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Get your Tin Hat on kenny macaskill

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There all over the internet and phone ins about his statement after the cup final.

Your email box will be full and I wouldnt put it past them to threaten you your wife and children.

you better phone cr smith if you know their history

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This is what he said

“This was the showpiece final everyone wanted to see, and it was a great advert for Scottish football.

“Both teams were passionate, committed and it was end to end stuff from kick off to the final whistle.

“The players, management and fans contributed to a memorable occasion, and I urge that their positive example inside the ground is replicated outside it over the course of the evening and beyond.”

They are up in arms well the real reason is cause they got beaten. But they are up in arms cause he never mentioned anything about the songs sung. whahhhh whahhhhh.

Quite right fucking songs glorifying the IRA get a grip Macaskill

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I don't see why there moaning,if he was to say anything about our songs He would have to ask why there singing about The I.R.A.?

I never heard the Celtic fans complaining 5-10 years ago about our songs?? Is it the pishstained media etc thats got them into this??

They have a fucking cheek,with there I.R.A. SHITE! Plus were we not told about a month ago about,How smokebombs are not allowed in football grounds anymore?

The week after the police made that statement,we played them at Ibrox,they let of a smokebomb as usual in the broomloan,and they done it again at hampden on sunday.

Funny how we have never heard about anyone getting arrested and banned for this?

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I don't see why there moaning,if he was to say anything about our songs He would have to ask why there singing about The I.R.A.?

I never heard the Celtic fans complaining 5-10 years ago about our songs?? Is it the pishstained media etc thats got them into this??

They have a fucking cheek,with there I.R.A. SHITE! Plus were we not told about a month ago about,How smokebombs are not allowed in football grounds anymore?

The week after the police made that statement,we played them at Ibrox,they let of a smokebomb as usual in the broomloan,and they done it again at hampden on sunday.

Funny how we have never heard about anyone getting arrested and banned for this?

Move along there Son! Nothing to see...sweep sweep! :sherlock:

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For once that prick MacAskill said the right thing.

Old Firm games are not for the faint hearted and neither are they free of abusive chants and songs FROM BOTH SIDES.

So instead of opening up a can of worms he did the right thing by praising the atmosphere which is how it always was at Old Firm games.

They turned up and sang their shite we didn't bat a neyelid

We turned up and sang our glorious tunes of victory over evil and they didn't bat an eyelid










Just watch what they write and say over the next few weeks as EVERY ARTICLE and EVERY COMMENT will be directed at Rangers fans and Rangers fans only.

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For once that prick MacAskill said the right thing.

Old Firm games are not for the faint hearted and neither are they free of abusive chants and songs FROM BOTH SIDES.

So instead of opening up a can of worms he did the right thing by praising the atmosphere which is how it always was at Old Firm games.

They turned up and sang their shite we didn't bat a neyelid

We turned up and sang our glorious tunes of victory over evil and they didn't bat an eyelid










Just watch what they write and say over the next few weeks as EVERY ARTICLE and EVERY COMMENT will be directed at Rangers fans and Rangers fans only.

Ode to an Odious Creep

There he goes the slimy heap, the man possessed by chants that disturb his sleep

The Billy Boys song burns deep inside, The Famine song just hurts his pride,

No Pope of Rome makes his red neck swell, Those Rangers bigots will go to hell,

To Kerrydale Street is where he goes to find solace far away from his keyboard foes,

but never fear because he's in too deep, there's no return for the Odious Creep.

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Ode to an Odious Creep

There he goes the slimy heap, the man possessed by chants that disturb his sleep

The Billy Boys song burns deep inside, The Famine song just hurts his pride,

No Pope of Rome makes his red neck swell, Those Rangers bigots will go to hell,

To Kerrydale Street is where he goes to find solace far away from his keyboard foes,

but never fear because he's in too deep, there's no return for the Odious Creep.

I am going to post this elsewhere Oz as that made me chuckle...cheers. :sherlock:

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I am going to post this elsewhere Oz as that made me chuckle...cheers. :sherlock:

Go for it mate! it only took me a minute to do it...I was actually going to do a long one about the creep and get him to sign me a copy. :craphead::lol:

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