fans need to wise fucking up.
  3. It's a fake. Check Jackson's twatter timeline - there's no mention of Wallace at all.
  4. Nope. Not seen anything official anywhere. No pics of him arriving for training. No quotes from his twatter feed. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Are we taking players in on trial in secret now? Is it all just part of a scare story to justify the Wallace rumour?
  5. Green has not a chance in hell of getting anyone to buy out the current shareholders, especially at 20pps. And the £10M loan offer would be summarily laughed out of the boardroom and rightly so, given Green's voluntary involvement in Imran Ahmed's court case, and the fucktarded mess he made of our finances the last time he had any sort of control. The current board are still fire fighting those onerous contracts. Any one of us that wants Green involved again must be easily swayed by his false promises and bullshit.
  6. Let me read all the chapters then. This isnae Harry fuckin Potter!
  7. http://www.vanguardb...-agreement.html Enough of the tantalising - get the whole lot out there, pronto!
  8. The time is going to come (and sooner rather than later) where we will need representation on the various SFA/SPFL boards. Longmuir's knowledge of Scottish football and the way it runs, might prove valuable.
  9. Very good. been looking forward to this for some time. The payment page doesn't seem to register the payment though. . .
  10. He's one o' them, sure, but he's no' all bad.
  11. As long as you're happy to pay the £80 spot fine for littering. That's £80 for each instance, BTW. There's a reason leaflet drops from planes are kept to wars over enemy territory. . .
  12. Let's get this investigated officially first. Then they can have the benefit of the doubt. Until guilt is ascertained accordingly.
  13. To be still so reliant on Flash player in this day and age is unforgivable. It cuts out the whole iOS/Android spectrum straight away. FFS, HTML5 has been out for ages, and the native video player is fully supported on all formats and platforms. Jesus, even the streaming porn sites can get it right. Get it sorted RangersTV.
  14. Don't worry, they'll take the cash. You're registered on the system, which means the payment has been authorised. That's all that matters.
  15. You have access to the Rangers TV archives and latest news/interviews though? The games will be on that package - £5 per month:
  16. They can't show games that come under the jurisdiction of associations or competitions that already have broadcasting contracts, like the SPFL. As these are just friendlies, there's no restriction.
  17. Yes. The £5 a month Standard option will let you see these two pre-season friendlies, but the normal league season coverage is for overseas subscribers only. Edit: There's a lot more than just the two friendlies for your £5 a month too. Archive matches, interviews, latest news and features etc.
  18. Could just be training with us to keep fit while out of contract, same as lots of out of contract players have done in the recent past.
  19. No. He just turned 23 two weeks ago. Boyd is 30yo. Miller is 34yo. Why do people have to over-exaggerate?
  20. No, we had a Scottish player called Ralph Brand, and a South African player called Don Kitchenbrand.
  21. He was found in possession too. What if he'd said this to them in the street? Or shouted it through their letterbox? Jail time will educate him. If it's possible.
  22. Celtic fan Declan McCuish jailed for racist abuse of Rangers players A Celtic fan who posted racist comments online about two former Rangers players has been jailed for 12 months. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-27638800 BBC pulling no punches there. No doubt left. What's happening to them these days? A new editor or something? Oh, and the murder charge story a few posts up is from 2008.
  23. Tottenham?? Imagine him trying to tell Soldado, Adebayor and Vertonghen how to play their football!
  24. Where you getting this "don't see eye to eye" stuff from? Didn't you see the BT Sport interview after one of the away games a couple of months ago, where McCoist explicitly said he wanted Boyd to sign? Interviewer asks Ally, in front of Boyd - "So, are you going to be offering Kris a contract for next season?" "Hope so!" said McCoist, as he scampered away, leaving a grinning Kris Boyd behind. Searched YouTube and can't find the clip.
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