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Everything posted by Scottywellhousetb

  1. I've liked every post I could on this thread because I believe it sums up how I feel lately following Rangers, instead of destroying us as the bastards hoped they've created the reverse effect, as a support I feel we are more together now than at any point with prominent shows of defiance very much evident, selling out or as near as for next Sunday really is sickening to the cunts, I think next year this hibernating bear is about to roar back awake, WATP
  2. Can understand some of the negativity after today but for fuck sake we're heading into a couple of months where none of us thought was possible a year ago, my excitement is building by the day, and as the season closes we're chasing what could be after all that's happened one of our most memorable season's bring it right fuckin on
  3. Today has already been put to bed by me,absolutely buzzing for Tuesday night, as above i have sat the last four years watching mostly utter shite and then putting up with pelters from all corners, can't believe how much we've progressed over the season, at this stage of the season you always get crazy results as teams fight relegation and fight for playoffs leagues etc, for me it's very fitting we complete our journey at our home in front of our own and I for one cannot wait for Tuesday night to show them all that We Are The Fuckin People
  4. Sir if she calls me "father" her wee arse shall receive a size 9 boot ??
  5. Kind of know how you feel, off work on Tuesday so will be right on it and atmosphere should be great but realist in me wants it done tomorrow
  6. Right okay you got me can I have 4 tickets for the semi final please
  7. And I hope she finds said glory very soon
  8. After everything that has happened to us since 2012 my excitement for next season is unparalleled, as soon as the bastards did what they did I bought my second born daughter her first season ticket, (oldest wasn't interested and youngest isnt old enough )thinking realistically that she would last maybe 1 year before chucking it, how wrong was i, totally hooked, she's been to quite a few away games and I get the added bonus of spending time with her while watching the team I love, she's constantly asking me about next season and how much she's looking forward to her first game against the beggars, simply can't wait to get back in amongst the bastards that hate us and finally show my girl the Rangers I was brought up with and love
  9. Easy tiger I have a low post count because I only joined the forum in February, although looking at the ticket section I see where you're coming from, but I have not and will not ask for tickets on this forum, I simply come on for a laugh and to share info with fellow bears.
  10. I would travel back, become Jock Stein and call the authorities cos it's the right thing to do.
  11. I'll be quite safe there,they prefer 12 year old boys
  12. That's my question m8, kids can't go on there own so what happens if they come out the ballot and I don't, if you can't upgrade then I'll be dressed as a 12 year old girl and going to the game ☺☺
  13. If this is supposed to be in ticket section then feel free to get it to fuck, but this waiting for emails tomorrow is ripping my knitting to buggery, it's been on my mind since Monday and roll on tomorrow till I get put out my misery, wee question though, I have my own and two child season books, if kids numbers come out can these be upgraded to Adult?
  14. Jesus Christ almighty I have no further words for this bombscare of a post ??
  15. Received this email today as well, also sent one to my Mrs for renewal even though she has not been to a football match in her life and wouldn't know a football from a fucking cricket bat, our ticket office has some right tits working in it, even asked me last year if I was sure my daughter's name was spelt the way I had said it !!!!!!!!
  16. Arrive on supporters bus, go to pub, arrive half pished at my seat 5 mins before kick off then ask everyone around me what the team is, then hold in a piss until half time so I'm not annoying every cunt around me by getting up and down, ask everyone In second half what team is again, then hold another piss till full time, then go home ??
  17. Seems fair enough, if i get one for me and the daughter then great but to be honest I always thought I'd need to turn to mates for a ticket but arse will be well and truly twitching till Thursday
  18. Cant be arsed with international football, as far as I am concerned if its no Rangers then who gives a fuck.
  19. Immaturity for me, possibly, denial? no m8, I can be our harshest critic when I think its warranted, for me its simply as you put it in original post, I just cant bear watching us lose, although I do take your point about seeing where things have went wrong.
  20. I am exactly the same, I just cant do it, the result is depressing enough without putting myself through a re-run of it, I hate Rangers getting beat by anyone, it ruins my week and puts me in a right cunt of a mood.
  21. That's him how could I forget his name with that coupon
  22. I believe that tackle made on him from that insignificant little bastard from Livingston whose name escapes me was the beginning of the end for him at Rangers, I was at Queen of the South when he beat another little insignificant bastard without even touching the ball, I pay my money to watch Rangers and be entertained, something I am afraid appears to be illegal in Scottish football, good luck to young man hope it all works out for you.
  23. Constant repeated questions about Scotland and every time big Lee just brought the conversation right back to Rangers and how much he loves playing for the club, sir I salute you because if that had been me I think I might have just ripped the mike out it's stand and threw it at them, the press in this country really are a shower of lazy no good talentless cunts.
  24. Being born in 1976 I was both honoured and privileged to have been able to see the great man play in the flesh in a blue jersey, an absolute hero to me and my brothers growing up, wasn't at game v sheep whe he scored that free kick but will always remember my auld man sitting down with his dinner just as it went in and said dinner going flying through the air onto the floor and my ma going tonto with him ??
  25. Haven't always been his biggest fan but can't argue with his recent form, good luck to him he's worked like fuck and deserves another year
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