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The McBeath ceremony in Lincoln


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As far as i'm aware there was limited spaces available so it was opened to VB members first given that it is a VB trip. But the demand from members of that site has been better than anticipated.

I don't see the problem here. This is all getting beyond a joke to be honest.

Fair comment BITC, but your post began with 'As far as i'm aware'.

MisterC can speak for himself, but I think that is the point of the thread.

Nobody has to begin a Founders Trail thread with 'As far as i'm aware'.

It would be nice to know when so that people dont go off on a wild goose chase to see whats been done and nothing has happened. Perhaps people may want to go down on the day of the ceremoney, wait outside the graveyard and then once its over and its not so crowded go and see what has been done.

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As discussed earlier via PM with people on here i'm totally in the dark about this ceremony.

It would appear many are in the same boat.

Can someone please inform me , because i'm still in control of my faculties, when i received this invite ?

Was it a verbal invitiation, did i get sent a PM, email, have i missed a personal invitation in the post ?WHO sent this ''invite'' when, and exactly what did it say ?

Can someone post a copy of what and when it was sent please ?

I had to ask Admin on here if the actual event had passed.

I haven't got a clue what people are referring to regarding this.

Would you like to go to the ceremony? Given all the hard work and celebrating of the Founders I think it would be a great shame if the Founders Committee missed out.

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Rather selective when quoting me. I followed that up with "Seriously though" which was meant to imply that I was saying it tongue in cheek. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

In turn my apologies, I didn't mean to misrepresent you, I obviously misread your post.

That's the second time I've done that today, I'm coming down with something :(

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Rather selective when quoting me. I followed that up with "Seriously though" which was meant to imply that I was saying it tongue in cheek. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

In turn my apologies, I didn't mean to misrepresent you, I obviously misread your post.

That's the second time I've done that today, I'm coming down with something :(

Go see an optician you're obviously needing glasses. :P

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Rather selective when quoting me. I followed that up with "Seriously though" which was meant to imply that I was saying it tongue in cheek. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

In turn my apologies, I didn't mean to misrepresent you, I obviously misread your post.

That's the second time I've done that today, I'm coming down with something :(

Go see an optician you're obviously needing glasses. :P

Time to stop wanking then I guess :craphead:

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This applies to both, or just the one?

What was posted, it struck me as bitter and confrontational.

Me too. However, I have also seen the same traits coming from the other side. Two groups resorting to petty acts of oneupmanship.

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Rather selective when quoting me. I followed that up with "Seriously though" which was meant to imply that I was saying it tongue in cheek. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

In turn my apologies, I didn't mean to misrepresent you, I obviously misread your post.

That's the second time I've done that today, I'm coming down with something :(

No worries. :-)

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As discussed earlier via PM with people on here i'm totally in the dark about this ceremony.

It would appear many are in the same boat.

Can someone please inform me , because i'm still in control of my faculties, when i received this invite ?

Was it a verbal invitiation, did i get sent a PM, email, have i missed a personal invitation in the post ?WHO sent this ''invite'' when, and exactly what did it say ?

Can someone post a copy of what and when it was sent please ?

I had to ask Admin on here if the actual event had passed.

I haven't got a clue what people are referring to regarding this.

Would you like to go to the ceremony? Given all the hard work and celebrating of the Founders I think it would be a great shame if the Founders Committee missed out.

Whoah, a wee tug on the reins there cowboy.

Is this my invitation now ?

Where is the one i ''snubbed'' ? ? a few on here over the last few days were adamant that i blanked a personal invite to a ceremony i knew and know nothing about.

I asked earlier, in what format, when and by whom was this sent ?

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Whoah, a wee tug on the reins there cowboy.

Is this my invitation now ?

Where is the one i ''snubbed'' ? ? a few on here over the last few days were adamant that i blanked a personal invite to a ceremony i knew and know nothing about.

I asked earlier, in what format, when and by whom was this sent ?

You can have an invite from me if you wish but given I've not organised or had any input into the ceremony and am not aware of when it's taking place I'm not sure an invite would be of much value coming from me.

Would you attend if the organisers invited you?

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It might be apposite to let Mr Lighter have answers to his questions before launching into hypothetical questions by somebody who admits to knowing nothing about it...

Mr Lighter picks and chooses if and when he posts and if and what he answers. I'm sure he'll extend the same courtesy to everyone else.

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Whoah, a wee tug on the reins there cowboy.

Is this my invitation now ?

Where is the one i ''snubbed'' ? ? a few on here over the last few days were adamant that i blanked a personal invite to a ceremony i knew and know nothing about.

I asked earlier, in what format, when and by whom was this sent ?

You can have an invite from me if you wish but given I've not organised or had any input into the ceremony and am not aware of when it's taking place I'm not sure an invite would be of much value coming from me.

Would you attend if the organisers invited you?

That doesn't really help.

Thanks anyway, but i'll wait until someone can tell me when this was ''invite '' was sent, and in what format in order for me to ''snub'' it.

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As far as i'm aware there was limited spaces available so it was opened to VB members first given that it is a VB trip. But the demand from members of that site has been better than anticipated.

I don't see the problem here. This is all getting beyond a joke to be honest.

Fair comment BITC, but your post began with 'As far as i'm aware'.

MisterC can speak for himself, but I think that is the point of the thread.

Nobody has to begin a Founders Trail thread with 'As far as i'm aware'.

That's just petty Manti. The reason i used that phrase was because i didn't have a proper look at the thread advertising the trip to Lincoln due to me not being able to attend.

But i've looked at it now and this is indeed the reason why.

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With respect mate - you've made your annoyance clear about people demeaning the Founders project but when a clear example of FF doing the same to a similar initiative, it is acceptable?

VB and FF have obvious problems with each other - that is clear and disappointing. But, as posted earlier, the issues are not in one direction only so I think it is unfair to suggest as much.


It was a clear example of nothing, it struck me as a bitter and partial rant.

Clearly there are problems, but I don't think we're obliged to accept one version of this dispute, there are always two sides.

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That doesn't really help.

Thanks anyway, but i'll wait until someone can tell me when this was ''invite '' was sent, and in what format in order for me to ''snub'' it.

I think that makes things quite clear.

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As far as i'm aware there was limited spaces available so it was opened to VB members first given that it is a VB trip. But the demand from members of that site has been better than anticipated.

I don't see the problem here. This is all getting beyond a joke to be honest.

Fair comment BITC, but your post began with 'As far as i'm aware'.

MisterC can speak for himself, but I think that is the point of the thread.

Nobody has to begin a Founders Trail thread with 'As far as i'm aware'.

That's just petty Manti. The reason i used that phrase was because i didn't have a proper look at the thread advertising the trip to Lincoln due to me not being able to attend.

But i've looked at it now and this is indeed the reason why.

If you want real pettiness, take a look over yesterday's locked threads ;)

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With respect mate - you've made your annoyance clear about people demeaning the Founders project but when a clear example of FF doing the same to a similar initiative, it is acceptable?

VB and FF have obvious problems with each other - that is clear and disappointing. But, as posted earlier, the issues are not in one direction only so I think it is unfair to suggest as much.


It was a clear example of nothing, it struck me as a bitter and partial rant.

Clearly there are problems, but I don't think we're obliged to accept one version of this dispute, there are always two sides.

So why not sit around a table over a beer or two and discuss them as adults and Rangers fans?

The offer was made and snubbed (not to attend the ceremony but to discuss the Founding Fathers)

The offer is genuine and a valid attempt at trying to get various groups to work together for the good of Rangers FC.

It is the ONLY reason Vanguard Bears was started. To try and defend and promote all things Rangers.

Yes there are problems between FF and VB and it would be churlish to deny that.The same could be said of many of the posters including admin of RM.

VB SHOULDN'T EXIST but it does.

I would argue that RM shouldn't exist but it does.

Moonlighter/Le Bluebear and any of the Founders committee are more than welcome to engage with us on any matter concerning our founding fathers and i can assure them that the good name of Rangers FC and the fans is our only priority.

Do they want to though is the question that can only be answered by the people i have just mentioned.

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So why not sit around a table over a beer or two and discuss them as adults and Rangers fans?

The offer was made and snubbed (not to attend the ceremony but to discuss the Founding Fathers)

The offer is genuine and a valid attempt at trying to get various groups to work together for the good of Rangers FC.

It is the ONLY reason Vanguard Bears was started. To try and defend and promote all things Rangers.

Yes there are problems between FF and VB and it would be churlish to deny that.The same could be said of many of the posters including admin of RM.

VB SHOULDN'T EXIST but it does.

I would argue that RM shouldn't exist but it does.

Moonlighter/Le Bluebear and any of the Founders committee are more than welcome to engage with us on any matter concerning our founding fathers and i can assure them that the good name of Rangers FC and the fans is our only priority.

Do they want to though is the question that can only be answered by the people i have just mentioned.

Thanks for that Adoniram (love the username btw), it helps us on the outside looking in. This looks like a wonderful and conciliatory gesture, I'm sure all concerned want to find a way to work together.

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So why not sit around a table over a beer or two and discuss them as adults and Rangers fans?

The offer was made and snubbed (not to attend the ceremony but to discuss the Founding Fathers)

The offer is genuine and a valid attempt at trying to get various groups to work together for the good of Rangers FC.

It is the ONLY reason Vanguard Bears was started. To try and defend and promote all things Rangers.

Yes there are problems between FF and VB and it would be churlish to deny that.The same could be said of many of the posters including admin of RM.

VB SHOULDN'T EXIST but it does.

I would argue that RM shouldn't exist but it does.

Moonlighter/Le Bluebear and any of the Founders committee are more than welcome to engage with us on any matter concerning our founding fathers and i can assure them that the good name of Rangers FC and the fans is our only priority.

Do they want to though is the question that can only be answered by the people i have just mentioned.

Thanks for that Adoniram (love the username btw), it helps us on the outside looking in. This looks like a wonderful and conciliatory gesture, I'm sure all concerned want to find a way to work together.

As Frankie and others have said here and elsewhere...the only way our support will gain respect from the media and any of our other detractors is to work together and from a position of strength and collective power.

When we are United as one NO ONE can touch us. NO ONE would dare take us on or slander our good name with the impunity they currently use.

If we can take over 200,000 fans to a football match that just shows you the might of the Rangers support.

When you look at the McBeath Project,The Founders Trail,the monies raised for Erskine,George Simpson and various other charities it just makes you wonder what we really could achieve if we did work together.

I will say no more on the politics as all those involved in this debate know exactly where the problems lie whether they will admit it or not.

I will only say that collectively we are untouchable but in our present state of disharmony we deserve all we get.

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Definitely off topic, but I remember when Adoniram started posting there were accusations of him being a taig flying around because of his username until it was pointed out some of the instances where that username comes from! :lol:

Yes i remember that only too well....glad i have a sense of humour.

I saw the light ;)

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Definitely off topic, but I remember when Adoniram started posting there were accusations of him being a taig flying around because of his username until it was pointed out some of the instances where that username comes from! :lol:

Yes i remember that only too well....glad i have a sense of humour.

I saw the light ;)

Light is what you have asked for and light is what you shall be given.

Lets hope all the supporters groups can drop their vested interests and work together for the greater glory of The Rangers.

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There wasn't an invite to any dedication in any way shape or form sent to me was there ? , i know that and the people throwing the accusations about that i ''snubbed'' it about also know that.

It was a deliberate attempt to blacken my name and the Founders Committee.

Will we now deal with me being labelled a crook on here ?

A) ''He's only interested in lining his own pockets''

B) ''He's only interested in lining the fat profiteers pockets''.

Nemises : ''He's not interested in the Founders only profit''

But I'VE to sit round a table for the good of the Founders ? Do you get the same kind of welcome over on VB that i got a taster of on here ?

Why on earth would you want someone like me anywhere near your site or group, who's ''only interested in profit'' ?

Yet, i'm the one who has the problem.

I think we'll continue to pick and choose carefully where we take the Founders Project, it's served us well up till now.

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