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I'm Beginning To Like What I'm Hearing


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Whittaker and McGregor signing long term deals and talks with Davis to begin soon, great news that two young key players from three in a row are tied down long term, giving us continuity and protecting our fee if they want out at some stage.

I have no doubt that come 31 August the new Rangers will have added quality to the squad and we will have a vastly superior squad to last season.

Last but not least can the transfer doomongers piss off for 8 weeks, we will sign quality but more than likely it will happen mid to late August. What player in their right mind is going to sign for a SPL club until they are aware of whether or not they have an offer from the EPL? As most EPL clubs are haggling over a million playesr just now it will be near impossible for Rangers to attract quality players until the EPL has decided on who they are signing and who they want rid of.

Some of the comments on here from fans who have zero knowledge of how to conduct transfer dealings have quite frankly been apalling over the last 6 weeks.


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I dont think they would have signed up if they hadnt been told there will be others to follow. ok they will have money for the rest of there careers but why sign up with a sinking ship?? Keep the faith!!

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I'm sure that quite a few of those doomongers will be pissing off to watch pre-season matches, league matches and CL matches across Europe safe in the knowledge that the EPL is the only league in the world where we can get players from.

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I dont think they would have signed up if they hadnt been told there will be others to follow. ok they will have money for the rest of there careers but why sign up with a sinking ship?? Keep the faith!!

excellent point mate

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I'm sure that quite a few of those doomongers will be pissing off to watch pre-season matches, league matches and CL matches across Europe safe in the knowledge that the EPL is the only league in the world where we can get players from.

Not quite sure I understand your point.

All I'm saying is its very difficult to sign players till mid August for a Scottish Club. Jelavik signed on the 20th of August last year which I'm sure was down to the player waiting to see what his options in England were. If there is another Jelavik out there do you really think he is going to sign for an SPL club 8 weeks before the window shuts? He will sit it out and see what his options are mid August. Any half decent player in any league in Europe will be hanging off to see if he can get a move to the EPL or any other top league and wouldnt commit himself to th SPL just now.

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Whittaker and McGregor signing long term deals and talks with Davis to begin soon, great news that two young key players from three in a row are tied down long term, giving us continuity and protecting our fee if they want out at some stage.

I have no doubt that come 31 August the new Rangers will have added quality to the squad and we will have a vastly superior squad to last season.

Last but not least can the transfer doomongers piss off for 8 weeks, we will sign quality but more than likely it will happen mid to late August. What player in their right mind is going to sign for a SPL club until they are aware of whether or not they have an offer from the EPL? As most EPL clubs are haggling over a million playesr just now it will be near impossible for Rangers to attract quality players until the EPL has decided on who they are signing and who they want rid of.

Some of the comments on here from fans who have zero knowledge of how to conduct transfer dealings have quite frankly been apalling over the last 6 weeks.


Never read so much shite. 2 players sign new deals and all of sudden we're going to start signing "quality" players.

Did you not read what McCoist had to say last week? he said we will sign Quantity over Quality.

And they can't afford to do what Walter did last year & spend 4million even although that worked. but he won't doing that this year.

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Never read so much shite. 2 players sign new deals and all of sudden we're going to start signing "quality" players.

Did you not read what McCoist had to say last week? he said we will sign Quantity over Quality.

And they can't afford to do what Walter did last year & spend 4million even although that worked. but he won't doing that this year.

Mate if your not clever enough to work out the significance of two young players signing a long term deal, Davis being approached for a five year deal then thats for you to deal with.

As for McCoist saying Quantity over Quality, are you really niaive enough to believe what anyone says? Its all a big game of poker. I believe McCoist said he would sign Quality back in May :)

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Not quite sure I understand your point.

All I'm saying is its very difficult to sign players till mid August for a Scottish Club. Jelavik signed on the 20th of August last year which I'm sure was down to the player waiting to see what his options in England were. If there is another Jelavik out there do you really think he is going to sign for an SPL club 8 weeks before the window shuts? He will sit it out and see what his options are mid August. Any half decent player in any league in Europe will be hanging off to see if he can get a move to the EPL or any other top league and wouldnt commit himself to th SPL just now.

My point is that while we are waiting for the dregs of the EPL to be made available on loan, we will already be competing. As for a 'Jelavic' type signing, McCoist has already made it quite clear that money is tight and that we WON'T be spunking our money like that.

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Aye and whyte was also telling us this before he took over.

Yeah but we get feed anything whyte wants to tell us he lies to our players and there will be unrest, I wouldn't see him doing that. Ok we might not have bodys in for the start if the season but we will buy players just relax.

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our squad size and quality will be largly unaltered I suspect.

Paul Murray was right we idealy needed to spend 25 million this summer. whether he could have delivered that is highly debatable.

we have lost bartley diouf Weiss and foster from last season. frankly we are still some way off even treading water.

I am delighted we are again a club who can offer security to its best players and as such retain there valued services but we need players and personaly I don't want more loans and short fixes.

our first game is upon us and there won't be a new player on show.

while I am sure we will recruit I am less sure that it will be in time.

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Good post Al Capone.

This is how I see it as well.

Unfortunately, what is viewed as good news for most, is also viewed as bad news for some.

Where's the good news in having to wait until the end of August to strengthen the squad?

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My point is that while we are waiting for the dregs of the EPL to be made available on loan, we will already be competing. As for a 'Jelavic' type signing, McCoist has already made it quite clear that money is tight and that we WON'T be spunking our money like that.

Yes Casey but its a simple point, everyone is aware that we are competing in July so your not telling us something we dont know. In an ideal world our management team would like to be signing just now but the market just doesnt allow it. I could turn it round just now and say why sign the dregs just now, players who know they wont get an offer from the top leagues.

Be pragmatic and accept the facts, we are way down the list of clubs that quality playesr want to play for which makes it hard to hold a gun to someones head and make them sign.

I have every confidence that we will sign quality that will take our squad forward.

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It's another blow to the doom-mongers.

If the takeover hadn't happened, we'd be reading about losing these players with no prospect of replacing them.

The team was run down to a ludicrous level and getting it back up to speed will be a long process. We need a lot of players so buying expensive ones is out of the question.

We have a good history of uncovering good players for not much money and I see that continuing.

Some on here need to be a bit more realistic as we can't buy six £4m players.

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Where's the good news in having to wait until the end of August to strengthen the squad?

The 1st paragraph of Al Capone's post:

"Whittaker and McGregor signing long term deals and talks with Davis to begin soon, great news that two young key players from three in a row are tied down long term, giving us continuity and protecting our fee if they want out at some stage.

I have no doubt that come 31 August the new Rangers will have added quality to the squad and we will have a vastly superior squad to last season."

Seems like good news to me.

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Yes Casey but its a simple point, everyone is aware that we are competing in July so your not telling us something we dont know. In an ideal world our management team would like to be signing just now but the market just doesnt allow it. I could turn it round just now and say why sign the dregs just now, players who know they wont get an offer from the top leagues.

Be pragmatic and accept the facts, we are way down the list of clubs that quality playesr want to play for which makes it hard to hold a gun to someones head and make them sign.

I have every confidence that we will sign quality that will take our squad forward.

The market is not centred around the EPL and Championship. If you don't think that there are good players playing around Europe who would improve us and at the same time give us value for money then you have a cheek lecturing other posters about not understanding the transfer game.

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The 1st paragraph of Al Capone's post:

"Whittaker and McGregor signing long term deals and talks with Davis to begin soon, great news that two young key players from three in a row are tied down long term, giving us continuity and protecting our fee if they want out at some stage.

I have no doubt that come 31 August the new Rangers will have added quality to the squad and we will have a vastly superior squad to last season."

Seems like good news to me.

So it was only half his post you thought was good news, even though that includes news of a five year contract for 'the worst right back I've ever seen'?

Mair faces than the toon hall clock. :D

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So it was only half his post you thought was good news, even though that includes news of a five year contract for 'the worst right back I've ever seen'?

Mair faces than the toon hall clock. :D

I'm not a fan of Whittaker but we can only pish wae the cock we've got unfortunately.

It's very good news that the club can afford to offer contracts to the players that our Manager feels are important to our squad, whether I like them or not.

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I feel that it is pretty decent news, I always thought that tying up the main integral parts of squad first I.e shagger Davis etc then on to signings!

I'm not overly concerned about waiting till august, we will sign players!

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