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Aye thats it, its the Rangers way, dignified silence, ignore and hope it goes away! doh!

So now, not only is it acceptable to draw at home to Inverness, as some fans have said in the past few days, its now acceptable for radio hosts to laugh publicly about our clubs fortunes in European competition. Ok, av got it now. Doormats, battered wives, thats right, were not supposed to care as the lyrics go!

I find it highly offensive that a professional pundit, joyfully laughs at my clubs result in Europe, i also find it highly offensive that fans allow our club to be mocked in any way, shape or form.

Our fans attitude truly saddens me sometimes.

Mopery, complaining, moaning, demanding parity has done no harm to Bheast FC, in fact it put them in a position of dominance off the park. And before any smart arses come in and say its all about what happens on the park, i know that, but off the park our club has a huge role to play for our society and our people, a role which they are failing.

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Aye thats it, its the Rangers way, dignified silence, ignore and hope it goes away! doh!

So now, not only is it acceptable to draw at home to Inverness, as some fans have said in the past few days, its now acceptable for radio hosts to laugh publicly about our clubs fortunes in European competition. Ok, av got it now. Doormats, battered wives, thats right, were not supposed to care as the lyrics go!

I find it highly offensive that a professional pundit, joyfully laughs at my clubs result in Europe, i also find it highly offensive that fans allow our club to be mocked in any way, shape or form.

Our fans attitude truly saddens me sometimes.

Mopery, complaining, moaning, demanding parity has done no harm to Bheast FC, in fact it put them in a position of dominance off the park. And before any smart arses come in and say its all about what happens on the park, i know that, but off the park our club has a huge role to play for our society and our people, a role which they are failing.

What a load of shite.

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Where? What? Dont talk p*sh.

Explain, please, c'mon, what dont you agree with.

Frankly virtually everything to be honest. It's not desirable to draw with Inverness at home, but if I'm right the last time Rangers won every league game in a season was well over a hundred years ago. We would all love to win every game, but it just doesn't happen.

A professional pundit? Aye, on a totally unprofessional, laughable radio station that you appear to think is akin to the The Times of the football show world.

Save your bleating and moaning for people who launch very real attacks on our fans and our club, not some cunt on the radio who happens to have leanings for one side or another. When have you ever come across anyone in football, be it pundit, player, referee or anyone else who didn't have a liking for a particular side? It wouldn't be natural.

It's hard to say whether you are a wind up merchant or just a bit of a length to be honest. Either way, you are getting your panties in a fankle over very little.

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Frankly virtually everything to be honest. It's not desirable to draw with Inverness at home, but if I'm right the last time Rangers won every league game in a season was well over a hundred years ago. We would all love to win every game, but it just doesn't happen.

A professional pundit? Aye, on a totally unprofessional, laughable radio station that you appear to think is akin to the The Times of the football show world.

Save your bleating and moaning for people who launch very real attacks on our fans and our club, not some cunt on the radio who happens to have leanings for one side or another. When have you ever come across anyone in football, be it pundit, player, referee or anyone else who didn't have a liking for a particular side? It wouldn't be natural.

It's hard to say whether you are a wind up merchant or just a bit of a length to be honest. Either way, you are getting your panties in a fankle over very little.

Dropping points to Inverness is not acceptable, i can accept a winning run coming to an end, against a better team, not a newly promoted first division team. Frankly i found the result embarrassing and the performance worse than that.

In terms of what? Numbers of customers/listeners? It would be, its the most popular sports station on the wireless. How many football shows can claim over a million listeners? I think, you think my opinion of them is high, its not, but it is a huge station, with a massive audience, not to be ignored.

So telling Celtic fans to go out and shoot Lafferty is not serious enough an attack on our club then? This happened years ago and was quickly brushed under the carpet and ignored by the Rangers fans who claim to love our club. The club has had to face one non story after another in the press and nothing is said or done by anyone, to think we are anything other than an easy target is downright wrong. We have to endure one sided phone ins in this country and blatant bias reporting yet nothing is said. That is our media, thats the access we have to info and debate on our footie aside from actually going to the games.

All pundits are free to support who they want but when they get a job, they are expected to be professional and act with fairness and parity. This does not happen when it comes to Rangers and our fans.

And to you too, yeah, lets just sit back, ignore it, maybe play the dignified silence card and let them keep attacking us, our club and our fans. Yeah, thats it, its the Rangers way.



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Dropping points to Inverness is not acceptable, i can accept a winning run coming to an end, against a better team, not a newly promoted first division team. Frankly i found the result embarrassing and the performance worse than that.

In terms of what? Numbers of customers/listeners? It would be, its the most popular sports station on the wireless. How many football shows can claim over a million listeners? I think, you think my opinion of them is high, its not, but it is a huge station, with a massive audience, not to be ignored.

So telling Celtic fans to go out and shoot Lafferty is not serious enough an attack on our club then? This happened years ago and was quickly brushed under the carpet and ignored by the Rangers fans who claim to love our club. The club has had to face one non story after another in the press and nothing is said or done by anyone, to think we are anything other than an easy target is downright wrong. We have to endure one sided phone ins in this country and blatant bias reporting yet nothing is said. That is our media, thats the access we have to info and debate on our footie aside from actually going to the games.

All pundits are free to support who they want but when they get a job, they are expected to be professional and act with fairness and parity. This does not happen when it comes to Rangers and our fans.

And to you too, yeah, lets just sit back, ignore it, maybe play the dignified silence card and let them keep attacking us, our club and our fans. Yeah, thats it, its the Rangers way.



I couldn't give a tuppeny toss what anyone at Talksport thinks of Rangers, nor anyone at the tabloids or broadsheets in this country. I don't listen to Talksport or buy any of the papers. Am I supposed to spend my every waking hour fretting about what people I couldn't give a fuck about think of my club? Dignified silence? No mate, I just have other things going on in my life besides Rangers. Maybe you should too. Get a budgie or something.

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I couldn't give a tuppeny toss what anyone at Talksport thinks of Rangers, nor anyone at the tabloids or broadsheets in this country. I don't listen to Talksport or buy any of the papers. Am I supposed to spend my every waking hour fretting about what people I couldn't give a fuck about think of my club? Dignified silence? No mate, I just have other things going on in my life besides Rangers. Maybe you should too. Get a budgie or something.

You seem to think this is just only about you

Theres our difference, no problem. Maybe i should care less.

Side note, im very happy to hear you dont buy the papers, as a Bear that makes me proud reading that, i wish more of our fans would do the same.

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You seem to think this is just only about you

Theres our difference, no problem. Maybe i should care less.

Side note, im very happy to hear you dont buy the papers, as a Bear that makes me proud reading that, i wish more of our fans would do the same.

Or maybe you just need to quantify what you care about in terms of what really matters in the grand scheme of things. Feel free to take the fight to Talksport head on though, I'm sure they will issue you a personal apology and sack Brazil on the spot. You should also write to Walter Smith directly and tell him how utterly unacceptable it is to drop 2 points and yet remain top of the league. Sack the squad I say.

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Or maybe you just need to quantify what you care about in terms of what really matters in the grand scheme of things. Feel free to take the fight to Talksport head on though, I'm sure they will issue you a personal apology and sack Brazil on the spot. You should also write to Walter Smith directly and tell him how utterly unacceptable it is to drop 2 points and yet remain top of the league. Sack the squad I say.

Too far, ridiculous, pathetic nonsense, and you said i talked shite! doh!

Debate over, you spoiled it talking p*sh.

Im away to bed for work tmrw


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Too far, ridiculous, pathetic nonsense, and you said i talked shite! doh!

Debate over, you spoiled it talking p*sh.

Im away to bed for work tmrw


What debate? :lol:

You're not away to bed, you will be on the wire, monitoring attacks on the club till the break of dawn. I'll sleep soundly knowing that.

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Am i the only one who finds most of this thread quite embarrassing??

Murray has made the fans this way just take whatever is thrown at us...

Maybe its just that noone gives a flying fuck what a tube on a radio station thinks!

If you dont like it dont listen, simple.

The big bad man on the radio laughed that wee got beat, im pure raging...grow up!

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Rangers fan in mock offence scandal , since when did our fans become like them ? always fucking offended by the merest of fucking things . why come on a forum showing your mock rage ? trying to fit in ? if it upset you so then fucking complain about to the radio and stop crying on a fucking forum

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Rangers fan in mock offence scandal , since when did our fans become like them ? always fucking offended by the merest of fucking things . why come on a forum showing your mock rage ? trying to fit in ? if it upset you so then fucking complain about to the radio and stop crying on a fucking forum

Their's a definate smell coming from a few posters..

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Rangers fan in mock offence scandal , since when did our fans become like them ? always fucking offended by the merest of fucking things . why come on a forum showing your mock rage ? trying to fit in ? if it upset you so then fucking complain about to the radio and stop crying on a fucking forum

If you bothered your arse to read the thread you would know ive already complained to them. Is a forum not for talking about anything? Amonst fellow like minded people? ffs Your reply is pathetic.

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Am i the only one who finds most of this thread quite embarrassing??

Murray has made the fans this way just take whatever is thrown at us...

Maybe its just that noone gives a flying fuck what a tube on a radio station thinks!

If you dont like it dont listen, simple.

The big bad man on the radio laughed that wee got beat, im pure raging...grow up!

Och, i know Del, im pure out of order being offended by cunts hating our club and mocking us in public. Ive already apologised for being offended and caring so much. This is the last time.


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