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Everything posted by Rangersfansmediawatch

  1. It is true,He was playing golf in Florida while the rest of us were paying our respects to our lost brothers and sisters.
  2. Don't wish to sound arrogant here,But i reckon my own group has done more being pro-active against the media and complaining to the club in regards to the bloggers who make it their point every day to make libelous accusations against the club and supporters. We're not as such a fans group but we'll act on anything we see that's wrong,misleading or tries to damage the image of our club or our fans. I'm still waiting to see what Club1872 intends to say about these same bloggers who spread incessantly nothing but damaging nonsense about the club,The club are aware of who these people are,Have been sent screengrabs and i've spoken to them on the phone,I'd like to know why Club1872 haven't uttered a word about these people despite the amount of anger from Rangers fans as to how they constantly get away with it and the club ignores it. Then again perhaps Club1872 have revived the famous "Dignified silence" approach. It absolutely angers me what certain individuals get away with,Yet say something against one of the board and they come out all guns blazing.
  3. I'm willing to give them a chance,But if they fail to listen to the concerns of the very people they claim to represent than there is no point in a fans group. Had a look on FF and absolutely nothing questioning why some of our directors were absent, Not really surprising.
  4. I remember King stating that if we won the championship then that team would have to be the one that challenges for the top title as we couldn't afford to build two different teams,It's very much looking like we have weaknesses all over the pitch from back to front and players well past their best. If we keep adding to our squad then our wage bill will keep going up, So it's important that players that have no future or will not improve the team need to be offloaded and moved on to another club,Difficulty in that is that they would need to be paid off, We can't afford to have players just sitting on the bench happy to take a wage. Our midfield is probably the weakest part of the team and far to lightweight,We could do with two quality defenders,Two good midfield players and a better quality striker. When your at a club like Rangers there is no time to get to know this or that but you have to hit the ground running and are expected to bust a gut in every game,The fans expect no less.. The players have to realise just how big a job it is and you have to sweat blood and give 100% in every match.
  5. I'd like to see them asking why some of our directors were absent on Saturday,Especially Gilligan after his bluster of bringing them on and then pissing off to play golf.
  6. More importantly he was already on a booking and should have been given a second yellow for simulation and sent off. How the referee failed to book him is astonishing and McGlennon will totally ignore it,He went down to gain an advantage as Miller had the ball and Brown was trying to con the referee.
  7. Brown diving and no punishment https://mobile.twitter.com/steveng1873/status/815643673547382784
  8. Garner done less than that against a St Johnstone player and was accused of punching him in the face. Nobody is grasping at straws, Take Hill out of the picture and would Dembele throw his arm back in the same way. There was also nothing said about his blatant dive in the box in the second half when he lost the ball and it went out of play,Funny thing is that twice this season he has dived in the box and both at the end his own fans are at,His other dive to try to win a penalty at Tynecastle also went unpunished and was laughably funny the way he threw himself on the ground and then claimed for a penalty. He might be a decent player but he's also a cheating bastard.
  9. We won't win the Scottish cup and we won't beat the unwashed this season, Getting finance into the club is the number one priority,Finishing second and European football will give us added income and the only negative from that would be games changed to the Sunday because we would be playing Thursday. We need at least 5 much better quality players to at least compete for next season,But the much better quality required will cost a lot more than we have spent so far. Our fans won't put up with season after season of playing second fiddle and signing players who don't improve us or fans will start to vote with their feet or not renew season books which will not help our finances, I'm old enough to remember crowds of 8,000 at Ibrox for games when the unwashed were totally dominant and it wasn't nice. I'd like to think 2017 will be a turning point both on and off the field but given they have been in charge for 18 months i don't hold out much hope for that as we seem to be living to a hand to mouth existence at present.
  10. Think most of our support would have been happy doing what they did with the time wasting as we were totally written off and constantly told they are miles in front of everyone and a team where every player is worth £20m,A striker who's now worth £40m and a world class manager and don't forget the trillions in the bank. I take the time wasting as a back handed compliment to Rangers,Of course when you have a superstar worth £40m wasting time making no effort to pass the ball and run down the clock,It makes it all the more laughable. To counter it back will require at least 5 much better quality players.
  11. With the greatest of respect to the little boy,I'm pretty sure they will have plenty of little kids who support them who are disabled,Why are they not given the same special treatment this little boy receives from them. The time wasting from them was quite pathetic given how we're told how superior they are to everyone,If Rangers had done the same the headlines would have been about how desperate we were to hang on. The way they acted at the end was embarrassing and akin to what a team would do on winning a cup final.
  12. Was quite surprised by the unwashed given how we all hear how they play attacking football till the last whistle. Last 5mins they didn't even put a player in our box and tried to run down the clock by keeping the ball in the corner to waste time,Seems to me they had some doubt in their minds and obviously the way they ran about the pitch at the end says more about them than us. Why also were they allowed to go right upto their own supporters when our own players at the san giro are not even allowed to go near our fans and are always pushed back by cops and stewards. Why also was that little boy allowed onto the pitch at the end.
  13. He's a member of the public just the same as you and me when sitting in an NHS hospital.
  14. The vast majority of the unwashed team today were the same team we knocked out of the Scottish cup They have a new manager and signed Sinclair and Dembele,I don't see how people think we have to spend anything between £15m/£25m to catch them and challenge them when they bought two players for £5m. They got absolutely lucky in signing Dembele bringing him to a poorer league where he would stand out and score goals against much poorer players,Helped also by every opportunity by the celtc media to give him tons of exposure ensuring his profile is raised and others made aware. Why did no one else from any English teams buy Dembele if he was so good. He's a decent player that looks a lot better than he is simply because he plays every week against much inferior opposition.
  15. Yip it's a complete wind up. Guy went out and bought a Rangers strip,Got Garner printed on the back,Bought a pair of flip flops and his mate bought a Rangers jacket and The guy wearing the Rangers top even managed to remember the black armband.
  16. I would say we have to be more direct,Hit the byeline and throw loads of crosses into the box,I've never understood the playing players out of position thing,You should always play your players in their strongest positions and play to their strengths. Never understood why we paid nearly £2m for a player,Only to make him play a totally different way which is alien to his style as a striker and at times use him as a target man to knock balls down. I reckon if we mixed it up during games,Passing from the back,Hitting long balls,Throwing loads of crosses into the box,Then it makes it much harder for teams to adapt to the way we play as they won't know what we are doing from one minute to the next. You pass out from the back,Teams will simply just close you down and force you to hit it long to no one,Play the passing game and they will just man mark you and close down any space.. Mix it up and it confuses teams because our style changes throughout the game and very difficult to adjust.
  17. Most of the time he's outside the box or challenging for headers to knock down. Go watch the games and goals he scored when playing for Preston and tell me he's playing in the same position for Rangers. He hardly get's any service and more often than not out of position because he goes looking for the ball which means there is no one there when any balls come into the box when he wanders off,Good strikers are dependent on the quality of service they receive,Garner get's none due to the way we play,At Preston he got loads of service into the box. I still have faith in him.
  18. It's the closest hospital to Ibrox,It's an NHS hospital where most people go if suffering any injury or feel ill,People asking why he isn't in a private hospital or taken to Ross Hall... None of those have an A&E department which would be his first port of call for treatment,Any further treatment would be done privately. When he sits in an NHS hospital he isn't a footballer,He's simply classed as a member of the public and needs to wait like everyone else does. My only concern would be who he is and should have been taken into a side room to nullify any chance of someone coming in and starting their shite with him.
  19. Big man done well today,But that's what he's paid to do.
  20. He does score goals if he's played in his proper position and even if he played in his proper position,Where does the service come from as more often than not we tend to try and walk the ball into the box. Hately and McCoist at one point were also getting the same abuse as Garner gets as none of them could hit a barn door with a shovel and both were played in their proper positions. The rest they say is history. Not happening for him at the moment,But he gives 100% and hopefully his fortunes will change.
  21. Does anyone know if we have ever held a silence on new years eve ? Is this the first time it has happened. I've also seen a lot of the unwashed claiming they will clap through the silence,The club has been quite specific on stating it will be a minutes silence,The only way they would clap is to cover the sound of the scum trying to disrespect it and cover their arse by claiming they respected it by clapping which the media will no doubt see nothing wrong with it as this is what they do at their own ground in similar cases,Totally ignoring the rerquest for silence from Rangers, I absolutely hate the bastards.
  22. That was a different game,They disrupted another game at Ibrox and our own supporters reacted by throwing abuse back at them during the silence more through anger than anything which was the wrong thing to do,The media reported that it was both sets of supporters and a get out of jail card for them. Simple thing to do is regardless what they attempt is to stay dignified and focused within our own support and not get drawn into it,Ignore anything they do and after the silence let them have it and ramp up the abuse to them in reply and let them know how much of a scum support they really are. As much as anyone would be angered by it,Don't play into their hands by taking the bait and responding. Hopefully nothing will happen and the silence will pass with total respect without incident. If once again they do disrespect the silence,Then we should call for a total ban on them from Ibrox and refuse to give them any allocation of tickets. They will no doubt also be looking for payback for their toilets and fully expect our toilets to be trashed,dozens of seats to be smashed along with the vile graffiti. A strange thought came to me about them sneaking nuts and bolts in and taking pictures of them and then claiming they fell from the roof,Absolutely nothing would surprise me about the levels they would stoop to. For supporters that claim Ibrox is unsafe they were falling over themselves to purchase tickets for the game,The £400k from them will be well spent and could contribute to paying for a new player in January..Thanks Dhimmy.
  23. That's what they did at Falkirk a few years ago and was a disgrace. I would reduce their allocation because if we play the percentages game they get 7,500 for a 51k stadium and we get 7,500 for a 60k stadium. They get a full stand then we should also receive a full stand at their dump.
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