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Everything posted by BearInTheToon

  1. There’s no way SG is going to play Morelos on the right. We’d lose way too much of his play/what he does for the team and he’d almost certainly lose confidence. It’s just not his game/position and he can’t be shoehorned into it. It’d be utter madness.
  2. The drop ball, trying to smash the ball in Lego's coupon and stretching his arms out (ala Lego to Diouf) just sky rocketed my man-love for Arfield even more. Make no bones about, Arfield absolutely intimated the shit out of Brown, both in terms of the aforementioned instances and in terms of his play, in how he completely dominated him. You could literally see on Brown's face how totally rattled he was - he had nae comeback. Which is all pretty ironic as I met/sat and had a beer with Arfield 3 years ago down in Holmfirth when I got him and his mate comp tickets for a gig I was playing on. And he's genuinely the nicest guy you could ever meet. Which really is like getting the old Rangers back when we can say we've got absolute warriors who can balance having a bit of swagger while being humble, respectful guys off the pitch too. Unlike the other lot...
  3. Dorans is done mate. And there’s no way Murphy will come back as good a player after his ACL injury. That injury, for a winger, is a game-changer. But definitely missing the other two.
  4. Absolutely, and there’s no doubt SG will have said to them to take care/be wary of quick turns as the risk of injury is huge. It literally is a different ball game on those surfaces.
  5. These two interviews with Peat just leave more questions than answers. I’m still waiting on a competent journalist asking him why, after he’s said ‘he saw no problem with extending the season to help Rangers’, that never happened. Why did it not happen, when everyone inside and outside football knew it was plain wrong to ask so much of one club to play so many games in such a short period of time? Maybe he was influenced after all... It was and is an utter shambles.
  6. In the last 25 years+ of watching football, I honestly can’t remember a time like the past two seasons in which we’ve had so many outrageous decisions go against us. This season has been a joke already on that front and it’s barely started. I don’t buy into conspiracy theories, but it definitely feels like we’ve become a soft target for refs, without the fear of a WS and Advocaat to rip them a new one. It’s not helped either by the quality of our team having dropped compared to years ago, meaning these shocking decisions are having a greater, more negative effect. Frightening just how bad the refs have become though.
  7. To be fair, I think it's definitely a feature of virtually all of our games so far this season, which the likes of EL qualification or a 4-0 skelping today shouldn't disguise. That is we're giving the ball away way too often, too easily in every game and putting ourselves under needless pressure. Really glad to hear SG not paper over that fact because keeping better possession really needs to become a must, and fast. It's what made us fall into Motherwell's hands and drop points, not lay much of a glove on the scum and has been a big feature in Euro away games to some extent too. Nail that, and we'll be a serious team to come up against.
  8. Think big Coulibaly’s going to be a cracking player for us as his engine and presence are great in midfield. But, the one area I think he’s not been great in so far is keeping possession and using it wisely, which on Sunday could be brutal/suicidal of it happens too often.
  9. Absolutely - throw in the fact we've had to play the vast majority of two games with only 10 men, and I'm not surprised we're seeing these issues.
  10. I think it will/has had a detrimental effect on our performances as, for me, the past couple of performances have definitely seen us look a little more jaded, as though we've lost a little bit of spark. I think under Gerrard, that will return really soon and yesterday's performance and result will act as a shot in the arm/kick up the arse to the squad. But even if it is detrimental, I think being in Europe is crucial to what we're trying to achieve longer term. It's so important the Rangers name is back out there and circulating around Europe and qualification to the group stages, allied to Gerrard's standing in the game, should make us even more attractive for recruiting better players. Quite simply, better players want to be playing in the main/latter stages of Europe and competing for league championships. And in turn, we need better players to succeed in those objectives.
  11. This 100%. Fucking usual scattergun, impulsive shite from people looking to attribute blame left, right and centre. I doubt they were moaning when McGregor saved us against Maribor etc.
  12. I’d love for Gerrard in his pre-Motherwell press conference to talk about the role, responsibility and standards expected of a real captain and a real role model. Ultimate put down / ‘there’s yer dinner’ to their captain. I have a feeling he will too.
  13. If the SFA were genuinely looking to uphold the standards and integrity of the game here, then they’d be charging him with bringing the game into disrepute and handing out an immediate muliti-game ban.
  14. Every cloud mate. Great shout - let’s hope so!
  15. I said on here the other day that the only thing that face me the fear today was that fucking pitch giving one of our players a long term injury. I did my cruciate in Dunfermline’s plastic pitch 14 years ago so know exactly how brutal they are. They have absolutely no place in professional football in this country and we simply cannot continue to allow them.
  16. I’d disagree mate - I think we’re much more commonly referred to in the media/public as the Light Blues, though our fans obviously tend not to. Prob not been helped by many strips over the past 15-20 years being much lighter
  17. “A flailing arm”?? Aye, very good ‘Dermot’... Fuck right off! The PR machine has started for them already. In the Sun: EX-Premier League ref Dermot Gallagher reckons neither Scott Brown or Steven Naismith should receive retrospective punishments for incidents during celtic’s clash with Hearts. SunSport reported earlier this afternoon that Hoops skipper Brown could miss next month’s clash with Rangers. PA:PRESS ASSOCIATION 2 Steven Naismith and Scott Brown battle for the ball He is waiting to hear if he will face any disciplinary action for an alleged elbow on Naismith during Saturday’s match. While the Jambos star is also anxiously waiting to find out if he will be handed a ban for kicking out at celtic’s Jonny Hayes. The SFA compliance officer is looking at both incidents and will decide if any further action should be taken against the pair. But now Gallagher has gave his opinion on the clashes – and doesn’t think either player should be given a retrospective red card. 2 Naismith kicked out at Jonny Hayes On Brown’s alleged elbow, he told Sky Sports News: “Again, you always run the risk but it’s hardly an elbow. It’s a flailing arm. “His arm has come up and we have to be careful that we do go gung ho and start lashing yellow and red cards about.”
  18. Yep, the Sun are running with it too. About time that horrible bastard got pulled up for the outrageous pish he's been getting away with for years. If he finally gets reprimanded, the tide may well indeed be turning... https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/
  19. Not surprised but absolute useless bastard reporters right from the off. Very first question... “Borsa, can you tell us...” Not exactly a difficult name to mess up. Fucking disrespectful, incompetent idiots.
  20. It doesn't exist in people's posts on my feed mate. It only shows up when other people have liked something but then all I can do is click to see who has like the post - it doesn't actually let me like the comment myself. I use the latest version of Chrome, so don't know if that's anything to do with it, or if it's just because of a low post count.
  21. Yeah man, I'm always signed in when I bring the page up. It's a weird one but might (?) be related to having a low posts count...
  22. Happy to oblige and there's more where that came from mate - consider me your new co-writer.
  23. He's a lucky bastard then, it's a fucking magnificent thumb!
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