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Everything posted by Rangersfansmediawatch

  1. Not really getting why we are having this on new years eve,It is normally held on the first home game of the new year. Then again our next home game isn't until the 4th of February so more than likely the reason why. I also hope if there is any disruption our own supporters won't react and stay silent until the minutes silence is over,Then give them total abuse. It isn't a difficult thing to remain silent for 60secs no matter how much you hate Rangers, It's nothing to do with hatred it's all to do like most normal people having the decency to respect those who lost their lifes.. Then again they aren't normal people at the best of times.
  2. Mark my words for tomorrow. Steven McLean will make some bizarre decisions tomorrow,He'll book more Rangers players than the unwashed ones and good possibility to make it up to the unwashed will award the dubious penalty,Don't be surprised if we also have a player sent off.
  3. Could you point out where the ball is in the second gif ? The high boot is a yellow for dangerous play and he should have received a second yellow card for grabbing Halliday from behind and as he goes to ground he has two swipes at Halliday with his boot.
  4. When did we draw with Partick thistle ? We've played them twice and won twice.
  5. Yet another knee jerk reaction. Ok i'll play along. Who do you think we should bring in to replace them ?
  6. Waghorn's biggest problem is his fixation on moving the ball onto his left foot before shooting,He should have the ability to use his right foot in situations where it only requires a side foot shot on goal,He totally lacks confidence with his right foot when required and could easily improve his game.
  7. Given you replied with your childish abuse,It says i've already won the arguement and says more about your intelligence than it does mine. Unlike you i'm a realist not a dreamer. Bookmark my post and i'll look forward to your apology on Saturday.
  8. Game could go anyway,They could miss a barrowload of chances,Hit the woodwork 6 times and have 4 cleared off the line and in the last second of the match we could score from our only shot on goal. But in reality they are far stronger than us and have better players front,middle and back and will be pretty dangerous going forward,Set pieces will also be a problem as they have players who could cause us damage. Our midfield pairing of Holt and Halliday are far to lightweight against the unwashed. I reckon we will get turned over and lose 3-0 or 3-1 To many people also seem to be looking at how many points in front of Rangers they are.. Forget how many infront they are, Winning the league was never an option this season,Most important thing is getting into Europe and getting some cash into the club.
  9. Good first 20mins,some real good passing and movement and had them pinned in their own half and looked like being a good 3pts... Then they scored and everything went out the window. At times you would think there was two different Rangers teams,The good one and the bad one and more often than not this season the bad one always makes an appearance at away games. Our midfield is powderpuff and will be run ragged by the unwashed,Both Holt and Halliday are to easily pushed off the ball and at times Halliday is like playing with a man down. What concerns me also is Hill was obviously struggling with an injury and gave the thumbs up to play on,Given we have Wallace touch and go and been told he is about 50/50 to play against the unwashed,Why take the chance of losing another defender in Hill when he should have been replaced straight away rather than let him continue. Based on tonight,It will take a performance of epic proportions to beat the unwashed,Sadly i can't see that happening and would take a draw right now.
  10. Shooting is a skill that some are good at and others are just woeful,Shooting practice is pointless as your under no pressure from defenders,On a pitch against 11 players you don't get anytime to think and have the blink of an eye at times to hit the ball first time. In hindsight it's easy for people to sit and be critical and how we all would have buried those chances pro players miss,But for the same pro players some of the shots which fly miles past the target is embarrassing for guys that are paid thousands a week.
  11. They scored in the 28th minute we still had over an hour to win the game,You can't just point to his error that cost us the goal,There was ample chances to win the game but for woeful finishing.
  12. Yes mate they did... A shitey wee corner of their stadium well out of the way,While our board were allowing them early access to fill a full stand with their tat and in full view of the cameras. Pisses me off no end they get a full stand and our own supporters are shoved into no more than a corner at their ground,Same amount of tickets for both grounds yet they have a bigger capacity. They get one full stand at our ground,Then we should get one full stand at theirs.
  13. That's exactly my point,Why use the fat virgin to pass the message on when they could have just issued similar and at least got a bit of respect for doing so. Instead the fat virgin leads people to believe the board have spoken to him on his hotline and he's passing the message on..Rubbish. Loads of people seem to think the fat virgin's word is gospel,The same loads of people are deluded. We should start a just giving page and collect some money and get him his hole,Nearly 40 years of wanking into combat comics must be taking it's toll on him.
  14. The fat virgin posted it on FF. More to the point if he's claiming it's from someone on the board,Then it proves beyond doubt the board don't have one set of balls between them. I reckon it's the fat virgin's own words and pretending it came from the club to try and get people off their backs over this and the fat virgin has simply made this up. I'll believe it when i see an official statement,Not from the word of a known board arsehole licker.
  15. You can except one or two players in a team losing a bit of form,But when most of the players are off form it's quite unexceptable, Hill and Wes the only ones for me today who got pass marks. Loads of people given the time of year and really bad weather could easily have given today's game a miss,Instead they all put in the effort and their hard earned cash and went to get behind their team.. The least the players could have done is give them a decent performance. Much better performance required midweek against St Johnstone away and a game i think will be pretty tough the way St Johnstone set up and play,Hopefully 3pts to set us up nicely for the final game of the year.
  16. When will they be showing the matches in HD ? They said months ago they would be showing them and so far it's still poor quality SD. If teams from Argentina can stream games live in near HD quality on youtube,Then why can't a club the size of Rangers do the same.
  17. Never understood the booing thing,You're there to get behind the team win.lose or draw and booing does nothing for players confidence.
  18. The odd thing about this proposal is that if you really know the area,Some of the streets with restrictions you are lucky if there are two cars on them on any day of the week,Most of Broomloan road,Whitefield road.Woodville street and nearly all of Edmiston drive are more or less empty at weekends,So don't see why there are restrictions on some of these streets. It's pure and simply a money making ploy from the council. What also happens with all the fast food vans that are parked on matchday's in the same restricted areas,Why not the same restrictions in the Mosspark/Bellahouston area when the council allow big concerts and given the problems the local people have. It's also odd that they say residents will be given free permits,But those in the area within the G51 group with even worse problems with parking on a daily basis due to the new hospital have been offered reduced permits at a cost of £15.. Glasgow corrupt council never ceases to amaze me.
  19. Perfect example is the G51 group who had over 4,000 rejections to the councils proposals over parking in the area in and around the new hospital and still ignoring people.
  20. Just to add,Can someone post this info on other Rangers forums as it doesn't just affect those supporters on here.
  21. Even if someone lived 3miles from the stadium that person could suffer medical problems or take someone who is disabled who struggle to walk or could have a couple of young kids,The point isn't why someone can't just get up and walk 3 miles there and 3 miles back,The most important point is this will affect thousands of people whether they are 3 miles or 500 miles from the stadium.
  22. It is designed to reduce congestion but at the same time it gives a nice income for the council,Perhaps we should suggest to the council that if it is indeed not a money making exercise then perhaps all money they take from parking tickets and the lifting of cars should be donated to charity.
  23. Just to clarify this also is in place around the Hampden area just now and there are proposals for similar for the mankies. Rather than the local people wanting these proposals put through,Perhaps the council should also be looking at ways to help those who will be affected by this which will be a huge number,They should be laying on extra bus services or more frequent underground trains, How also will this affect local businesses which will no doubt also suffer,Perhaps they should be looking at a priority bus lane straight to Ibrox for entering and exiting Ibrox or indeed buying up local wasteground and allowing people to park their cars. There seems so far that there is not a lot of thought about the thousands of people who will be totally inconvenienced by these proposals and absolutely nothing put forward to deal with those who won't be able to park. There is a meeting in Ibrox library on 19th January between 2pm-8pm and perhaps a good idea is if the supporters groups get involved in this as this will also affect supporters buses parking in the areas contained within the map above and will mean buses will have to drop off and then drive away to find somewhere else to park which could be miles away. The supporters groups,Club1872 and the club and fans need to get involved with this as it will be supporters who will be targeted financially by the council. I'll also keep an eye out for when the proposals get put up in the Evening times as this is when the supporters can reject these plans giving valid reasons for why they shouldn't be passed. In all honesty if 10,000 people rejected it the council will still railroad it through.
  24. There is no doubt this will be passed by the council and local residents,It is in regards to parking in not just the surrounding streets but quite a large area including Dumbreck road,Clifford street,Brand street,Govan road and numerous other streets. You can find a map of the areas affected here. https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=36288&p=0 Apparently the proposal is to give local residents permits and visitors would have to pay a one off cost of £10. These new proposals should they pass are due to come in in August 2017 subject to consultation process. So unless you are a resident,Have a visitors permit or disabled badge, Anyone parking their car in the above areas stand a good chance of their cars being lifted or ticketed.. Just to reiterate this is still at the proposal stage,But many of the local residents want it to come into affect and the council won't have any problems passing it for nothing more than the usual financial reasons of filling their pockets at the motorists cost. This will cause absolute bedlam for parking in the areas on the map above and will be a huge inconvenience to supporters with no choice but to park miles away from the stadium with perhaps young children in tow. Proposals here https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=20479 And here in PDF https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=36287&p=0
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