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Do you honestly feel confident.


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Loooking at the players we have/may have available and, giving our managers tendency to be "cautious" and the form of some of our supposed better players, do you feel confident about tomorrow and if you do where is it coming from.

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If I didn't think we had a chance of winning I wouldn't bother going.

My confidence comes from the fact everyone knows how shite the Bheasts defence is IF they are put under constant pressure which we are capable of doing but aren't allowed to due to poor tactics.

What worries me are two people; Walter Smith and Maurice Edu.

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Not confident at all. Jelavic is the only thing that gives me a glimmer of hope. And at least we won't see the leaping slug jumping around on the touchline. Bartley's a big miss but may work in our favour in that Walter may field a slightly more attacking team. But lets face it, we're absolute rank at the minute and have had very few chances to score in any our last 5 games.

Things not looking too bright then. But we've won with worst players in the past and we can do so again. :uk:

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Not confident at all. Jelavic is the only thing that gives me a glimmer of hope. And at least we won't see the leaping slug jumping around on the touchline. Bartley's a big miss but may work in our favour in that Walter may field a slightly more attacking team. But lets face it, we're absolute rank at the minute and have had very few chances to score in any our last 5 games.

Things not looking too bright then. But we've won with worst players in the past and we can do so again. :uk:

Probably best sums up how I feel. Its not a case of not going coz I dont think we,ll win, christ I,ve been goin to old firm games for a long long time so I,ve seen upsets both ways. My obvious worry is the way Walter/Ally sets us up, I would rather go down battling then sit back and hope to hit them on the break, that to me is murder and it plays into their hands every time.

I agree that the best form of defence for us is attack, coz they are shit at the back but our mid field is powder puff with nobody to put a foot in and they will bully us especially now Bartleys out. Here,s hoping we go for it and use the guys with a bit of pace to feed Jelavic and above all FIGHT FOR EVERY BALL.

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im never confident, i think we will win the cup(it might be pens)

but if we are going into this with 5 at the back then we are playing into their hands, attack them and lets see how good their back 4 is when put under pressure, motherwell done this and should have won by more than the 2-0 scoreline

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Nope if edu plays i anit watchin

There's a couple of guys that phone Clyde One and they made the same point about the last Old Firm game. They seen the formation and Edu's name and switched the TV off and didn't bother watching.

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There's a couple of guys that phone Clyde One and they made the same point about the last Old Firm game. They seen the formation and Edu's name and switched the TV off and didn't bother watching.

Fuckin frustratin as he is , I dont think I could not go or watch it because he,s playing. You never know he might be our star turn. :lol:

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Fuckin frustratin as he is , I dont think I could not go or watch it because he,s playing. You never know he might be our star turn. :lol:

Same as.

Edu seems to get singled out but even the stars like Bougherra and Davis have been shit too. However, at least they have something there in their locker. Edu doesn't.

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Nope. Haven't feel confident for any of the last 3.

I was going to put as a sub title are we missing Miller ? I think we,re missing him more than we thought we would. I would feel a lot more confident about tomorrow if he was up beside Jelavic.

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No, I'm not confident but I'm not too downhearted.

Maybe Celtic have peaked. In the 3-0 game they gubbed us. When we had weaker team they beat us 1-0, and we had 10 men for most of the game. They also lost to Motherwell, and don't seem to have done much in games againat Hamilton and Inverness.

On the other hand, we struggled to beat St Mirren and Kilmarnock and were hellish against PSV.

So I suppose it could go either way. No confident though.

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