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Starting at the bottom tier of English football


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I would hate moving to any new league, never mind the bottom tier of English football.

Imagine our players playing 2 games a week and 40+ games a season in the league!

Shocking! Professional, fit athletes running about a field for 180 minutes every week, how will they survive?

On the subject of the EPL2, i've heard some chairmans saying the only way they'd admit us and the mhanky mob to this new league is if they paid a significant bounty to be shared amongst the other clubs, we'd get that money back in no time.

And where is that money coming from???

your diluded mate.. do you honestly think we could challenge in the epl?? when we struggle with teams like kilmarnock!!

You seem to have this strange way of thinking that we're going to have the same cheap team when we do get to the epl.

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Movin 2 a lower tier euro style league wud be a bad move IMO. The tv channels wud just see it on par with the eurpoa league and they pay for the coverage accordingly. The epl wud still get the lions share of the pie and we wud still be moaning about not bein able 2 compete at the highest level. An EPL2 is the only way 2 go. This way we cud progress ova a few yrs and with sum luck into EPL1, then the real money wud come our way. I just hope the majority of the chairman down south vote 4 us joining them.

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It would never hppen. They would stick us in tier 2 if not tier one.

In the long run, s logn s you could put up with few sesons without europe, we would eventuly be on pr with the likes of Vill, Everton nd City, nd with our much bigger fnbse, nd glmour of the OF nd everything tht entils, we would be bought up by n rb nd strt competing for the CL spots.

nd with the likes of Liverpool, Mn U etc etc, coming up here on regulr bsis, nd the Scottish legue going to shit, our fnbse (llbiet mostly glory hunters) would only increse. I do cre bout Scottish footbll s whole, but lets fce it, its going to shit, nd us stying rounf will not stop it going to shit, so might swel jump ship whilst we cn.

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I would be all for it (tu)

As for kissing our European football goodbye, does it really matter now, we can't even fill our stadium anyways when they do come up :(

Away games in Europe are the highlights for a lot of bears who travel season after season.

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I would be all for it (tu)

As for kissing our European football goodbye, does it really matter now, we can't even fill our stadium anyways when they do come up :(

Yes, that is really worrying.

That was bound to happen when the mhedia and Rangers cracked down on what we could and couldn't sing. The atmosphere is dire and people either don't want to go because they'll sing and get strange looks or some people will go and treat it like a library.

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I would be all for it (tu)

As for kissing our European football goodbye, does it really matter now, we can't even fill our stadium anyways when they do come up :(

Yes, that is really worrying.

That was bound to happen when the mhedia and Rangers cracked down on what we could and couldn't sing

Sorry pal but I think that is ****. There is plenty Bears can sing and that is a poor excuse for the lack of ticket sales for a match like that.

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I would be all for it (tu)

As for kissing our European football goodbye, does it really matter now, we can't even fill our stadium anyways when they do come up :(

Yes, that is really worrying.

That was bound to happen when the mhedia and Rangers cracked down on what we could and couldn't sing

Sorry pal but I think that is ****. There is plenty Bears can sing and that is a poor excuse for the lack of ticket sales for a match like that.

It's not the only factor, I agree, people don't have the money they once did and the glory hunters are starting to stay away but the atmosphere is shite and it's not the same as it once was.

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We would get to more games in England than we would if we were playing in a European league of some sort... Im all for a move to England, it would be tough to leave Scotland behind but if it benefits rangers in the long run, im all for it, its a very big risk but one I reckon is worth it

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We would get to more games in England than we would if we were playing in a European league of some sort... Im all for a move to England, it would be tough to leave Scotland behind but if it benefits rangers in the long run, im all for it, its a very big risk but one I reckon is worth it

A bit pedantic but I wish people would not keep talking about 'moving to England'. We aren't going anywhere even if we do play in the BPL or the Football League. They aren't English leagues now and they will be even less so were Rangers and Celtic playing there. :)

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We would get to more games in England than we would if we were playing in a European league of some sort... Im all for a move to England, it would be tough to leave Scotland behind but if it benefits rangers in the long run, im all for it, its a very big risk but one I reckon is worth it

A bit pedantic but I wish people would not keep talking about 'moving to England'. We aren't going anywhere even if we do play in the BPL or the Football League. They aren't English leagues now and they will be even less so were Rangers and Celtic playing there. :)

Very pedantic and a bit pointless tbh, because im sure most will know what I meant by the comment :P

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We would get to more games in England than we would if we were playing in a European league of some sort... Im all for a move to England, it would be tough to leave Scotland behind but if it benefits rangers in the long run, im all for it, its a very big risk but one I reckon is worth it

A bit pedantic but I wish people would not keep talking about 'moving to England'. We aren't going anywhere even if we do play in the BPL or the Football League. They aren't English leagues now and they will be even less so were Rangers and Celtic playing there. :)

Very pedantic and a bit pointless tbh, because im sure most will know what I meant by the comment :P

Actually the fact that there is no English League, or ever has been, is pretty important. If Cardiff can play there...

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I would be all for it (tu)

As for kissing our European football goodbye, does it really matter now, we can't even fill our stadium anyways when they do come up :(

Away games in Europe are the highlights for a lot of bears who travel season after season.

We would get a bucket load of away games in the Premiership to satisfy the traveling away fans, plus the European nights would follow in years to come once we found our feet.

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I would be all for it (tu)

As for kissing our European football goodbye, does it really matter now, we can't even fill our stadium anyways when they do come up :(

Away games in Europe are the highlights for a lot of bears who travel season after season.

We would get a bucket load of away games in the Premiership to satisfy the traveling away fans, plus the European nights would follow in years to come once we found our feet.

The likes of Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool... then Villa, Everton, Tottenham are more than going to make up for the Euro games, every game would have an England V Scotland feel to it, the atmosphere at Ibrox would be rediscovered on a weekly basis and we could probably realise our dream of expanding the stadium capacity... Not to mention the old firm game would be re-enhanced by 2 fixtures a year Thats already the advantage we have over the teams in the EPL with 20k stadiums, an extra 30k fans with the potential for more. Of course its depedant on wether we go into the EPL or the EPL2 (the more realistic of the two) or even into League 2

Actually the fact that there is no English League, or ever has been, is pretty important. If Cardiff can play there...

Its still the English Premier League regardless

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We would get to more games in England than we would if we were playing in a European league of some sort... Im all for a move to England, it would be tough to leave Scotland behind but if it benefits rangers in the long run, im all for it, its a very big risk but one I reckon is worth it

A bit pedantic but I wish people would not keep talking about 'moving to England'. We aren't going anywhere even if we do play in the BPL or the Football League. They aren't English leagues now and they will be even less so were Rangers and Celtic playing there. :)

Very pedantic and a bit pointless tbh, because im sure most will know what I meant by the comment :P

Actually the fact that there is no English League, or ever has been, is pretty important. If Cardiff can play there...

That was bugging me for a while but it's because Wales signed up to the English FA when it was formed, whereas Scotland and Ireland decided to form their own separate football associations.

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if we moved to the epl i think we would finish most seasons mid to bottom of the table.no way would we break the top 4. if we started in the lowest division and had to work our way up i cant see us going up every season till we reached the premier league.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Topping bets on Old Firm SPL stay

New non-executive chairman of the Scottish Premier League Ralph Topping believes it is odds-on that the Old Firm will not leave Scottish football.

And that comes from a betting man as Topping will also continue in his role of chief executive at William Hill.

"In fact, as a bookmaker, we are quoting Rangers and Celtic remaining in the SPL until 2019," he said. "We are taking a very realistic view on that."

The Glasgow clubs say they want to move to England or a European league.

And Topping, a Hibernian fan from a Hearts-supporting family, takes over his new role at a time when the Old Firm have once more become vocal about their desire to leave Scottish football.

"The story about Rangers and Celtic leaving the SPL has been running for about eight years," he said.

"It hasn't happened yet, they keep knocking on the door I'm told, but it's a very difficult thing for them to achieve."

Topping had sympathy for the Old Firm's desire to chase the extra money they could earn from joining the Premier League in England or a league involving some of the bigger clubs in Europe's smaller nations.

"Rangers and Celtic are fantastic brands, they have fantastic management and that management wear two hats," he said.

"One is the commercial development of their club and one is the development of the SPL.

"In day-to-day terms, they manage their clubs well and make a significant contribution to the SPL and I'm happy with that.

"Every chief executive has the duty to look at developing the commercial environment of their club, so I can see what they are doing to satisfy shareholders.

"But there is a difference between having ambition and living in the real world. I prefer to live in the real world and I don't see it happening."

Some argue that an SPL without the Old Firm would be more competitive and create greater interest in the league.

However, Topping admits that marketing it without either of the Glasgow giants would be problematic.

"It would be very difficult," he said. "They are international brands, well-known, and it would make the job a little more difficult.

"They go back a long way, part of the fabric of Scottish life and we would like them to continue in the SPL.

"England, I'm sorry to say, does not seem to be showing any interest in it at all."

Topping, whose post with the SPL is unpaid, will ease himself into the job before he makes recommendations as to what improvements should be implemented, although he insists the current focus on youth should continue.

"After four days in the business, I am not going to presume that I know everything," he said.

"When I became chief executive of William Hill, I took my time.

"I took a good look at the business and gave my viewpoints and I will be prepared to do the same in three or four months' time.

"Early in the new year, I would be prepared to say where this business needs to go.

"I would like to see more youths coming in to Scottish football, although I think that direction of travel has been set anyway."


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Rangers and Celtic eye pastures new but is Atlantic League the answer?

The Old Firm may be serious about leaving the SPL, but if Ibrox isn't sold out against Sevilla what chance Brondby or Brugge?

Sasa Papac and Rangers didn't have a prayer at the end of the 4-1 home defeat to Sevilla. Would the Atlantic League offer them salvation? Photograph: Jason Cairnduff/Action Images

It is usually endemic of a period when nothing else is happening – or, say, Scotland's reserves are losing to Japan's reserves – that talk regarding the Old Firm departing Scottish league football raises its head again. This time, though, you could be forgiven for thinking there is actually something serious at the back of it. Suddenly, for whatever reason, this feels like a significant story.

Walter Smith, the Rangers manager, spoke in his strongest terms yet on Thursday about what he regards as the necessity of the Glasgow giants seeking a new playing environment. While many believe such a scenario would signal the death knell for the remainder of the Scottish game, Smith takes quite the opposite view, stressing it is "in danger of dying" if the Old Firm do not depart. It was harrowing stuff at Ibrox two days ago; maybe words such as those have more impact when they come from a manager rather than yet another boardroom blazer.

Smith, in short, believes only the Old Firm can drag Scottish football from its current malaise, by moving to another platform; one, moreover, to which other clubs can aspire. What would happen to Scotland if the biggest two clubs sauntered off into the sunset is an intriguing, if slightly impossible, debate. Hearts and Aberdeen may play in front of bumper crowds if they are competing for a "new" championship; but would television companies and sponsors meaningfully invest in Scotland minus Rangers and Celtic, by far the biggest attractions?

Upon his formal unveiling last month, Smith's new chairman, Alastair Johnston, spoke of a "wind of change" in European football. Johnston, a seriously well-connected figure through his senior role with the sports and entertainment company IMG, clearly senses media outlets will prompt a restructuring of football on this continent. If and when that happens, says Johnston: "It is my job to make sure that when there is a show, Rangers are there." Johnston's words have been virtually mirrored by Martin Bain, the Rangers chief executive. While also speaking of "winds of change", Bain claimed his club will not be in the Scottish Premier League within a decade.

While there is a stark contrast, publicly at least, between the Old Firm clubs with regards to where they want to go, it is apparent they are keener than ever to change their playing environment. Peter Lawwell, Celtic's chief executive, adopted the tactic of his former chairman Brian Quinn by using Radio 5 Live to remind those south of the border that the club is still going strong. While Lawwell has aspirations of a move to England, born from the belief that competition is in danger of stagnating there, those at Rangers – and Smith has now gone on record to say as much – regard a switch south as a no-go.

It would be simple to give the Old Firm a kicking for this, accuse them of rampant self-interest and portray them as the dark destroyers of the Scottish game. It would be similarly easy to enter into the latest debate regarding the standard of the SPL, whether or not it is caught in merely a cyclical or terminal decline.

But on one point, both Rangers and Celtic are undoubtedly right: the status quo, at their own clubs and virtually the rest of Scotland's top flight, does not attract sufficient investment for the league to be sustainable in the long term. Simmering discontent in Glasgow has been brought to a head by harsh financial realities, the same ones felt at Kilmarnock, Aberdeen and Motherwell.

The Old Firm collectively insist competing in a new set-up, with fresh media interest and competition, would at last make them attractive investment propositions. It should be remembered that Rangers are actively up for sale; dropping hints about moving to a European league may simply be a ploy to attract potential buyers.

Yet there would seem to be more to it than that. The level and force of discussions alone would lead onlookers to believe that the Ibrox club genuinely believe this "wind of change" does exist. At Celtic, those behind the scenes – including some who have a significant amount of money invested in the club – have privately spoken for some time about a move to pastures new. What has proved impossible is to determine the timeframe that may be involved in such an operation, or where exactly the Old Firm might end up.

Working on the basis that England is not an option, as would appear to be the case, the Atlantic League as touted this week is surely hardly viable either. Under this plan, Rangers and Celtic would spend Saturdays playing such teams as Brondby, AIK Stockholm and Club Brugge. The involvement of Dutch – and even Portuguese – teams would spice things up a little, but is this really an attractive proposition for supporters and, more pertinently, television companies?

It should be remembered that Rangers could not fill Ibrox for Sevilla's visit a fortnight ago, the club's first Champions League home match for two years. European matches in general this season have been played in front of rows of empty seats; it is debatable whether essentially a second-tier, weekly competition would be any different. It is no criticism of Old Firm supporters that they love nothing more than going head-to-head for a title with each other; could a match with Anderlecht to secure third place in the Atlantic League ever matter even half as much? Or what happens if, as is entirely possible, the Old Firm discover the Atlantic League is either too dull or easy for their liking? Where next?

Their ideal scenario would be to become part of a 32-strong European Super League. There may be questions over whether two Scottish clubs should gain entry into such a format but the outfits in question have a potential pull which should lead to them being a part of any such plan. It would, however, be the most complex one ever to be hatched in football, with Europe's big clubs having to cut through the political structures of their own national associations and Uefa. Those clubs, moreover, are doing quite well as things stand without pressing for urgent reconstruction.

The Old Firm have a perfectly legitimate argument for leaving Scotland behind, even if through obligation only to themselves. They are also pressing like never before for that to happen. Quite where they are to go, though, is no more obvious than it has ever been.


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