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Founders Trail and Stadium Tour 30th May 2010.

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Just a pity it isn't open to all Rangers fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT IS open to ALL Rangers fans from anywhere in the WORLD, not just FF as some people on here seem to think, There was a thread on hear a couple of weeks back from which there have been a Few from RM booked up. The trail is advertised on ALL Rangers web sites, contrary to what you have heard. ;)

Despite the offer of a log in & indeed an open invitation to post news of the Founders Trail on another Rangers supporters site, the organisers chose not to. The real reasons for that remain unknown.

Hence the reason why there is division amongst The Rangers Support. and this instance proves once and for all who is responsible for this division.

Why would they refuse the opportunity to post the details of this on VanguardBears

This ISN'T about Rangers Media.

This ISN'T about Vanguard.

This ISN'T about Follow Follow.

This ISN'T about individuals.

This IS about the promotion and celebration of four kids who fought to keep their dream alive.

Their dream became reality and their Club, which was formed purely for the love of football, nothing else, became the greatest in the world.

Maybe some on here should put them before their own pettiness.

We will continue to advertise on here , because i believe this site has many good Bears who will put The Rangers first before themselves, unlike others who are more interested in their inflated internet egos.



Ignore the crap and keep up the good work promoting our club and its history.

I'm sure it's very much appreciated by all decent Bears.

The work is appreciated and the Founders Trail is a most worthy story.

That is not the issue here and the OP knows what we are talking about despite his rhetoric to the contrary.

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The excellent work done on the restoration of William McBeath's grave is covered during The Founders Trail.

Our own website is under construction, but as i say we will continue to advertise on the more popular sites such as Follow Follow and Rangers Media. The decison making process on anything we do is decide by myself and two colleagues.

Come along,book a seat and you'll find that your figure of hate isn't actually involvd at all. Hey you might even enjoy the day out.

The project never has and never will be a closed shop , in fact we've invited a poster from here along to a meet, which we'll have fairly soon, who has ideas on how to expand the Trail.

No apologies for being positive again, i do realiase that doesn't suit all on here.

Rangers First.

At all times.

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Previously i merely alluded to the fact that perhaps the McBeath relative should have been consulted before any work was undertaken.

That isn't really ''hijacking a thread'' or being ''negative'' now is it ? I offered an opinion which i believe websites are about.

I think certain individulas on here, as their posts have shown, have copyright on negativity, and all because i have an account on Follow Follow.

My goodness, how trivial.

Rangers First.

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I wouldn't have thought anyone would be making money from this - other than enough to meet any expenses/costs associated with the project.

Let's not allow what is a great initiative degenerate into inter-site sniping. The Founders project may have originated on FF but I've never seen suggestions only their users are welcome to contribute.

The tour has certainly been successful enough to warrant its own website, so perhaps that may be an opportunity to address any perceived criticisms? That way the information is in one place for everyone to access - no matter their forum of preference. Less work for the organisers as well having to trawl about the web. Happy to help if advice is required in that respect. A site can be set up within days!

As an aside, I'd like to see some sort of email chain set-up between the admin of the various websites to allow projects like this one, the McBeath and others be discussed and promoted more widely than have been already. Perhaps if people starting communicating again, a few differences can be put aside for the good of the support.

If there is interest, this could even be developed into regular offline meetings. The online Rangers community is huge and has a massive influence on our opinions. We should be examining ways of finding common ground and working together instead of falling out over even the most positive of initiatives.


Great idea but it falls down on the fact the even the title "Vanguardbears" is banned on £ollow £ollow and if written comes up as ************* and the poster is banned. Not exactly a, "Rangers first", attitude.

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I'm positive at all times thanks.

Every week our work is unearthing more about our Founders and many others who helped shape our Club, the greatest story never told, until now, is getting out there.

Just please keep me out of your fueds and squabbles,if that's what's happening, it's not really my scene, i couldn't fight sleep.

In the meantime, book a seat and help spread the word.

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Seems to me the entire affair could be cleared up right now if Moonlighter immediately agreed to advertise the Founders Trail on Vanguardbears website. I mean why wouldn't he, I'm sure the VB people would have no problem with it. So get on with it, do it now.

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My view is that something as important as this should be shared with all Rangers sites and not just high traffic ones.

That defeats the purpose of getting the message out to as many Rangers fans as possible.

Who knows what could be achieved with co-operation between ALL Rangers sites and not just certain ones.

I wouldn't have a problem with it being advertised on VB and anywhere else if it benefitted the Rangers support.

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Seems to me the entire affair could be cleared up right now if Moonlighter immediately agreed to advertise the Founders Trail on Vanguardbears website. I mean why wouldn't he, I'm sure the VB people would have no problem with it. So get on with it, do it now.

What a sensible post ;)

I wonder how interesting the response will be?

Especially since VB has a history of making things happen, surely it would be a sensible thing to do? Especially given the nature of it, the founders, it should be all inclusive, and, given the maximum exposure it deserves?

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Well Moonlighter, you've been reading this for about 10 minutes now - what's it going to be? Genuinely promote the Founders Trail or continue to ignore the VB website for daft tribal reasons? Should really be an easy choice.

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I was on the tour on Sunday and it was absolutely brilliant , the amount of work that these guys and also the Vanguard bears have put in is amazing .It also left me more than a bit embarressed at my complete lack of basic knowledge of the beginnings of our club .

It would IMHO be a travesty if there was not some way of getting this sorted between all the various groups who have done so much and in such a short space of time .


Please do not let past history get in the way , it's only my opinion but it's from the heart .I know how I felt at the end of that Founders Tour and it's what makes us different , please guys sort this out .

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This is SOME deliberation for the guy who just finished telling us that he called all the shots. Are you going to advertise this on VB .... or continue to blank them for reasons that have nothing to do with the best interests of the club and support?

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Of course let's not get the notion into our heads that footy websites are the be all and end all for the Rangers support. It's a tiny proportion that use these, large swathes of the support reckon we're ''trouble-makers''' and ''bonkers''. We're on plenty of websites and the word is getting around which has led to 3 full buses already this year, June and July will also sell-out.

But,while we sit here typing away the real world is spinning around outside regardless.

That includes the vast majority of the Rangers support that we're now targetting, through various channels.

If some of you are so keen on me to advertise the Founders Trail on your site then get a thread running for me, there is plenty info regarding how to contact us on here. Or take the Trail first then that'll let you give the project a ringing endorsement.

Your members will likely pay more attention to a moderator than a ''bag of wind '' from FF.

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So that's it then? You ARE a bag of wind. You ARE intent on obfuscation and deceit, caught as you are between the interests of the Founders Trail and your 'pal' who you can't possibly rish upsetting by offering an olive branch to VB. You're more ..... you're a slimeball.

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Of course let's not get the notion into our heads that footy websites are the be all and end all for the Rangers support. It's a tiny proportion that use these, large swathes of the support reckon we're ''trouble-makers''' and ''bonkers''. We're on plenty of websites and the word is getting around which has led to 3 full buses already this year, June and July will also sell-out.

But,while we sit here typing away the real world is spinning around outside regardless.

That includes the vast majority of the Rangers support that we're now targetting, through various channels.

If some of you are so keen on me to advertise the Founders Trail on your site then get a thread running for me, there is plenty info regarding how to contact us on here. Or take the Trail first then that'll let you give the project a ringing endorsement.

Your members will likely pay more attention to a moderator than a ''bag of wind '' from FF.

I think, if I read the "political spin" correctly, then, your answer to Mainflyers question above... is no?

The highlighted part, I believe was also addressed in a proactive manner previously. You were invited to do just that, and, offered a log in to create the initial post/discussion, which was declined? Or at least, not taken up?

The question is, quite simply, why?

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It took him nearly 20 minutes to decide what to do. Then he posted that garbage and pissed of sharpish. No debate, no explanation. I hope the next time anyone sees Moonlighter post that they take a few seconds to remember what a cretin we're dealing with here and just how deeply runs the hatred at FF Towers of all things VB ... much deeper it appears than their concerns for the club and supporters.

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I don't know the ins and outs,just what I've heard from some posters,It's a sad day when the supporters can't unite on something.

VanguardBears do an unbelievable job so i can't get my head around the fact their name can't be mentioned on FF.

Seems one side want to close the divide and the other are happy with it staying the way it is.

In my opinion obviously,as i said i'm not sure of the full story.

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All you need now is to understand where it stems from ... the petty jealousies of the owner of FF.

If anything, it's coming across like it's the Vanguard Bears who are jealous because they're not involved.

It's been stated already that Mark Dingwall has nothing to do with the Founders Trail but you choose to ignore that.

The name calling from yourself is childish and embarrassing.

If you're interested in the history of the Club then book a seat on the bus and see for yourself how great it is, instead of sniping from behind a keyboard.

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All you need now is to understand where it stems from ... the petty jealousies of the owner of FF.

If anything, it's coming across like it's the Vanguard Bears who are jealous because they're not involved.

It's been stated already that Mark Dingwall has nothing to do with the Founders Trail but you choose to ignore that.

The name calling from yourself is childish and embarrassing.

If you're interested in the history of the Club then book a seat on the bus and see for yourself how great it is, instead of sniping from behind a keyboard.

Aye very good.

I can categorically state there is absolutely no jealousy on the part of VB regarding the Founders Trail.I speak for myself when i say it's a great idea and one that should be shared with all Rangers sites and groups.

Any level headed fan would see that it is in the best interests of all things Rangers for this type of knowledge and information to be open to all rather than a select few.

This debate is not about jealousy or who started what if you had read the thread properly.

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All you need now is to understand where it stems from ... the petty jealousies of the owner of FF.

If anything, it's coming across like it's the Vanguard Bears who are jealous because they're not involved.

It's been stated already that Mark Dingwall has nothing to do with the Founders Trail but you choose to ignore that.

The name calling from yourself is childish and embarrassing.

If you're interested in the history of the Club then book a seat on the bus and see for yourself how great it is, instead of sniping from behind a keyboard.

That's absolute bollox and I think you know that.

This came about because Balgairbear stated that the founders trail was advertised on ALL Rangers fans sites, when quite clearly it isn't.

I some day hope to do the founders trail, I do not post much on here as VB is a site that I prefer, that's just me.

But please, stop the downright conjecture and stick to facts.

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The most frustrating aspect of this Moonlighter is that the ordinary punters/fans/posters etc are on your side regards this fascinating piece of history.

You are the only one stopping it gaining more exposure not VB or members on here.

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