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The Rhags, Whats the fans thoughts?



268 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you buy any newspapers?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Do you believe what you read? (Or what you hear they write if you dont buy them)

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. Is there an Agenda against Rangers FC?

    • Yes
    • No
  4. 4. Should our club challenge these rat catchers?

    • Yes
    • No
  5. 5. Would the club have your support if they spoke out against the mHedia?

    • Yes
    • No
  6. 6. Is dignified silence the right way to handle things?

    • Yes
    • No
  7. 7. Where do you get your Rangers information/news?

    • Papers
    • Rangers News or Club website
    • Fans forums

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I buy the Record and the Sun every day. I don't really believe a lot of what they write, I come on here to read about sport and Rangers anyway.

The papers are just for something to pass the time their sports sections aren't great.

I don't really think there is an agenda against us but a lot of the time I don't agree with what they write. That might be due to the fact I am a Rangers supporter and don't like the negative points they bring up. We all have different opinions on everything we see and just because we don't agree with the paper doesn't mean there is an agenda.

I do realise that sometimes they go way over the top, the Dick Campbell thing for one. Because he was singing a Rangers song he was a bigot. But when Vinnie Jones sings a certain song its seen as a big laugh?

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I don't think there is necessarily an agenda against Rangers, but there is a media imbalance on how things are reported.

It's trendy to like the IRA and stuff now, you see it in film and literature, with films/books being released about it. Like it or not, we are attached to that. For some reason Celtic fans have cast the romantic notion of being the happy go lucky freedom fighters, and we are seen as the big bad oppressors. The union flag, in Scotland at least, wrongly conjures images of hooliganism and the far right.

Of course the majority of folk know this to be folly, but for the liberal/idealist types you tend to get in the media... They tend to subscribe to this way of thinking. It's not a Rangers specific thing, we just happen to be part of a greater, UK becoming more PC sort of thing.

(tu) Spot on. The fact they made that "hunger" film is an outrage. The man was a member of a terrorist organisation! Would they make a film about a member of Al-Qaeda? Don't think so.

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lets hope the new owners if any have the balls to stand up to those in the media with an agenda against our club . remember in the late 60s a journalist with the sunday mail wrote a ridiculous aricle on rangers after which i never bought it again . he was banned from ibrox and ended up with the evening times. cant remember his name could have been davidson.

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I don't think there is necessarily an agenda against Rangers, but there is a media imbalance on how things are reported.

It's trendy to like the IRA and stuff now, you see it in film and literature, with films/books being released about it. Like it or not, we are attached to that. For some reason Celtic fans have cast the romantic notion of being the happy go lucky freedom fighters, and we are seen as the big bad oppressors. The union flag, in Scotland at least, wrongly conjures images of hooliganism and the far right.

Of course the majority of folk know this to be folly, but for the liberal/idealist types you tend to get in the media... They tend to subscribe to this way of thinking. It's not a Rangers specific thing, we just happen to be part of a greater, UK becoming more PC sort of thing.

(tu) Spot on. The fact they made that "hunger" film is an outrage. The man was a member of a terrorist organisation! Would they make a film about a member of Al-Qaeda? Don't think so.

Films have been made about worse individuals than Bobby Sands. Never watched any films with Nazis in them? Stalin? Ted Bundy? As for the media, the trashy tabloids are written by idiots for idiots, so if you don't want to read their sensationalist guff then go and buy a quality newspaper for some erudite objectivity (sometimes) or if you want to believe they are all out to get you go read some articles from paranoia.com.

Your choice really.

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I don't think there is necessarily an agenda against Rangers, but there is a media imbalance on how things are reported.

It's trendy to like the IRA and stuff now, you see it in film and literature, with films/books being released about it. Like it or not, we are attached to that. For some reason Celtic fans have cast the romantic notion of being the happy go lucky freedom fighters, and we are seen as the big bad oppressors. The union flag, in Scotland at least, wrongly conjures images of hooliganism and the far right.

Of course the majority of folk know this to be folly, but for the liberal/idealist types you tend to get in the media... They tend to subscribe to this way of thinking. It's not a Rangers specific thing, we just happen to be part of a greater, UK becoming more PC sort of thing.

(tu) Spot on. The fact they made that "hunger" film is an outrage. The man was a member of a terrorist organisation! Would they make a film about a member of Al-Qaeda? Don't think so.

Films have been made about worse individuals than Bobby Sands. Never watched any films with Nazis in them? Stalin? Ted Bundy? As for the media, the trashy tabloids are written by idiots for idiots, so if you don't want to read their sensationalist guff then go and buy a quality newspaper for some erudite objectivity (sometimes) or if you want to believe they are all out to get you go read some articles from paranoia.com.

Your choice really.

Im sure they arent made out to be some sort of hero

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The problem with the papers is getting worked up at them is a complete waste of time and energy. Anyone using this forum already has access to more facts and stats than ANY paper could print in one run.

The tabloids are all at the same game in my opinion; over-blown, authoritative-sounding but generally meaningless pish designed to do nothing else but keep you reading and polarise opinion. It's the same tactic employed by the guys on most phone-in shows. If they said stuff you agreed with all the time, especially in opinion pieces, it would be discounted as 'not edgy enough' or some other fancy term.

As for bias ALL newspapers have it regardless of where they sit in the respectability league. Shit-rags like the Sun display it openly but with more quality newspapers the distinctions are more subtle but they are there. Editors, owners, target readership etc. all determine which way the paper leans on various issues but, as long as there are newspapers, those papers will have a definite lean in any given direction.

So what am I saying? I suppose that it's a waste of time to spend money buying something you know will wind you up. Especially since the barely literate halfwits who wrote it had exactly that in mind. The only real skill they have is keeping those perceived injustices bubbling away under the surface. It's not logic that makes you follow your team; it's emotion. That same emotion is what they use to sell their papers.

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Do I buy newspappers - YES!

Do I believe what I read? Maybe - depends on subject, paper, journalist and other input I have from 'other' sources.

Is there an agenda against Rangers? Maybe - Maybe some journalists have it in for us - is there institutionalised bias - NO!

Should our club challenge these rat catchers? Didnt even want to grace that question with a reply as it assumes a position and does not just seek opinion but tries to force an opinion. BUT Maybe, on occasion they should, but in general they do come out WHEN needed - I do NOT want them coming out to refute or comment on every bloody story in the paper, true or otherwise!

Would I support the club if they spoke out? Maybe - see answer just above. The cub to NOT need to react to every rumour!

Is dignified silence the right way to handle things? Maybe - and in our case mainly yes - to repeat the club should NOT respond to every rumour printed.

Where do I get my information about rangers? Everywhere I can! - Papers, TV, Forums, Official Club Site, the bus queue and my mate who knows someone, who works with someone, whose dad is connected to someone in the ticket office at the club (In fact I get my best info from that 'source')!

I hope this helps when you do you 'analysis'

- although I feel with the slant you have put on the questions I could write it now on your behalf.

Bhead rhattling mhedia schum has bhias ahgainst Rangers and all mhedia (except RM and even then only selected posters) should be bhoycotted (I am proud of that one) and the jhornolists should all be hung drahwn and quhartered!

my thoughts exactly (tu)

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Always good to try and answer a poll that only really wants one point of view put forward !!!

Do you buy any newspapers?



Do you believe what you read? (Or what you hear they write if you dont buy them)



Depends on the writer & what they are writing about.

Is there an Agenda against Rangers FC?



Should our club challenge these rat catchers?

Yes - But only when the stories in question have no basis in fact


Would the club have your support if they spoke out against the mHedia?

Yes - Again, when the stories in question have no basis in fact


Is dignified silence the right way to handle things?

Yes - On many occasions, it has been.


Where do you get your Rangers information/news?


Rangers News or Club website

Fans forums

As many places as i can including all of the above.

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There's bugger all in the Sunday Times about us, again. They just don't bother writing about Scottish footie. Mind you there is a good article about Avi Cohen (now 53) and his son who is doing well at Bolton apparantly.

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I dont want to see us as supporters being mopish or paranoid and thinking the whole world is against us in the mhedia. Yes we are under pressure just now and some articles seem that way, but c'mon now with the financial problems at Ibrox the mhedia are always going to come up with things that are sensational to sell papers.

Do not believe most of what they spin. Keep calm as all this will be sorted out in time.


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I think a large part of the problem has been this dignifed silence approach rather than any big conspiracy. Put yourself in the shoes of a mischievous journo, and then imagine learning that a large source of public focus (in this case us) will do bugger all to stand up for itself - it's an open invitation and I'm not surprised that some take advantage.

If someone spreads lies you call them out, pure and simple. Soft targets get picked on, it's how troublemakers operate and it's not as if we can't speak up for ourselves without sinking to their level.

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Any Rangers fan that buys the Record, should be ashamed, and have a close look at themselves !

Financially supporting an institution that does its level best to destroy us? ffs

Holding my head high and Proud

Record Reading Loyal


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Any Rangers fan that buys the Record, should be ashamed, and have a close look at themselves !

Financially supporting an institution that does its level best to destroy us? ffs

Holding my head high and Proud

Record Reading Loyal


Aye well, we all know your background and views eh..?

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Any Rangers fan that buys the Record, should be ashamed, and have a close look at themselves !

Financially supporting an institution that does its level best to destroy us? ffs

Holding my head high and Proud

Record Reading Loyal


Aye well, we all know your background and views eh..?

Yep we sure do - Intelligent enough to read anything and make up my own mind without needing led! Unlike some!

Lack of Paranoia Loyal

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Any Rangers fan that buys the Record, should be ashamed, and have a close look at themselves !

Financially supporting an institution that does its level best to destroy us? ffs

Holding my head high and Proud

Record Reading Loyal


Aye well, we all know your background and views eh..?

Yep we sure do - Intelligent enough to read anything and make up my own mind without needing led! Unlike some!

Lack of Paranoia Loyal

You flatter yourself - Intelligence and reading a Rangers hating comic? Speaks volumes about your 'intelligence' and leanings I'd suggest !

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