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This is what the arsehole enemies are doing on twitter.

Digging into every journo they can to get "their story" heard.... drip drip drip, trying to have their agenda become the truth.

So why am I posting it?? to make more of us aware exactly what they are upto.

Here is Tom English arguing back against the Rangers Tax Case blogger.

In bold is the person tweeting (limerickmick is some tim who sent RTC latest entry to Tom English.

limerickmick2 @TomEnglishSport “@rangerstaxcase: Updated: Campbell Ogilvie: In his own words http://t.co/BeD8vEDw with proof he was a Rangers director”

TomEnglishSport @limerickmick2 @rangerstaxcase What are you on about? He says in the piece that he was a director.No great mystery here. Calm down

rangerstaxcase @TomEnglishSport @limerickmick2 Your interview reinforces the view that he either directed scam or is a complete buffoon unfit for office

TomEnglishSport @rangerstaxcase Your followers have strung him up. The "puff piece" reference is playing to the galleries. Let the inquiry get to the truth.

rangerstaxcase @TomEnglishSport To labour the point, the FTT ruling is irrelevant to RFC (under CO) paying players in breach of SFA rules. No need to wait.

TomEnglishSport @rangerstaxcase You have already found them guilty of illegal double contracts, have you? I'd hate to appear in front of your court.

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the rangers tax case blog's greatest enemy is it's own bias.

it's clear for anyone reading it that it's clearly a die hard celtic fan bloggin everything in a bias light - rather than a fair imaprtial view of the facts.

you can't help but laugh when they go on about Ogilvy "contributing to tax fraud" etc... The verdict fo the tax case hasn't even been heard yet, David Murray still seems confident we will win, and even if we lose, it's still a stretch to call it "fraud".

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the rangers tax case blog's greatest enemy is it's own bias.

it's clear for anyone reading it that it's clearly a die hard celtic fan bloggin everything in a bias light - rather than a fair imaprtial view of the facts.

you can't help but laugh when they go on about Ogilvy "contributing to tax fraud" etc... The verdict fo the tax case hasn't even been heard yet, David Murray still seems confident we will win, and even if we lose, it's still a stretch to call it "fraud".

It's not bad for a laugh every couple days, though.

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They claim to strive for an equal field, which is a laugh given their campaign to get rid of all things Rangers and replace it with their own. :lol:

They haven't even the courage to say so, and just hide behind mock outrage, the same way they used to hide their terrorist loving behind "politics"

It gives me a laugh reading about their quest for justice when their own club defrauded millions in tax by deflating the crowds etc. And where was the justice for the abused kids ?

Their board conspired to cover up much, much more serious matters than EBT's, yet some still sat with the SFA.

Perhaps they'll also look into recent allegations about Dermot Desmond.

It must be killing them that far from erasing Rangers, we are looking at new owners and the end of the tax cases and debt.

They should be careful what they wish for, it doesn't always work out the way you expect, Timmy should know this as they get whipped by Rangers every time they right us off.

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This guy Limerickmick is constantly on at stewart regan aswell, check his twitter page, asking about UEFA investigations clearly someone with a lot of spare fucking time and an agenda I wouldnt be surprised if it was a member fo celtics board he seems very well informed at times.

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RTC is a bust these days. Their source has been silenced, leaving them spouting speculation and worst case scenarios like the dafter elements of the media.

It's now just bitter tims asking "what if"

Rangers still being here makes them look less credible by the day :lol:

Little voices raging at the dark.

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Anyone see a couple of weeks ago when the Guardian's leading piece on their football site was an article written by the RangersTaxCaseBlog, basically talking about how great he was? Was frankly bizarre, the guy openly admitted to being a Celtic fan, which, straight away, surely discredits most of what he(she?) has written. The comments section was just a bunch of rabid tims talking about what a brilliant thing the writer had done, congratulating him etc. Fucking pathetic. Typical fucking Guardian, has to be seen to be paying attention to us when shit is hitting the fan. 'Shall we write a big piece on it?...na, just find some arsehole who cares about it from up north in Jockland'

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They claim to strive for an equal field, which is a laugh given their campaign to get rid of all things Rangers and replace it with their own. :lol:

They haven't even the courage to say so, and just hide behind mock outrage, the same way they used to hide their terrorist loving behind "politics"

It gives me a laugh reading about their quest for justice when their own club defrauded millions in tax by deflating the crowds etc. And where was the justice for the abused kids ?

Their board conspired to cover up much, much more serious matters than EBT's, yet some still sat with the SFA.

Perhaps they'll also look into recent allegations about Dermot Desmond.

It must be killing them that far from erasing Rangers, we are looking at new owners and the end of the tax cases and debt.

They should be careful what they wish for, it doesn't always work out the way you expect, Timmy should know this as they get whipped by Rangers every time they right us off.

Spot on

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Anyone see a couple of weeks ago when the Guardian's leading piece on their football site was an article written by the RangersTaxCaseBlog, basically talking about how great he was? Was frankly bizarre, the guy openly admitted to being a Celtic fan, which, straight away, surely discredits most of what he(she?) has written. The comments section was just a bunch of rabid tims talking about what a brilliant thing the writer had done, congratulating him etc. Fucking pathetic. Typical fucking Guardian, has to be seen to be paying attention to us when shit is hitting the fan. 'Shall we write a big piece on it?...na, just find some arsehole who cares about it from up north in Jockland'

I saw that and plenty people posted in the comments slagging them for their back slapping and self congratulation. The grauniad tries but it just doesnt get Scotland.

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It isn't any of them lot....but he does get info from similar sources.

Perhaps its by someone who works for HMRC and therefore has the inside knowledge of what is going on? I remember early on in Whtes tenure, Jack Irvine named someone who works for HMRC who had the failed social worker on his facebook and then he had vanished. Possibly same person? Either way, hopefully this person will be unmasked soon and those within HMRC who have fed them info will be sacked.

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