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Keevins - What's to be done

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Apologies if this has been covered - just dragged myself away from the Daily Rhebel in the Library!

Keevins says of Mark Walters and Paul Elliots time in Glasgow 'they had to endure bananas etc etc' He's fly enough to NOT mention Rangers Fans but the INFERENCE is CLEARLY there!

I know violence only plays into his hands but if Rangers continue to bury the head in the hands this guy will get his wish, because it really is just a matter of time before a Bear loses patience and attempts to get the message across in a way that would leave him in NO DOUBT over our ANGER at his Sleekit Tim ways!!! (willy)

Rangers FC - do something about this Religious Zealot/Bigot before anything happens to him and WE gain a lot of bad PR!!! :angry:

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Apologies if this has been covered - just dragged myself away from the Daily Rhebel in the Library!

Keevins says of Mark Walters and Paul Elliots time in Glasgow 'they had to endure bananas etc etc' He's fly enough to NOT mention Rangers Fans but the INFERENCE is CLEARLY there!

I know violence only plays into his hands but if Rangers continue to bury the head in the hands this guy will get his wish, because it really is just a matter of time before a Bear loses patience and attempts to get the message across in a way that would leave him in NO DOUBT over our ANGER at his Sleekit Tim ways!!! (willy)

Rangers FC - do something about this Religious Zealot/Bigot before anything happens to him and WE gain a lot of bad PR!!! :angry:

So where is the inference? He is telling the truth for once, both Walters and Elliot had to endure racist abuse when they played in Scotland. Keevins makes no mention of Rangers supporters racially abusing Elliot. Personally, I know it DID happen as I was at games when Elliot had to suffer the monkey-calls etc from our fans.

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Apologies if this has been covered - just dragged myself away from the Daily Rhebel in the Library!

Keevins says of Mark Walters and Paul Elliots time in Glasgow 'they had to endure bananas etc etc' He's fly enough to NOT mention Rangers Fans but the INFERENCE is CLEARLY there!

I know violence only plays into his hands but if Rangers continue to bury the head in the hands this guy will get his wish, because it really is just a matter of time before a Bear loses patience and attempts to get the message across in a way that would leave him in NO DOUBT over our ANGER at his Sleekit Tim ways!!! (willy)

Rangers FC - do something about this Religious Zealot/Bigot before anything happens to him and WE gain a lot of bad PR!!! :angry:

So where is the inference? He is telling the truth for once, both Walters and Elliot had to endure racist abuse when they played in Scotland. Keevins makes no mention of Rangers supporters racially abusing Elliot. Personally, I know it DID happen as I was at games when Elliot had to suffer the monkey-calls etc from our fans.

Mmmmmm !!

Interesting reply considering you are supposed to be one of us

Interesting to say the least ?????????????????????

Mmmmmm !! <_<

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Apologies if this has been covered - just dragged myself away from the Daily Rhebel in the Library!

Keevins says of Mark Walters and Paul Elliots time in Glasgow 'they had to endure bananas etc etc' He's fly enough to NOT mention Rangers Fans but the INFERENCE is CLEARLY there!

I know violence only plays into his hands but if Rangers continue to bury the head in the hands this guy will get his wish, because it really is just a matter of time before a Bear loses patience and attempts to get the message across in a way that would leave him in NO DOUBT over our ANGER at his Sleekit Tim ways!!! (willy)

Rangers FC - do something about this Religious Zealot/Bigot before anything happens to him and WE gain a lot of bad PR!!! :angry:

So where is the inference? He is telling the truth for once, both Walters and Elliot had to endure racist abuse when they played in Scotland. Keevins makes no mention of Rangers supporters racially abusing Elliot. Personally, I know it DID happen as I was at games when Elliot had to suffer the monkey-calls etc from our fans.

Mmmmmm !!

Interesting reply considering you are supposed to be one of us

Interesting to say the least ?????????????????????

Mmmmmm !! <_<


Why is it you always try to infer that someone is a closet Tim whenever they have the opinion that a part of our support......Rangers fans........might be less than perfect?

Were you ever at an OF game when Elliot or Walters played? I doubt it, as if you had been you would know that BOTH players were abused.

I've been a Ger since I could walk and talk, and I always will be. Just because I don't look at things through blue-tinted glasses doesn't make me any less a Ger!

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I've been a Ger since I could walk and talk, and I always will be. Just because I don't look at things through blue-tinted glasses doesn't make me any less a Ger!

Why is it you always try to infer that someone is a closet Tim whenever they have the opinion that a part of our support......Rangers fans........might be less than perfect?


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I think the point the original poster is making is that they both had to endure the banana treatment whilst in Glasgow - not true...MW not only had to endure the bananas but the guy in a monkey suit also.

I put Keevins in the same category as Speirs and McNee.... all journalists are inaccurate from time to time..to err is only human after all....its that these 3 in particular have a tendency to be consistently inaccurate when it comes to painting Rangers and their supporters in a bad light.

Such consistency leads me to the conclusion that it is fact not erroneous reporting...but part of a different agenda on their part. Speirs has been exposed and paid the price...hopefully it will not be long before the other two reap what they have sown.

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Apologies if this has been covered - just dragged myself away from the Daily Rhebel in the Library!

Keevins says of Mark Walters and Paul Elliots time in Glasgow 'they had to endure bananas etc etc' He's fly enough to NOT mention Rangers Fans but the INFERENCE is CLEARLY there!

I know violence only plays into his hands but if Rangers continue to bury the head in the hands this guy will get his wish, because it really is just a matter of time before a Bear loses patience and attempts to get the message across in a way that would leave him in NO DOUBT over our ANGER at his Sleekit Tim ways!!! (willy)

Rangers FC - do something about this Religious Zealot/Bigot before anything happens to him and WE gain a lot of bad PR!!! :angry:

So where is the inference? He is telling the truth for once, both Walters and Elliot had to endure racist abuse when they played in Scotland. Keevins makes no mention of Rangers supporters racially abusing Elliot. Personally, I know it DID happen as I was at games when Elliot had to suffer the monkey-calls etc from our fans.

The INFERENCE is in the use of the word 'THEY' and by mentioning the 'Rangers and Celtic' he's clearly INSINUATING / INFERING that it happened to both players!

Like i say i suppose Paul did suffer some chants - BUT i can't think of ONE INCIDENT with Rangers fans were fruit was thrown! Can you?

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I think the point the original poster is making is that they both had to endure the banana treatment whilst in Glasgow - not true...MW not only had to endure the bananas but the guy in a monkey suit also.

I put Keevins in the same category as Speirs and McNee.... all journalists are inaccurate from time to time..to err is only human after all....its that these 3 in particular have a tendency to be consistently inaccurate when it comes to painting Rangers and their supporters in a bad light.

Such consistency leads me to the conclusion that it is fact not erroneous reporting...but part of a different agenda on their part. Speirs has been exposed and paid the price...hopefully it will not be long before the other two reap what they have sown.

Spot on. The likes of McNee are taking advantage of the current cocial climate to to spout sensationalist nonsence.

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While I am all for defending Rangers name, we have to be careful that we do not turn the fight against racism into an argument who is the most racist, Rangers or Celtic supporters,it is wider and more important than that.

Racism affects every corner of society,nobody can refute that!

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While I am all for defending Rangers name, we have to be careful that we do not turn the fight against racism into an argument who is the most racist, Rangers or Celtic supporters,it is wider and more important than that.

Racism affects every corner of society,nobody can refute that!

Couldn't agree with you more!!!

Remember being in dialogue with someone at 'Kick Racism out of Footbal' and remember putting that very point!

As Rangers fans who care about equal rights etc (i said) Celtic use their polemics of anti-racism as ANOTHER tool to attack Rangers and while pursuing that angle they're putting THEIR agenda AHEAD of the question of Racism! Because at the end of the day if Rangers fans continually get called racists the attitude of "We're getting treated as Racists so WHY behave like decent human being!"

My point to the anti-racist group was that they're actually using racism to promote Celtic FC!

That's morally wrong and considering their high-minded PC attitude it's sooooo ridden with hypocracy! (willy) :angry:

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Why were Rangers fans brought into a problem at a match between Motherwell and St Johnstone?

The fact is the single worst example of racism BY FAR was when Mark Walters made his debut at Celtic Park. The following week at Tynecastle was similarly bad.

Paul Elliot may have had the odd (unacceptable and embarrassing) monkey call during his early days in Scotland but nothing to compare with the above.

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Also, lets discuss Elliot's 'facts'... (courtesy of a good friend of mine)

1. He didn't play against Rangers on his debut.

2. He never played in a 2-2 draw against Rangers.

3. He never scored an OG against us.

4. He never scored an equaliser with 3 minutes to go - the two goals he did score against Rangers came in the first-half and 7 minutes after half-time.

5. No-one threw bananas at him and he certainly did not eat one during a game.

A complete pack of lies from start to finish!

The Old Firm matches he played in are as follows:

4/11/89 Rangers 1-0 Celtic

2/1/90 Celtic 0-1 Rangers

1/4/90 Rangers 3-0 Celtic

28/10/90 Celtic 1-2 Rangers (LCF at Hampden - after extra time)

25/11/90 Celtic 1-2 Rangers

2/1/91 Rangers 2-0 Celtic

17/3/91 Celtic 2-0 Rangers (SCQF)

24/3/91 Celtic 3-0 Rangers

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Why were Rangers fans brought into a problem at a match between Motherwell and St Johnstone?

The fact is the single worst example of racism BY FAR was when Mark Walters made his debut at Celtic Park. The following week at Tynecastle was similarly bad.

Paul Elliot may have had the odd (unacceptable and embarrassing) monkey call during his early days in Scotland but nothing to compare with the above.

How y'doing Frankie?

Have to say (as i've already alluded to) Paul was always someone who enjoyed the limelight - have to say i liked him (very entertaining) and i suspect the mhedia have been very sleekit here, knowing that they're giving him a platform to get attention, they just had to hint at 'what' they wanted in return..

From then on i suspect (haven't read owt he's said) Paul just smiled and talked, and talked and talked.... he kinda reminded me off a scene from the Simpsons where Krusty had the TV cameras shoved in his face.. his attitude was to shove a pie in his own face and bump that silly horn!!!! :Animation44:

I'm offsky now - Library time up!

Nice gabbing! :pipeguy:

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