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Crime of the century ?


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Good to see you back Outlaw (tu)

:lol: Cheers, looking at this one though, will be about 15 mins before I am called a bheast! Seems to be even more anti-everything on here now. Troubling Wilberly seems to have gotten all his mates to join up :lol:

And, by the way, us - attach label here - types do not have one generic opinion.

It wouldn't suprise me that its all you with different usernames chating to yourself :rolleyes:

I dont have that much time on my hands :lol:

By that reply i wouldn't put it past you.

Anyway what do you mean by saying this......

Look how 'A Fathers Advice' has been bastardised.
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And, by the way, us - attach label here - types do not have one generic opinion.

It wouldn't suprise me that its all you with different usernames chating to yourself :rolleyes:

I dont have that much time on my hands :lol:

By that reply i wouldn't put it past you.

Anyway what do you mean by saying this......

Look how 'A Fathers Advice' has been bastardised.

It has been bastardised to include a line about an I.R.A. terrorist. If, as people are arguing, these songs we sing are about the original Ulster Volunteers of 1912 then to include a crude insult about Sands is an insult to their memory.

It also supports my theory that these songs are actually about the U.V.F of Gusty Spence as Sands is from the same era.

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Can't believe this threads not been locked yet

why, youve not talked that much pish yet :P

Just you wait a few hours till am pished :beer1:

I wouldnt waste your money....

You seem to be doing a fine job without alcohol.

Oh bitter are we ?.

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Can't believe this threads not been locked yet

why, youve not talked that much pish yet :P

Just you wait a few hours till am pished :beer1:

I wouldnt waste your money....

You seem to be doing a fine job without alcohol.

Oh bitter are we ?.

No more of a lager man myself.

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Can't believe this threads not been locked yet

why, youve not talked that much pish yet :P

Just you wait a few hours till am pished :beer1:

I wouldnt waste your money....

You seem to be doing a fine job without alcohol.

Oh bitter are we ?.

No more of a lager man myself.

See what you did there, And FYI we've both got that in common.

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And, by the way, us - attach label here - types do not have one generic opinion.

It wouldn't suprise me that its all you with different usernames chating to yourself :rolleyes:

I dont have that much time on my hands :lol:

By that reply i wouldn't put it past you.

Anyway what do you mean by saying this......

Look how 'A Fathers Advice' has been bastardised.

It has been bastardised to include a line about an I.R.A. terrorist. If, as people are arguing, these songs we sing are about the original Ulster Volunteers of 1912 then to include a crude insult about Sands is an insult to their memory.

It also supports my theory that these songs are actually about the U.V.F of Gusty Spence as Sands is from the same era.

So do you support the I.R.A then?

And what does it matter what U.V.F it is they are both made up for the same cause to defend Ulster Protestants from extreme Republicans they were never a terrorist organisation the same as the U.D.A.

OK i will admit that today's U.V.F are probably not as Rosy from the first time they were created but they still have an under laying commitment to defend Ulster.

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See what you did there, And FYI we've both got that in common.

Well even a broken clock is right twice a day...but I suspect any commonality ends there.

However now that you have almost 24 hours to ruminate over it...do you have an answer to the question I posed you last night ?

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So do you support the I.R.A then?

And what does it matter what U.V.F it is they are both made up for the same cause to defend Ulster Protestants from extreme Republicans they were never a terrorist organisation the same as the U.D.A.

OK i will admit that today's U.V.F are probably not as Rosy from the first time they were created but they still have an under laying commitment to defend Ulster.

They are nothing more than a glorified criminal gang of drug dealers and gangsters who wear the clothes of Loyalism when it suits them. Anyone comparing them to the original Ulster Volunteers is only desecrating their memory.

The U.V.F of Gusty Spence were an outlawed terrorist organisation.

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So do you support the I.R.A then?

And what does it matter what U.V.F it is they are both made up for the same cause to defend Ulster Protestants from extreme Republicans they were never a terrorist organisation the same as the U.D.A.OK i will admit that today's U.V.F are probably not as Rosy from the first time they were created but they still have an under laying commitment to defend Ulster.

The UDA were formed as their name suggests to Defend local areas, the first being the Woodvale Defence Association, no group wanted to engage in the murder of civilians but were brought into a vicious cycle of murder in an attempt to return the swerve.

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Pretty sure he was asking me, there.

Any plans to answer me?

EDIT: I see that you've mentioned Father's Advice; Daddy's Uniform and #1 Platoon.

You are under the impression that these songs are about the Paramilitary group of the later 20th Century rather than the 1912 UVF.

Just a few things - can you give me a line in any of those songs which refers to the later paramilitary group? For your case to be sound that would be a minimum.

Secondly, while I concede that those are the most popular at games, there are others, more sung in Clubs and on busses, but they do appear at games; usually away and generally sung by small numbers - Englishmans Betrayal comes to mind. The point is there are other songs which are sung which could only be about the original UVF.

Why do you assume the worst about your fellow bears?

As for Father's Advice:

My memory it strays back again to nineteen forty one.

When Ulsters shores were threatened by the Jackboot of the Hvn

Gusty Spence was 8 in 1941.

How can that song possibly be about his version of the UVF?

Those are the lyrics to 'Daddy's Uniform' I believe.

And if you read them they say 'My memory strays back again....' indicating that he is remembering back to 1941 so it's unlikely that it's about the 1912 U.V.F since his memory is straying back to 1941. Anyway all three of these songs were written during the troubles and, all pedantry aside, I think we both know why.

We cant go pointing fingers at Celtic fans for singing about the I.R.A - they use the same excuses, by the way, that they are singing about the original I.R.A - while we still indulge in our own para-military sing-a-longs.

Yes we can. The IRA killed BRITISH citizens indiscriminately, the Loyalist Paramilitaries targeted known Republicans (on the whole).

The IRA represent a threat to the United Kingdom and as such, anyone promoting them is fair game as far as i'm concerned.

What i find astonishing in yours and your silly buddy's posts is the fact that the Paramilitary organisations are somehow equally responsible?

One is attacking the good citizens of Ulster and the other defending them.

My only conclusion is that you either a) have no empathy at all with our Ulster brethren or b) you are indeed guilty of the accusations levelled against you i.e. a sympathiser.

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Correct - and I am proud to be one of them - we are first and foremost a FOOTBALL club. Our GREAT traditions are founded in our sportsmanship, integrity, and will to win.

Take the religion out and we are still the greatest football team (IMHO). If there was no football but only the religion Ibrox would be deserted.

This is probably the worst post I've ever seen on here.

I would honestly ban you off RM for that. You talk absolute drivel and IF you know anything of our great club then you disguise it well.

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Correct - and I am proud to be one of them - we are first and foremost a FOOTBALL club. Our GREAT traditions are founded in our sportsmanship, integrity, and will to win.

Take the religion out and we are still the greatest football team (IMHO). If there was no football but only the religion Ibrox would be deserted.

This is probably the worst post I've ever seen on here.

I would honestly ban you off RM for that. You talk absolute drivel and IF you know anything of our great club then you disguise it well.

If you've got the banning tool out, i've got a few names for you :)

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So do you support the I.R.A then?

And what does it matter what U.V.F it is they are both made up for the same cause to defend Ulster Protestants from extreme Republicans they were never a terrorist organisation the same as the U.D.A.

OK i will admit that today's U.V.F are probably not as Rosy from the first time they were created but they still have an under laying commitment to defend Ulster.

They are nothing more than a glorified criminal gang of drug dealers and gangsters who wear the clothes of Loyalism when it suits them. Anyone comparing them to the original Ulster Volunteers is only desecrating their memory.

The U.V.F of Gusty Spence were an outlawed terrorist organisation.

I will admit that yes SOME young fellas are a nusance and yes they were outlawed but they are not a terrorist organisation they are a defence organisation a force to defend.

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How do you feel about embra mick suggesting you're an earl minst, that must be a first :D

Not sure about the old man, but, I fair pished myself when I saw it! :lol:

Aye me too.

Good to see you back outlaw.

We arranged this thread just for you, so you'd feel at home :D

I thought so :lol:

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The thing is uggy, pretty well everybody round here knows that minstral's a good bear.

I have no doubt he probably is a Bear.

I wish this cunt would get a ban :anguish:

Same , ever since he posted that we should grass our own fans in !

there is no way he is one of us, he a liar, bullshitter and a taig, I dont care what anyone says. :angry: Id quite happily swing him about like an empty tracksuit. :angry:

Lol dennis. Another who can't accept someone has a different opinion.

I am Proud to be a Rangers supporter knowing i do no harm to our club.

If only you could all say the same

Can you explain that bit?

I get the feeling you are inferring that certain people sing certain songs, and, if that is the case...

There has been ONE instance when it allegedly got the club into trouble. How long ago was that? And, can you give some instances of the club getting into trouble (apart from apparently financial) in the last couple of years?

(dont think I really need to wait for the answer to that do I??)

Its a big fucking myth! Trotting out crap about "harming the club", when, apart from perhaps a story by Britney or his ilk, that NOBODY (apart from the likes of you, and, bheasts) takes any notice of!! If so much "harm" was being done, surely there would have been repercussions for the club? Or, more likely, its all a big pile of crap! And, YOU dont like it.

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Pretty sure he was asking me, there.

Any plans to answer me?

EDIT: I see that you've mentioned Father's Advice; Daddy's Uniform and #1 Platoon.

You are under the impression that these songs are about the Paramilitary group of the later 20th Century rather than the 1912 UVF.

Just a few things - can you give me a line in any of those songs which refers to the later paramilitary group? For your case to be sound that would be a minimum.

Secondly, while I concede that those are the most popular at games, there are others, more sung in Clubs and on busses, but they do appear at games; usually away and generally sung by small numbers - Englishmans Betrayal comes to mind. The point is there are other songs which are sung which could only be about the original UVF.

Why do you assume the worst about your fellow bears?

As for Father's Advice:

My memory it strays back again to nineteen forty one.

When Ulsters shores were threatened by the Jackboot of the Hvn

Gusty Spence was 8 in 1941.

How can that song possibly be about his version of the UVF?

Those are the lyrics to 'Daddy's Uniform' I believe.

And if you read them they say 'My memory strays back again....' indicating that he is remembering back to 1941 so it's unlikely that it's about the 1912 U.V.F since his memory is straying back to 1941. Anyway all three of these songs were written during the troubles and, all pedantry aside, I think we both know why.

We cant go pointing fingers at Celtic fans for singing about the I.R.A - they use the same excuses, by the way, that they are singing about the original I.R.A - while we still indulge in our own para-military sing-a-longs.

Oh my God!!!!

You REALLY didnt think about that one did you??

How about all the British, who still have a "dislike" of the Germans due to their actions under Hitler in attacking and killing OUR people? How about other terror organisations? Those who attacked Glasgow Airport? London? in recent times. Was that "ok"?

Yes we can!

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Quite remarkable the way the thread has developed....my opening post sought to highlight the imbalance in the press....the usual suspects who have caused it....and the failure of the current custodians to defend both the image of the club and those who follow her.

Yet despite this the focus certainly on the last few pages appears to be examining the behaviour of Rangers supporters in minute detail.

The Rangers support are not the ones on trial here. We all know that a very small minority occasionally fall short of the standards we all expect. But the fact is you could say that about any football club.

What is appalling is that certain posters are under the misapprehension that we are not entitled to defend ourselves from lies and very very imbalanced reporting due to a very small minority. What an absolutely ridiculous notion.

Journalists with hidden agendas (some of them most certainly the ongoing discreditting and tarnishing of our club and support)....misrepresentation in the equality and balance of reporting.....downright lies...articles besmirching the character and memory of some of this club's legends....or in the case of Ron McKay making jokes at the expense of the Ibrox Disaster....

Is there anyone who really wants to tell me that we have no right to defend ourselves ?

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