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The broad Church of modern day Rangers fans

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Ok, Bjorklund, you said this

Rangers fans will always have other things in common aside from football. This could be anything, religion, politics, musical taste, family, absolutely anything. But it doesn't change the fact that Rangers are a football club. I'm not against interests overlapping per se, what I'm against is secondary issues over taking the main one, in this case Protestantism being more important to some people than football when it comes to Rangers. You wouldn't let religion become the sole focus of your chess group, so why let it become the focus of your football club. If issues such as Protestantism, Unionism, Orangism etc. etc., are so important to a person, then I question the validity of their sole output of their interests being a football club.

I think there is a fine line between rivalry and hatred. I don't condone out and out hatred, where as rivalry can still produce a fantastic experience. If you think the world tunes into an Old Firm match to see people spitting at each other, fighting with each other, and shouting dogs abuse at each other then you are wrong IMO. Passion can still be generated without hatred.

I disagree, most of the "hardcore" Loyalist/Protestant fans do not put that first, they put Rangers first, it seems that those who dislike that aspect in general, cant seem to understand that.

I think you are trying to sidestep your original contradiction. You said Rangers were not founded on religious or political ideals. Yet you want the club to retain and uphold religious and politcal ideals? If however the debate is about the fans, rather than the club, then why should the club retain links to anything.

Also I'm not trying to tell anyone their views are wrong, even though I may think so. I'm simply saying that they have absolutely no valid connection or relevance to Rangers Football Club.

There is no contradiction, we were formed in an area where that was the demographic, I believe the founders were of that persuasion as well. The problem with all this is, nowadays, people look into it too much, try to make links etc that arent there. We were created, and, that was a common value/belief system among those who built the club, and, those who followed it. Over the years, the club celebrated this. Its only since Murray took the helm that it became a problem. 1 man! I dont think anyone said the club should retain and uphold religious and political ideals, what I said, was that they have their place, and, a great number of bears hold this dear, and, makes following the club that bit more special.

I like the last line, "absolutely no valid connection or relevance to Rangers Football Club", could be coming from Murrays mouth about the opinion of the common Rangers fan ;)

For me, that paragraph just sums it up perfectly :praise:

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flecky -

someone else tried to say similar earlier, fucking crap.

I assume you mean me? I'll look forward to your well constructed argument against my point.

outlaw69uk -

I disagree, most of the "hardcore" Loyalist/Protestant fans do not put that first, they put Rangers first, it seems that those who dislike that aspect in general, cant seem to understand that.

There is no conclusive way to prove either way, but from some of the posts we see on this forum on a daily basis, it does appear that many "hardcore" fans either put their views before the football or possibly even worse equate them with the football. Any way as I said before I question the validity of someone who uses their football club as the main outlet for their religious/political/social beliefs.

There is no contradiction, we were formed in an area where that was the demographic, I believe the founders were of that persuasion as well. The problem with all this is, nowadays, people look into it too much, try to make links etc that arent there. We were created, and, that was a common value/belief system among those who built the club, and, those who followed it. Over the years, the club celebrated this. Its only since Murray took the helm that it became a problem. 1 man! I dont think anyone said the club should retain and uphold religious and political ideals, what I said, was that they have their place, and, a great number of bears hold this dear, and, makes following the club that bit more special.

I like the last line, "absolutely no valid connection or relevance to Rangers Football Club", could be coming from Murrays mouth about the opinion of the common Rangers fan wink.gif

The one line I will agree with you is in bold, and that can go for both sides of this debate. My point that I think you missed was that it is the fans who held/hold these beliefs not the club. The founding fathers probably were all Protestant, but they were probably all against women voting, maybe even racists, because as you rightly say these views were common place at the time. Now I'll categorically state right now, that I don't believe Protestantism to be on a par with sexism and racism, but my point is that the club didn't/doesn't celebrate these beliefs because society has changed. So as society changes, so does the club. This is why I advocate the club no longer endorses Protestantism. Society is much much more secular than it ever has been. Therefore the club does not reflect the widespread demographic by retaining beliefs with many in our society no longer actively share.

But even withstanding I think any external beliefs other than football have little or no place in our club. I don't want to see Rangers holding a Communist branch meeting simply because some fans hold that position any more than I want to see the Orange Order march through Ibrox because some fans hold that position.

I disagree, the media portrayal of the club and the fans is a massive reason for the current situation, and, a lot of younger peoples (in general) views. Did you one day wake up and think, "wait a minute, F***** actually means catholic (except in reality it doesnt) so, I am a bigot, I must change my ways! "The whole thing is as mad as the fact you cant sing Bah Bah Black Sheep as a child, because its racist!

Heres a fairly accurate one, there are no f****** left, in real life per se, much in the same way there are no real Nazis left. so, why is TBB a bigotted evil song, yet, "Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Hitler" isnt?

I seriously dont understand it. TFIO id more offensive than 20,000 people chanting at a ref calling him blind (disabled? so non PC), Fat (another ist, cant do that) a wanker etc etc?

People in general, have no real backbone, and, their opinion stems from media and, the portrayal of bland being good. Everythig nice and safe, no confrontation, no need to think. A bland, grey little world where everyone is nice and does as they are told, tofu if you will (to quote someone earlier)

I think to a certain extent the media are used as a scapegoat. Now yes there is a lot of unfair criticism, but there are a lot of bad journalists about. As I said before newspapers need to sell, and the more morally loose ones will script anything is it will sell papers. I don't think that fact is particularly earth shattering. Pointing to the media for our problems, is a way of deflecting attention to areas of our club that could actually do with modernisation.

Here's my opinion about 'F*****', take it as you will. I was born and raised as a Catholic. 'F*****' to me has always been taken to mean 'Catholic'. Language is a funny thing. Meanings and words are not set in stone, they can change. Prime example is the complete changing of the word 'gay' from meaning happy to now meaning homosexual. Language isn't an external thing which can't change, it is dictated by the people who use it. Originally 'F*****' meant a person who supported an independent Irish Republic. But if you mean to tell me that every person who sings that they are up to their knees in F***** blood takes this definition then you are lying. Rangers fans are guilty of generalising the term to apply firstly to Celtic fans, and secondly by association to Catholics. We cannot now bleat about the fact that we actually meant supporters of an Irish Republic all along. This simply isn't true, and I've been on the end of enough abuse to comment.

Now any song in which the singer profess they would like to be up to their knees in blood of another person, simply because of their religion is IMO offensive and harmful.

I'd just like to say as well, in response to certain snipes, that I have no problem with your views, in fact it is refreshing to be able to have a dignified debate for once. At least you, unlike others can articulate a defence to your position. Whilst I won't resort to insults, others have shown themselves to be incapable of defending their views, which usually means they are beyond recompense.

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flecky -

someone else tried to say similar earlier, fucking crap.

I assume you mean me? I'll look forward to your well constructed argument against my point.

outlaw69uk -

I disagree, most of the "hardcore" Loyalist/Protestant fans do not put that first, they put Rangers first, it seems that those who dislike that aspect in general, cant seem to understand that.

There is no conclusive way to prove either way, but from some of the posts we see on this forum on a daily basis, it does appear that many "hardcore" fans either put their views before the football or possibly even worse equate them with the football. Any way as I said before I question the validity of someone who uses their football club as the main outlet for their religious/political/social beliefs. - I think, you could fairly prove it by looking in football related threads. If a poster never makes a comment about anything other than these, then, you could fairly guess that that is their outlook. I will use Minstral as an example, since, he is a pretty traditional kind of guy. He also discusses the football side of things without bringing anything into it

There is no contradiction, we were formed in an area where that was the demographic, I believe the founders were of that persuasion as well. The problem with all this is, nowadays, people look into it too much, try to make links etc that arent there. We were created, and, that was a common value/belief system among those who built the club, and, those who followed it. Over the years, the club celebrated this. Its only since Murray took the helm that it became a problem. 1 man! I dont think anyone said the club should retain and uphold religious and political ideals, what I said, was that they have their place, and, a great number of bears hold this dear, and, makes following the club that bit more special.

I like the last line, "absolutely no valid connection or relevance to Rangers Football Club", could be coming from Murrays mouth about the opinion of the common Rangers fan wink.gif

The one line I will agree with you is in bold, and that can go for both sides of this debate. My point that I think you missed was that it is the fans who held/hold these beliefs not the club. The founding fathers probably were all Protestant, but they were probably all against women voting, maybe even racists, because as you rightly say these views were common place at the time. Now I'll categorically state right now, that I don't believe Protestantism to be on a par with sexism and racism, but my point is that the club didn't/doesn't celebrate these beliefs because society has changed. So as society changes, so does the club. This is why I advocate the club no longer endorses Protestantism. Society is much much more secular than it ever has been. Therefore the club does not reflect the widespread demographic by retaining beliefs with many in our society no longer actively share. - The club does, however, actively promote the Unionism side of things. There are Union Flags flying at Ibrox, we as a club do a lot of work with the Armed Forces. Given the Queen is head of both, surely, even though it isnt stated outright, the Protestant link is still there. The difference is, its not being rammed down peoples throats. There should be no problem there?

But even withstanding I think any external beliefs other than football have little or no place in our club. I don't want to see Rangers holding a Communist branch meeting simply because some fans hold that position any more than I want to see the Orange Order march through Ibrox because some fans hold that position.

I disagree, the media portrayal of the club and the fans is a massive reason for the current situation, and, a lot of younger peoples (in general) views. Did you one day wake up and think, "wait a minute, F***** actually means catholic (except in reality it doesnt) so, I am a bigot, I must change my ways! "The whole thing is as mad as the fact you cant sing Bah Bah Black Sheep as a child, because its racist!

Heres a fairly accurate one, there are no f****** left, in real life per se, much in the same way there are no real Nazis left. so, why is TBB a bigotted evil song, yet, "Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Hitler" isnt?

I seriously dont understand it. TFIO id more offensive than 20,000 people chanting at a ref calling him blind (disabled? so non PC), Fat (another ist, cant do that) a wanker etc etc?

People in general, have no real backbone, and, their opinion stems from media and, the portrayal of bland being good. Everythig nice and safe, no confrontation, no need to think. A bland, grey little world where everyone is nice and does as they are told, tofu if you will (to quote someone earlier)

I think to a certain extent the media are used as a scapegoat. Now yes there is a lot of unfair criticism, but there are a lot of bad journalists about. As I said before newspapers need to sell, and the more morally loose ones will script anything is it will sell papers. I don't think that fact is particularly earth shattering. Pointing to the media for our problems, is a way of deflecting attention to areas of our club that could actually do with modernisation.

Here's my opinion about 'F*****', take it as you will. I was born and raised as a Catholic. 'F*****' to me has always been taken to mean 'Catholic'. Language is a funny thing. Meanings and words are not set in stone, they can change. Prime example is the complete changing of the word 'gay' from meaning happy to now meaning homosexual. Language isn't an external thing which can't change, it is dictated by the people who use it. Originally 'F*****' meant a person who supported an independent Irish Republic. But if you mean to tell me that every person who sings that they are up to their knees in F***** blood takes this definition then you are lying. Rangers fans are guilty of generalising the term to apply firstly to Celtic fans, and secondly by association to Catholics. We cannot now bleat about the fact that we actually meant supporters of an Irish Republic all along. This simply isn't true, and I've been on the end of enough abuse to comment.

Now any song in which the singer profess they would like to be up to their knees in blood of another person, simply because of their religion is IMO offensive and harmful.

I'd just like to say as well, in response to certain snipes, that I have no problem with your views, in fact it is refreshing to be able to have a dignified debate for once. At least you, unlike others can articulate a defence to your position. Whilst I won't resort to insults, others have shown themselves to be incapable of defending their views, which usually means they are beyond recompense.

I would ask why, since the f****** werent exclusively Catholic. No disrespect, but, the issue started there as, thats not its meaning. One thing with some of this stuff is, you cant seperate it, the religion, politics and social aspects are tied together, but, a lot of people break it down into parts, and, much as you can use stats, that can then be changed to mean anything. As you say, you are using the "by association" part, which, is an opinion, not a fact. You also say there, that thinking they meant it in relation to the old irish republic/battles isnt true? Well, surely if you tie that with the Loyalist side of things, it gives weight to the argument that it does?

Your singing comment, its again a stretch to say its just because of their religion, as I said above, and there are far worse actions serenaded about in mainstream rock and hip hop, to sayit offensive, well, yes, it may well be to some, but harmful?

to quote Eminim...

"They say music can alter moods and talk to you

But can it load a gun for you and cock it too? "

That says a lot for me, singing songs wont cause harm, people will, regarless of who they are.

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I disagree, the media portrayal of the club and the fans is a massive reason for the current situation, and, a lot of younger peoples (in general) views. Did you one day wake up and think, "wait a minute, F***** actually means catholic (except in reality it doesnt) so, I am a bigot, I must change my ways! "The whole thing is as mad as the fact you cant sing Bah Bah Black Sheep as a child, because its racist!

Heres a fairly accurate one, there are no f****** left, in real life per se, much in the same way there are no real Nazis left. so, why is TBB a bigotted evil song, yet, "Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Hitler" isnt?

I seriously dont understand it. TFIO id more offensive than 20,000 people chanting at a ref calling him blind (disabled? so non PC), Fat (another ist, cant do that) a wanker etc etc?

People in general, have no real backbone, and, their opinion stems from media and, the portrayal of bland being good. Everythig nice and safe, no confrontation, no need to think. A bland, grey little world where everyone is nice and does as they are told, tofu if you will (to quote someone earlier)

You're like Richard Littlejohn in disguise. Baa Baa Black Sheep was totally overblown by the media (who'd have thought?) and as for the Dad's Army theme tune I'm not sure what that has to do with TBB and its add ons? Unless UEFA has a disciplinary panel purely for looking at 1960s TV show themes?

You're saying people have no backbone and listen too much to the media while you have just been brainwashed by the media into thinking we've all been reprogrammed into thinking Baa Baa Black Sheep is racist, when the evidence points completely to the contrary.

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That says a lot for me, singing songs wont cause harm, people will, regarless of who they are.

As if placid folk are turned into axe wielding murderers by hearing a few choruses of The Billy Boys :rolleyes:

As for fen1an, if people still think it means rc, what would it mean if I said 'Theobald Wolfe Tone was a fen1an b@stard'?

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I was going to bold the same part of that post and reply Outlaw, but then realised I have work to do and don't want to get drawn into debating just now.

This particular piece of your post is spot on, for me:

As you say, you are using the "by association" part, which, is an opinion, not a fact.

Anyway, you're on fire on this one, some excellent posts from you :clap:

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That says a lot for me, singing songs wont cause harm, people will, regarless of who they are.

As if placid folk are turned into axe wielding murderers by hearing a few choruses of The Billy Boys :rolleyes:

As for fen1an, if people still think it means rc, what would it mean if I said 'Theobald Wolfe Tone was a fen1an b@stard'?

You sectarian, anti-catholic....

No, wait... :unsure:

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You're like Richard Littlejohn in disguise. Baa Baa Black Sheep was totally overblown by the media (who'd have thought?) and as for the Dad's Army theme tune I'm not sure what that has to do with TBB and its add ons? Unless UEFA has a disciplinary panel purely for looking at 1960s TV show themes?

You're saying people have no backbone and listen too much to the media while you have just been brainwashed by the media into thinking we've all been reprogrammed into thinking Baa Baa Black Sheep is racist, when the evidence points completely to the contrary.

You're saying the evidence points to Baa Baa Black Sheep not being racist? Well, of course it's not.

If you're suggesting that nobody in this country has stopped singing it because of the possibility it might be construed as racist, then you're just plain wrong.

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I disagree, the media portrayal of the club and the fans is a massive reason for the current situation, and, a lot of younger peoples (in general) views. Did you one day wake up and think, "wait a minute, F***** actually means catholic (except in reality it doesnt) so, I am a bigot, I must change my ways! "The whole thing is as mad as the fact you cant sing Bah Bah Black Sheep as a child, because its racist!

Heres a fairly accurate one, there are no f****** left, in real life per se, much in the same way there are no real Nazis left. so, why is TBB a bigotted evil song, yet, "Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Hitler" isnt?

I seriously dont understand it. TFIO id more offensive than 20,000 people chanting at a ref calling him blind (disabled? so non PC), Fat (another ist, cant do that) a wanker etc etc?

People in general, have no real backbone, and, their opinion stems from media and, the portrayal of bland being good. Everythig nice and safe, no confrontation, no need to think. A bland, grey little world where everyone is nice and does as they are told, tofu if you will (to quote someone earlier)

You're like Richard Littlejohn in disguise. Baa Baa Black Sheep was totally overblown by the media (who'd have thought?) and as for the Dad's Army theme tune I'm not sure what that has to do with TBB and its add ons? Unless UEFA has a disciplinary panel purely for looking at 1960s TV show themes?

You're saying people have no backbone and listen too much to the media while you have just been brainwashed by the media into thinking we've all been reprogrammed into thinking Baa Baa Black Sheep is racist, when the evidence points completely to the contrary.

Colour me surprised, YOU dont understand things. I have no interest in you at all, unless you learn some basic manners.

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You're like Richard Littlejohn in disguise. Baa Baa Black Sheep was totally overblown by the media (who'd have thought?) and as for the Dad's Army theme tune I'm not sure what that has to do with TBB and its add ons? Unless UEFA has a disciplinary panel purely for looking at 1960s TV show themes?

You're saying people have no backbone and listen too much to the media while you have just been brainwashed by the media into thinking we've all been reprogrammed into thinking Baa Baa Black Sheep is racist, when the evidence points completely to the contrary.

You're saying the evidence points to Baa Baa Black Sheep not being racist? Well, of course it's not.

If you're suggesting that nobody in this country has stopped singing it because of the possibility it might be construed as racist, then you're just plain wrong.

Such as, Schools throughout the uk? Establishments like that?

Anyway, leaving work now, so, I will leave you guys to play with moto while I am gone. Poor thing is confused

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You're like Richard Littlejohn in disguise. Baa Baa Black Sheep was totally overblown by the media (who'd have thought?) and as for the Dad's Army theme tune I'm not sure what that has to do with TBB and its add ons? Unless UEFA has a disciplinary panel purely for looking at 1960s TV show themes?

You're saying people have no backbone and listen too much to the media while you have just been brainwashed by the media into thinking we've all been reprogrammed into thinking Baa Baa Black Sheep is racist, when the evidence points completely to the contrary.

You're saying the evidence points to Baa Baa Black Sheep not being racist? Well, of course it's not.

If you're suggesting that nobody in this country has stopped singing it because of the possibility it might be construed as racist, then you're just plain wrong.

You're reading The Sun too much. Birmingham City Council tried it in 2000 and it was scrapped, the private Oxford nurseries that started all this even said it wasn't stopped on racial grounds. It's a ridiculously overblown argument by a media Outlaw is trying to say 'people' are all influenced by. He's just demonstrated he'd been brainwashed into believing this story carrying weight despite it evidently not.

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The club really needs to move on from all TBB add ons and the like, it just brings too much heat on us for no benefit. The players don't care about hearing someone screaming FTP! If you really do want to scream that then go to the Louden or a pub up PRW. I'd check all that behaviour at the door and pick up the chips on your shoulder on the way out to save the club from any more embarrassment as it is going to be hard enough to sell the club in this current climate without the FTP brigade rearing their ugly heads while the media serves us up on a plate.

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My 5 year old daughter is told to sing it as baa baa WHITE sheep at school by her teachers :)

Not joking btw.

Now now gogzy, less of the facts. My daughter is also not allowed to sing it because of racist connotations, but we can't let the facts stand in the way of HelloMoto's rant, now can we? :rolleyes:

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You're reading The Sun too much. Birmingham City Council tried it in 2000 and it was scrapped, the private Oxford nurseries that started all this even said it wasn't stopped on racial grounds.

Ok, last bite from me for the day: did they say what grounds they did stop it on?

For the record, by daughter's nursery stopped the children singing it and have taught them a new version because the original could be construed as racist. Or have I made that up? Maybe I read it in The Sun? :rolleyes:

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You're reading The Sun too much. Birmingham City Council tried it in 2000 and it was scrapped, the private Oxford nurseries that started all this even said it wasn't stopped on racial grounds.

Ok, last bite from me for the day: did they say what grounds they did stop it on?

For the record, by daughter's nursery stopped the children singing it and have taught them a new version because the original could be construed as racist. Or have I made that up? Maybe I read it in The Sun? :rolleyes:

A warning that the nursery rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep should not be taught in schools because it is "racially offensive" has been scrapped.

The guidelines by education chiefs at Birmingham City Council were dropped after black parents condemned the advice as ridiculous.

It's one of the most ridiculously overblown stories I've read. The sort of pish Richard Littlejohn writes and ends his sanctimonious column bleating 'It's political correctness gone mad!' No, it's foolish people looking at one extreme example and then blowing it out of proportion.

You lot go on about not believing a word the media say about Rangers, that they print lies and untruths, but you lap up every other ridiculous story they print as fact. :anguish:

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You're reading The Sun too much. Birmingham City Council tried it in 2000 and it was scrapped, the private Oxford nurseries that started all this even said it wasn't stopped on racial grounds.

Ok, last bite from me for the day: did they say what grounds they did stop it on?

For the record, by daughter's nursery stopped the children singing it and have taught them a new version because the original could be construed as racist. Or have I made that up? Maybe I read it in The Sun? :rolleyes:

A warning that the nursery rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep should not be taught in schools because it is "racially offensive" has been scrapped.

The guidelines by education chiefs at Birmingham City Council were dropped after black parents condemned the advice as ridiculous.

It's one of the most ridiculously overblown stories I've read. The sort of pish Richard Littlejohn writes and ends his sanctimonious column bleating 'It's political correctness gone mad!' No, it's foolish people looking at one extreme example and then blowing it out of proportion.

You lot go on about not believing a word the media say about Rangers, that they print lies and untruths, but you lap up every other ridiculous story they print as fact. :anguish:

"You lot" :sherlock:

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You're reading The Sun too much. Birmingham City Council tried it in 2000 and it was scrapped, the private Oxford nurseries that started all this even said it wasn't stopped on racial grounds.

Ok, last bite from me for the day: did they say what grounds they did stop it on?

For the record, by daughter's nursery stopped the children singing it and have taught them a new version because the original could be construed as racist. Or have I made that up? Maybe I read it in The Sun? :rolleyes:

A warning that the nursery rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep should not be taught in schools because it is "racially offensive" has been scrapped.

The guidelines by education chiefs at Birmingham City Council were dropped after black parents condemned the advice as ridiculous.

It's one of the most ridiculously overblown stories I've read. The sort of pish Richard Littlejohn writes and ends his sanctimonious column bleating 'It's political correctness gone mad!' No, it's foolish people looking at one extreme example and then blowing it out of proportion.

You lot go on about not believing a word the media say about Rangers, that they print lies and untruths, but you lap up every other ridiculous story they print as fact. :anguish:

"You lot" :sherlock:

Want to see my season ticket again?

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A warning that the nursery rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep should not be taught in schools because it is "racially offensive" has been scrapped.

The guidelines by education chiefs at Birmingham City Council were dropped after black parents condemned the advice as ridiculous.

It's one of the most ridiculously overblown stories I've read. The sort of pish Richard Littlejohn writes and ends his sanctimonious column bleating 'It's political correctness gone mad!' No, it's foolish people looking at one extreme example and then blowing it out of proportion.

You lot go on about not believing a word the media say about Rangers, that they print lies and untruths, but you lap up every other ridiculous story they print as fact. :anguish:

So Birmingham City Council tried to scrap Baa Baa Balck Sheep because it is "racially offensive" and have backed down. Other education systems have banned Baa Baa Black Sheep because it is racially offensive, and have not backed down (that is a fact, my daughter's nursery is one of those places).

Yet you claim earlier that

the private Oxford nurseries that started all this even said it wasn't stopped on racial grounds.

So was it stopped on racial grounds or not? Clearly it was, the quote you have posted says it was. You have shown that one council has scrapped the ban, what about the councils who haven't?

Actually, you said earlier that:

you have just been brainwashed by the media into thinking we've all been reprogrammed into thinking Baa Baa Black Sheep is racist, when the evidence points completely to the contrary.

You're now posting a quote which says that it was banned on racial grounds! You're a confused soul, that's for sure. <cr> Anyway, time for me to go.

So, to sum up, was Baa Baa Black Sheep banned on racial grounds? Yes.

Have some councils decided to rescind that ban as it is ridiculous? At least one has, acording to your quote.

Have some authorities failed to rescind that ban, thereby continuing to ban Baa Baa Black Sheep on racial grounds? Yes, my daughter's school is one of them.

If any of those three answers are wrong, please contradict them. If not, I suggest you give up, as you clearly do not have a clue what you are talking about.

Good night, I can't wait to read your response in the morning! :rolleyes:

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