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Dennis Wise

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Would never happen.

http://www.football-rumours.co.uk/ = :bullshit - Copy:

Also has some bawbag posting the following

To all rangers fans in denial. There is a very real possibility of administration. They have been haemmorraging cash for years and now in the last week have lost 5 million a year from tv deals and sponsorship expect davis and bougherra to be sold to balance the books and keep the banks happy for a couple of weeks.

expect Celtic to sign janko (5 million) and fox from coventry (1.5Million) and win back the league although the same team from last season would have been good enough to win it this year

I'll stick to being in denial and he can stick to sniffing glue.

What a well-written, unbiased addition to the rumour. Gospel.

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Is there really any point in this sub forum? It's like RangersMedia's very own footballrumours.co.uk.

correct, fucking fantasy football and Football manager land here, the rules should change to "SOURCED" transfer links ONLY.

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+++++breaking news++++++

ive just eaten in a very posh indian restaurant in birmingham,and peter crouch was there,i over heard a coversation he had with the manager of the restaurant and his last words were ''ill be seeing you soon''. do i need to say anymore?aston villa. arsenal fan gavin from wolverhampton

The perfect example that transfer rumour sites including www.football-rumours.co.uk are a load of pish :D

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Is there really any point in this sub forum? It's like RangersMedia's very own footballrumours.co.uk.

correct, fucking fantasy football and Football manager land here, the rules should change to "SOURCED" transfer links ONLY.

would be pretty fucking empty if that was the case

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This is where it came from http://www.football-rumours.co.uk/

No RFC spend yet this pre season term because Sir David has been awaiting the crossing of the T's on appointment of General Manager Denis Wise. Thisa along with concurrent appointmnet of Tony Jiminez will see Gers tap into affordable European Market. Goughy also to be brought back to the club in ambassadorial role with similar places found for Scott Nisbett and other heroes of the 92 wunder season.


FFS any Rangers fan reading that and thinking its a credible rumour needs there fecking head checked you can see clearly from the spelling that its written by a bead rattler. i cant believe the OP thought it was credible enough to post. just a little bit of thought goes a long way

p.s not at you bbb you have posted the link to read so just posting my reply in connection with the "rumour"

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