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I Am Not Calling For Ally's Head


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Edu and McCulloch really should never play for rangers again, never mind in the same team, they. Stifle anything Davis has to offer the team, they are immobile and if I see one more Lee pass a slow curvy ball sideways I swear I'll strangle a fucking cat.

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Both were bad tonight. Edu really doesn't have the basics, whatsoever. He's shite.

But I think the issue was bigger than those two tonight. None of our players, outside of Shagger, were playing at their best. Jelavic seemed to be the only one capable of making any real chances, and he can't do everything on his own.

All of our players need a kick in the testicles for next week.

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Nail on head. Don't compliment Davis whatsoever. No understanding between the 3, Edu wonders off does his own thing. Loses the ball all the time. McCulloch can win a header and ping a decent pass out to Whittaker now and again but they both need to get to fuck. They are both pish poor footballers. No intricate passes into Naismith or Jelavic's feet from the Midfield. Edu and McCulloch play the safe/easy ball all the time. High ball into Jelavic and Naismith is fucking ridiculous, both can hurt teams with it on the deck.

We need to sign another CM asap, and I don't think Bedoya is the answer either!!!

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appalling shite from 9 out of 11 players, jig was marking empty space again, wtf does he think will happen if he doesn't mark that empty part of the pitch? disgrace to the fuckin jersey most of them. i'd throw greegs and jela out the dressing room and kick the shit out of the rest of them. whats even more worrying is the complete lack of physical aggression displayed by our players, no balls, no brains and no desire!

raging at the performance tonight, but always hopeful that we can get fucked intae them next time.

gonna get smashed now or i'll smash the house up!

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they were all absolute shite! nobody stood out at all!! mcgregor did what he had to do and more as usual. he shouldnt be forced to come out so often. the whole performance + the performance in the hearts game was absolute gash! they should be ashamed!

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The thing that got me was, when Edu lost the ball in the middle of the park I had a look over to Ally, expecting him to be going off his head. Instead he rolled his arms and clapped at Edu as if to say "Unlucky". You should be tearing him apart for doing stupid shite like that, fuck all this motivation pish. If he's shite: tell him and hook him. Arsehole Ally, absolute arsehole.

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we should of had players in by now

I've been saying this for weeks and been absolutely slated for it at times. But I am annoyed that i was bang on. Ally's jacket seems to be on a shougly nail already with some of the support judging by the mumblings after the game tonight

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I've been saying this for weeks and been absolutely slated for it at times. But I am annoyed that i was bang on. Ally's jacket seems to be on a shougly nail already with some of the support judging by the mumblings after the game tonight

been saying it aswell ive never bought this pay patient pish especially with our season starting so early we needed boys in and the penny pinching has bitten right in the arse

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Very few could squeeze as much out of a bare to the bones squad than Walter, Ally is going to have to get the decent players in to give him options or I can see us winning hee haw.

FFS TLRB got to change his whole squad about 3 times before he got it anywhere near decent (relatively speaking).

Craig Whyte needs to get busy with his fuckin wallet and stop pretending were some kind of expert poker players in the transfer market or he will get bit on the arse big time, and Ally will be hung out to dry. :angry:

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Couple of points.

I dont think McCulloch was that awful tonight, in fact i think he had a pretty decent game.

Edu on the other hand was an absolute passenger, did absolutely nothing right all night.

Also dont think that we can blame not bringing in players, this season has started stupidly early, and most players would have been on summer hols when we were trying to sign them.

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