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Is It A Crime To Be A Wasp


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Not even sure I should respond - but tying the BBC protest (justified or not) to some sort of WASP crusade is stunningly amazing in its concept.

You are now tying politics to football and that is NOT correct.

I think tying your WASP agenda to Rangers to the BBC Protest will be unwelcome even by those who support the protest.

And Alex Salmond hasn't made it political just to win a few votes has he?

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Who made you the person to decide this?

"have your free speech" but, not here? :lol:

What you (and others?) are saying is, people of a certain political and/or religious persuasion arent welcome around Rangers and their causes? Perhaps you should take a wee trip across to NBM's website and get educated.

No I'm saying don't use our club as a soap box for your religious gripes. If you want to have your say please do but don't use rangers as means to do so!

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Meanwhile the Politicians come after Football Fans . The Irony.

You are Priceless, and you are sleepwalking into oblivion.

Get a grip there is a Political agenda against the Rangers Supporters because of their Religious, and Political persuasions .Stevie Wonder could see this,but you cant ,the only reason I can come up with is that you are in complete denial of everything that goes on around you on a daily basis .

The BBC and the SNP are coming after us because of our Religious and Political persuasions, WHY? Why would they even consider that wacko.gif - the BBC have a what, an anti Unionist agenda? The SNP, who want independence, will try to alienate protestants (practising or not) in cotland? REALLY??

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And Alex Salmond hasn't made it political just to win a few votes has he?

It would be a kind of stupid move if he did - using your logic Alex Salmond is trying to win votes from the minority religion and in the process alienating the majority religion ? Oh and 'they' seem to hate this bill as much as we do - so that doesn't stack up. So assuming that Alex sees more votes in this bill than he will lose, where are these votes coming from ?

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I guess you mised Alex Salmond's interview where he condems all the singing of songs in favour of the IRA but to miss that suits your agenda.

And I know you are one of the people who would really like to tie Rangers to your own religious and political agendas but in my opinion it needs very much decoupled.

Also I do actually think most, or the majority, of the people in the UK are agnosic but if they expressed a preference it would be protestant. So what ? If Alex Salmond is playing politics and most people are protestant (your claim) then surely it would be that majority he would want to sook up to and not a minority?

BUT my main point what has this got to do with Rangers - we are not a bastion of the WASP - I thought we were an all inclusive support and club ??

No, I saw the Salmond interview, and, when something is actually done about it, I will take it seriously.

"tie Rangers" to my "own religious and political agendas"?? Do elaborate on what they might be?

Ah, I like your political answer, and, most probably are agnostic, but, pretty much all will have been christened, therefore, they ARE. Pretty simple really. Its very nice thinking, apart from, some Scots are Nationalists, some arent, and, how many DONT vote? Quite a lot. Therefore, capturing a section of the voting public who also have a dislike of the union, is a very simple and obvious route, no?

"What has it got to do with Rangers?" - Have you not noticed what is happening lately? Under the new laws/processes/potential laws, which clubs are being targeted? Which club has this new group of police at every game? Pretty much... just one. Does that not make it about Rangers? i didnt do that, neither did any other fan.

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I guess you mised Alex Salmond's interview where he condems all the singing of songs in favour of the IRA but to miss that suits your agenda.

And I know you are one of the people who would really like to tie Rangers to your own religious and political agendas but in my opinion it needs very much decoupled.

Also I do actually think most, or the majority, of the people in the UK are agnosic but if they expressed a preference it would be protestant. So what ? If Alex Salmond is playing politics and most people are protestant (your claim) then surely it would be that majority he would want to sook up to and not a minority?

BUT my main point what has this got to do with Rangers - we are not a bastion of the WASP - I thought we were an all inclusive support and club ??

I think you are putting words in to peoples mouths on this topic , people here are not saying that people from other faiths, and other beliefs are not welcome at Ibrox to support our club ,but we are saying do not attack us because of our Religious beliefs or Political affiliation ,as is what is happening with the SNP.

Don't put words in to peoples mouths Nationalists, and Republicans are good at that . Our Fans, and Club are being attacked for their beliefs, and made out by an organisation to be Bigoted, when those who are accusing us are actually bigoted themselves .Stop it

.All are welcome to Follow the Ger's just don't attack our Heritage .We are a predominately White Protestant supported Club, whether you like that or not ,and predominately Pro Union Politicaly so do not accuse or suggest people with different beliefs from you, of being non inclusive .

All are welcome at our Club, and indeed the lies about RFC not singing Catholics for 100 years, are Propaganda as we have had Catholic Players at our club since our beginning, and along with colour Players we have had a rich History of success with those Players .

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No, I saw the Salmond interview, and, when something is actually done about it, I will take it seriously.

"tie Rangers" to my "own religious and political agendas"?? Do elaborate on what they might be?

Ah, I like your political answer, and, most probably are agnostic, but, pretty much all will have been christened, therefore, they ARE. Pretty simple really. Its very nice thinking, apart from, some Scots are Nationalists, some arent, and, how many DONT vote? Quite a lot. Therefore, capturing a section of the voting public who also have a dislike of the union, is a very simple and obvious route, no?

"What has it got to do with Rangers?" - Have you not noticed what is happening lately? Under the new laws/processes/potential laws, which clubs are being targeted? Which club has this new group of police at every game? Pretty much... just one. Does that not make it about Rangers? i didnt do that, neither did any other fan.

Your last point: I guess you have missed the fact that even 'they' are against the new legislation and 'they' have been complaining about heavy handed stewarding and policing. (FFS even the Catholic Church seem against it). Oh and the Hibs and Dumfermline fans who have been arrested recently may also disagree that only one club is being targeted.

Your first point: Thats what the new bill is for! :sherlock:

Point 3: If Alex Salmond is purely using this bill for politics thats a very risky strategy and given his majority (and the recent opinion poll of 75% support in Cotland for independence this seems a high risk strategy to a few vote gain. (In fact I bet he wished he had never started it - but he must see it through in some form now.

re: point 2: I would be astounded if you did not have PUL tendancies - if I am wrong my apologies!

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Your last point: I guess you have missed the fact that even 'they' are against the new legislation and 'they' have been complaining about heavy handed stewarding and policing. (FFS even the Catholic Church seem against it). Oh and the Hibs and Dumfermline fans who have been arrested recently may also disagree that only one club is being targeted.

Your first point: Thats what the new bill is for! :sherlock:

Point 3: If Alex Salmond is purely using this bill for politics thats a very risky strategy and given his majority (and the recent opinion poll of 75% support in Cotland for independence this seems a high risk strategy to a few vote gain. (In fact I bet he wished he had never started it - but he must see it through in some form now.

re: point 2: I would be astounded if you did not have PUL tendancies - if I am wrong my apologies!

Sorry, I wasnt paying attention to any other clubs, just my own. There may have been incidents, but, this "special" taskforce has been at every Rangers game, even friendlies down south. Of course "they" are complaining about it, because, eventually, they WILL get dealt with. They opened a massive can of worms with this nonsense.

You dont need a new bill for singing/supporting terrorist organisations, there is already quite clear legislation for that, and, one would think this is a far simpler thing to deal with. The new bill is a joke, a 10 year old could come up with a better version, hence why it hasnt passed through yet despite the best efforts of those in his party with huge republican leanings.

High risk always gives the potential for higher gains, and, his party has simply one goal, and, very little political skill. Hardly a surprise, but, look at a poll, which is easy to do, and compare it with the percentages in some areas that actually get up and go and vote. Much like a large chunk of the Rangers support they will prefer to moan about things, yet, not actually do anything about it when they have a chance.

Anyone who actually cares about Scotland, in the current climate, really should have Unionist tendencies, as, given all politicians are liars, should they manage to push through independance, God help the Scots. And, I am basing THAT on his track record to date, and, the joke of a bill he is producing. Can you (assuming you live in Scotland still) feel comfortable, or happy, that he potentially would be responsible for everything? Scares the life out of me and I dont live there any more.

Apologise when you are ready, always a bit silly to assume something about someone, rather than check first.

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Your last point: I guess you have missed the fact that even 'they' are against the new legislation and 'they' have been complaining about heavy handed stewarding and policing. (FFS even the Catholic Church seem against it). Oh and the Hibs and Dumfermline fans who have been arrested recently may also disagree that only one club is being targeted.

Your first point: Thats what the new bill is for! :sherlock:

Point 3: If Alex Salmond is purely using this bill for politics thats a very risky strategy and given his majority (and the recent opinion poll of 75% support in Cotland for independence this seems a high risk strategy to a few vote gain. (In fact I bet he wished he had never started it - but he must see it through in some form now.

re: point 2: I would be astounded if you did not have PUL tendancies - if I am wrong my apologies!

Yet again the Facts of your argument don't tie up, the Fans that you suggest at Hibs, Dunfermline have slipped of the Radar so to speak ,Looks like they wont make court or they would be in the News ,or is that just for Rangers Fans .

And you suggest the arrests are for Sectarianism how do you know this ,we have not heard a single thing about these Fans not the way Rangers Fans are exposed . Have they been charged and or sentenced or just let off with a wee warning.

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"What has it got to do with Rangers?" - Have you not noticed what is happening lately? Under the new laws/processes/potential laws, which clubs are being targeted? Which club has this new group of police at every game? Pretty much... just one. Does that not make it about Rangers? i didnt do that, neither did any other fan.

Why is it then that Hearts, Hibs and Celtic have all had more fans arrested than ours since the summer ?

Why is it that the other mob are vigorously protesting against this bill as well sighting the EXACT SAME claims you are making only against them.

This bill makes being a football fan criminal. Not a Rangers fan. Not a Celtic fan. A FOOTBALL fan (tu)

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According to salmond, sturgeon and their wee plastic phoney fuckin jacobite government it is. But in the real world it's not, We are the Majority whether these fuck pigs like it or not and I agree wholeheartedly we must fight the good fight ! :sherlock:

Can you back that up and not with vague numbers from some census? The government, hmrc in Scotland, our courts of law and the mhedia are absolutely crawling with vhermin.

Heres a wee belter from fhat Alex -

Recently, Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond, noted that the Catholic Church was "the anchor, the rock of the independence movement in the days of Wallace and Bruce. It was the only institutional force that could be relied upon -- it certainly wasn't the nobles." He also acknowledged his friendship with the late Cardinal Thomas Winning. The cardinal, Salmond said, "wanted people to understand that the Catholic Church was a valid part of Scottish society, equal in status to anyone else." They "didn't need to be protected and deserved to be treated with respect."

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Why is it then that Hearts, Hibs and Celtic have all had more fans arrested than ours since the summer ?

Why is it that the other mob are vigorously protesting against this bill as well sighting the EXACT SAME claims you are making only against them.

This bill makes being a football fan criminal. Not a Rangers fan. Not a Celtic fan. A FOOTBALL fan (tu)

Perhaps they are actually less well behaved than ours? And, what have they been arrested for?

I pay more attention to what is happening with my own club, rather than others, since, its important to me.

Why are they protesting? Because the first single actual conviction sets a precendent, and, given the things they do, they will have nowhere to go. Something I dont think they thought through when this all started.

Of course its aimed at football fans, but, thats part of what makes it a sad state of affairs. As of yet, how many arrests at games, or, singing at games APART from a Rangers involvement, is linked to "bigot" or "sectarian"?

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Perhaps they are actually less well behaved than ours? And, what have they been arrested for?

I pay more attention to what is happening with my own club, rather than others, since, its important to me.

Why are they protesting? Because the first single actual conviction sets a precendent, and, given the things they do, they will have nowhere to go. Something I dont think they thought through when this all started.

Of course its aimed at football fans, but, thats part of what makes it a sad state of affairs. As of yet, how many arrests at games, or, singing at games APART from a Rangers involvement, is linked to "bigot" or "sectarian"?




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Can you back that up and not with vague numbers from some census? The government, hmrc in Scotland, our courts of law and the mhedia are absolutely crawling with vhermin.

Heres a wee belter from fhat Alex -

Recently, Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond, noted that the Catholic Church was "the anchor, the rock of the independence movement in the days of Wallace and Bruce. It was the only institutional force that could be relied upon -- it certainly wasn't the nobles." He also acknowledged his friendship with the late Cardinal Thomas Winning. The cardinal, Salmond said, "wanted people to understand that the Catholic Church was a valid part of Scottish society, equal in status to anyone else." They "didn't need to be protected and deserved to be treated with respect."

He's a piece of work right enough, but it will end up in tears and will come back to bite the wee cunt on the arse ! :sherlock:

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Can you back that up and not with vague numbers from some census? The government, hmrc in Scotland, our courts of law and the mhedia are absolutely crawling with vhermin.

Heres a wee belter from fhat Alex -

Recently, Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond, noted that the Catholic Church was "the anchor, the rock of the independence movement in the days of Wallace and Bruce. It was the only institutional force that could be relied upon -- it certainly wasn't the nobles." He also acknowledged his friendship with the late Cardinal Thomas Winning. The cardinal, Salmond said, "wanted people to understand that the Catholic Church was a valid part of Scottish society, equal in status to anyone else." They "didn't need to be protected and deserved to be treated with respect."

Why would he be saying that if not trying to court that vote? Its a very "Jacobite" thing to do isnt it

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Doesnt say who was arrested? Celtic involved, and, possibly (speculation) made the papers due to the treatment of the kids at half time? Hard to ignore that


arrested days before the celtic hearts game? What happened to them? its a while back. Perhaps to make a statement that they should behave?


again Celtic involvement? Why are all arrests made at games AGAINST them? Answers on a postcard

Cheers, I made some notes.

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Cheers, I made some notes.

So you agree there has been arrests or enquiries and subsequent articles confirming sectarian singing and arrests in non Rangers matches which is the point im making.

Its NOT Rangers fans

Its NOT Celtic fans


The bill is making it a crime to follow football (tu)

No team bias whatsoever (tu)

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So you agree there has been arrests or enquiries and subsequent articles confirming sectarian singing and arrests in non Rangers matches which is the point im making.

Its NOT Rangers fans

Its NOT Celtic fans


The bill is making it a crime to follow football (tu)

No team bias whatsoever (tu)

Its good how when you quote, you leave parts out. Not you, its a forum thing, but it makes things less clear.

No team bias? Hardly, as i said, all these relate to games involving celtic, and, the arrests are not the bheasty fans are they? Throw in the Hearts one, and, the "enquiry"? haha, no doubt that will have the same outcome as the "enquiry" into those who assaulted Ricksen and Dallas.

Like i said, show me a celtic fan arrested and charged for a "sectarian" crime?

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A cert, snp will end up out on their shiter ! :sherlock:

Hopefully they will try and march on London like their ancestors, and, have the same result. Then bug eyes can slink off on a wee boat dressed as a lady, and, let Scotland become a country to be proud of again.

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