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Leggo and Timmy Thomson

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Leggo 1 Timmy Thomson 0 :D

Monday, 23 April 2012


ODIOUS CREEP is, I can reveal, in the vanguard of a group of Rangers haters who want to see Rangers finished off.

And he is joined by a motley crew, headed by Channel Four’s useful idiot, the sublimely easy to con Alex Thomson.

Paedophile sympathizer Odious Creep is also in the same gang as Philacghiollabhain and Celtic rebel and extremist, Matt McGlone, of whom there will be more.


For the moment it‘s the THREE MUPPETS, Creep, Thomson and Philmacghoillabhain that we should turn our attention to and the spotlight on.

Creep’s anti Rangers agenda is well known and long established. As is his dodgy journalism. He freely admits to being imprecise and bumbling, serious flaws in any journalist's make up, especially imprecision. Yet Odious Creep appears to revel in being unable to be precise when it comes to presenting the FACTS.

In doing so he cocks a snoot at his serious colleagues. Those precise professionals who try to get to grips with the truth. Precisely.

No wonder journalists on the Sunday Herald now fear for their jobs after Odious Creep was handed a column in the fast fading paper. He was handed it by some fool who seems intent on killing off the Sunday Herald.

For, apart from one column on religious affairs on Easter Sunday, which was a rehash of what he wrote in the Scotsman on Maundy Thursday, Odious Creep has abused his platform in the Sunday Herald to call for Rangers to be have titles taken away and for the club to be booted out of the SPL.

But he has gone even further.

He has compared Rangers to Juventus, who were stripped of their Italian crowns of 2005 and 2006 for match fixing.

Odious Creep has put Rangers on a par with a club which indulged in …..


Imprecise? Aye, all of that. And more. But that’s why the Sunday Herald’s circulation has plunged by more than SIX per cent in the few weeks since Odious Creep first sullied their pages with his bilious bumbling.

The Sunday Herald sells barely 29,000 and falling fast and is now heading for the knacker’s yard. When it gets there, the good and honest hard working journalists who will lose their jobs can blame two people.


And the fool who employed him.

And so to Alex Thomson. Like Creep, he is a useful idiot to those whose very existence is based on bigotry. People such as IRA supporter, Philmacgiollabhain.

Since Philmacgiollabhain and Matt McGlone blew a trumpet fanfare to announce Channel Four Thomson’s arrival to cover the Rangers story, Thomson has proved to be the English version of Odious Creep.

Much of his reporting has been of the imprecise variety. The only time he has got anything right is when he has repeated what has already been put in the public domain by Scottish newspapers, right from the wee East Kilbride News up to the Daily Record.

Then there is his bumbling. His extreme naivety. When he first arrived in Glasgow on the weekend leading up to the last Old Firm game, Alexander James Thomson claimed on Twitter that he had received a direct physical threat from a Glasgow journalist.

Direct, mind you. Which to this humble toiler in the vineyard of truth means face-to-face. Or at least, over the telephone.

In the aftermath of the Old Firm game I pointed to one or two IMPRECISE claims made by Alex Thomson, including him getting the wrong price for the ticket he bought and claiming he was in an END stand, when he was in fact in the Club Deck.

I also challenged him to name and shame the reporter concerned. To report him to the police. I added, that his imprecise claims had sullied the good name of every Scottish journalist.

But no, Alex Thomson continued to bumble on with self-indulgent imprecision. Until a week ago in the run up to his appearance on Radio Clyde with two of Scotland’s finest, least bumbling and most precise journalists, the Sun’s Roger Hannah and that wonderful old warhorse, the Daily Record’s Hugh Keevins.

Thomson trailed his guest appearance on Radio Clyde by Twittering on April 16th that he would prove a journalist had threatened to attack him and that he would reveal how that person’s name will become public in due course.

This followed an exchange the previous day when he was challenged on Twitter by someone called Suttongers, to say who the journalist was. Thomson had replied to that challenge saying: “Listen to Clyde tomorrow around 7. Then you can apologise.”

Well, we all know what happened. Thomson appeared in the studio like some latter day Neville Chamberlain waving a piece of paper which soon proved to be just as worthless as the one the wing collared one brought back from Munich.

The flimsy A4 sheet was a copy of a Twitter page print out and contained a Tweet which made reference to “Timmy Thomson” getting a good old fashioned Presbyterian slap.

The identity of the Twitter account was blacked out. Redacted like those reproductions of the MP’s fiddled expenses.

But within minutes the identity spread like wildfire on-line. It was a spoof account set up in my name by a Celtic supporter well known on the Celticminded web side run by a man, based in Stenhousemuir, called McMenemy. The fraudster soon owned up.

Leaving the old pros in the Radio Clyde studio howling their laughter at how a supposedly hot shot London newsman, who was going to show them how to do their jobs, had been taken for a ride by a daft wee laddie.

In fact, if David Murray qualifies for the DOYLE LONNEGAN MUG OF THE YEAR AWARD for last year, after being duped by Craig Whyte, then Alexander James Thomson of Channel Four News has surely won this year’s DOYLE LONNEGAN MUG OF THE YEAR AWARD, named for the character played as a boor by the late great Robert Shaw in the movie classic, the Sting.

Thomson was in a bad place. He was in a hole. But he refused to stop digging. For after being on Radio Clyde he was back on Twitter insisting: “ Just for the record, I obviously have more evidence than mere Tweets, real or no, which will be handed to the police. I was hardly going to divulge the real stuff. The cops get that. Not Clyde. Even you. I’m not that daft.”

At that stage more than THREE weeks had elapsed since Alex Thomson had first made his sensational attention seeking claims about being threatened by a Scottish journalist, but by his own admission, the matter had still NOT been reported to the police. Curious, that.

And so these wild allegations by Channel Four News’ Alexander James Thomson seemed set to drift away on a flight to Fantasy Island. But, no! Wait!

For on Friday April 20th, a month after he first made the claims he had been directly threatened and four days after he said he would reveal all on Radio Clyde, Alexander James Thomson took to Twitter again.

And this time there was no threat from him to report any alleged threat to the police. No promise that he WOULD do it.

Just a clear and stark message, put out there on Twitter for all to see by Alex Thomson, which said….


I do hope he handed the police more evidence than a spoof account put together by a daft wee laddie living with his auld mammy in some back street, who is well known as a nutter on Stenhousemuir based McMenemy’s Celticminded site.

News reporters may now want to take the usual journalistic step of asking Strathclyde Police if they have received a complaint from a journalist about being threatened? Such a move is basic newsgathering.

News desks may also want to ask the Strathclyde Police that, if they have received such a complaint, are they taking it seriously?

If there is sufficient evidence to make any such threat credible?

For if that evidence does not exist, Strathclyde Police may want to have words with Alexander James Thomson. And those words may include the phrase….


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An imprecise journalist (?) bumbling on about another journalist being imprecise and bumbling - ach its a wee bit of light relief from waiting for the next imprecise deadline and bumbling announcement on who is going to own us, who is winning the bidding war and what the said deal is.

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If half of what he writes about Joe O'Rourke is true, why is this cretin still in a job and not in a cell?

What he writes about o'rourke is only the half of it.

You see, our mad Joe is a supporter, certainly financially and possibly otherwise of militant Irish Republicanism and assists in organising events to support such murdering groups as RIRA.

Can you imagine if McMillan was organising a UVF doo in Bridgeton...what would the response be from the media?

Can you imagine if Andy Kerr wrote on a social media site that he wished more RC's has drowned on the Titanic...what would the response be from the media?

Mad Joe organises militant, murdering republican gatherings and openly wishes Protestants drowned yet remains in an OFFICIAL capacity within Bheast FC.

btw...current Celtic players attend those functions. If the media dont highlight that then what hope have we got that they go after a proxy Bheast official fan chief?

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What he writes about o'rourke is only the half of it.

You see, our mad Joe is a supporter, certainly financially and possibly otherwise of militant Irish Republicanism and assists in organising events to support such murdering groups as RIRA.

Can you imagine if McMillan was organising a UVF doo in Bridgeton...what would the response be from the media?

Can you imagine if Andy Kerr wrote on a social media site that he wished more RC's has drowned on the Titanic...what would the response be from the media?

Mad Joe organises militant, murdering republican gatherings and openly wishes Protestants drowned yet remains in an OFFICIAL capacity within Bheast FC.

btw...current Celtic players attend those functions. If the media dont highlight that then what hope have we got that they go after a proxy Bheast official fan chief?

If true then our media have really fallen in with the dark side. Not much hope for us getting any parity.

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What he writes about o'rourke is only the half of it.

You see, our mad Joe is a supporter, certainly financially and possibly otherwise of militant Irish Republicanism and assists in organising events to support such murdering groups as RIRA.

Can you imagine if McMillan was organising a UVF doo in Bridgeton...what would the response be from the media?

Can you imagine if Andy Kerr wrote on a social media site that he wished more RC's has drowned on the Titanic...what would the response be from the media?

Mad Joe organises militant, murdering republican gatherings and openly wishes Protestants drowned yet remains in an OFFICIAL capacity within Bheast FC.

btw...current Celtic players attend those functions. If the media dont highlight that then what hope have we got that they go after a proxy Bheast official fan chief?

Mad Joe is condoned and kept within 'ra Selik family' by Bheast FC because deep down in the darkest parts of their souls, that part they don't want to talk about, they secretly support Mad Joe's notions of anti-Protestant/anti-British Government rhetoric.

Mad Joe and his terrorist-loving ilk are comfortable within 'ra Selik family.

They are two rancid peas from the same rancid pod. :angry:

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Mad Joe is condoned and kept within 'ra Selik family' by Bheast FC because deep down in the darkest parts of their souls, that part they don't want to talk about, they secretly support Mad Joe's notions of anti-Protestant/anti-British Government rhetoric.

Mad Joe and his terrorist-loving ilk are comfortable within 'ra Selik family.

They are two rancid peas from the same rancid pod. :angry:

You would think that as it is openly accepted by the media that mad joes rhetoric is indeed condoned by bheast fc, if not written by them, the same media would accept Rangers core values of pro British / Protestant.

If its good enough for scumtic to be pro catholic, pro irish republic, and actually be admired for it (in the mhedia)!!! Then it should be good enough for Rangers to be pro British / Protestant and not be lambasted for it!

After all, the last time I looked this is actually Britain. Or am I missing something?

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You would think that as it is openly accepted by the media that mad joes rhetoric is indeed condoned by bheast fc, if not written by them, the same media would accept Rangers core values of pro British / Protestant.

If its good enough for scumtic to be pro catholic, pro irish republic, and actually be admired for it (in the mhedia)!!! Then it should be good enough for Rangers to be pro British / Protestant and not be lambasted for it!

After all, the last time I looked this is actually Britain. Or am I missing something?

THIS (tu) (tu)

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No he's bheast who got his fingers burned and is looking to do some damage limitation on his reputation.

He's English with no significant Scottish or Irish connections that I know of and in a long career he'd said fuck all about Scottish football until somebody suggested taking a look at Rangers so I really don't see how he can be a Celtic fan.

Thomson and his people see a story and I can't blame them for that considering all the shite David Murray caused, clearly he had Celtic minded individuals in his hear at first but he's made an effort to get things from Rangers fans' perspective as well recently.

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He's English with no significant Scottish or Irish connections that I know of and in a long career he'd said fuck all about Scottish football until somebody suggested taking a look at Rangers so I really don't see how he can be a Celtic fan.

Thomson and his people see a story and I can't blame them for that considering all the shite David Murray caused, clearly he had Celtic minded individuals in his hear at first but he's made an effort to get things from Rangers fans' perspective as well recently.

The you're deluded pal.

He spent some time as a journo in Belfast. He also sat in the club deck at the last match against the scum, adjacent to the Broomloan and selectively didn't hear their vile songs. Reported hearing plenty of FTP from us though.

Panders to the filth on twitter constantly.

I've lost all respect for him and good deal of respect for ch4 news.

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He's English with no significant Scottish or Irish connections that I know of and in a long career he'd said fuck all about Scottish football until somebody suggested taking a look at Rangers so I really don't see how he can be a Celtic fan.

Thomson and his people see a story and I can't blame them for that considering all the shite David Murray caused, clearly he had Celtic minded individuals in his hear at first but he's made an effort to get things from Rangers fans' perspective as well recently.

He's not had anything to do with Scottish football, until he started mixing with the likes of Phil McGobbler, McGlone, Speirs and Mark Daly. A right good group to get unbiased information from, to start an investigation eh?

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The you're deluded pal.

He spent some time as a journo in Belfast. He also sat in the club deck at the last match against the scum, adjacent to the Broomloan and selectively didn't hear their vile songs. Reported hearing plenty of FTP from us though.

Panders to the filth on twitter constantly.

I've lost all respect for him and good deal of respect for ch4 news.

I'm not deluded just because I don't jump to the 'he's a sellic fan' conclusion for everything. I was aware he was in Northern Ireland for a while but I was talking more in a family and upbringing context, if anything do you not find more Bears in Belfast? He replied to me on twitter last week and made a point of saying that he was investigating our former directors and not the fans and club as a whole, so you could argue he was pandering to me there as well.

If he hated us that much he wouldn't have made a point of praising our fans, why would he need to? He's doing it because Channel 4 see a story.

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I'm not deluded just because I don't jump to the 'he's a sellic fan' conclusion for everything. I was aware he was in Northern Ireland for a while but I was talking more in a family and upbringing context, if anything do you not find more Bears in Belfast? He replied to me on twitter last week and made a point of saying that he was investigating our former directors and not the fans and club as a whole, so you could argue he was pandering to me there as well.

If he hated us that much he wouldn't have made a point of praising our fans, why would he need to? He's doing it because Channel 4 see a story.

We shall just have to agree to disagree.

I don't think he's a fan of the great unwashed, but he certainly isn't a fan of ours.

He only praised our fans to emphasise his criticism of former directors. Not such a bad thing, except when he has a dig at a Rangers legend.

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We shall just have to agree to disagree.

I don't think he's a fan of the great unwashed, but he certainly isn't a fan of ours.

He only praised our fans to emphasise his criticism of former directors. Not such a bad thing, except when he has a dig at a Rangers legend.

I just fail to see what his motives could be for having something personal against us, considering he's reported from Afghanistan so much of his career it seems bizarre to me that hating a football club in Scotland would be something on his mind. Seeing a potential huge sporting scandal is something I accept as the reasoning, when it comes to Murray and his lackeys I wouldn't blame anyone for wondering.

John Greig has had plenty of critisism from our own fans, seen plenty question what he actually did on the board, plus you'll sometimes hear the odd person who's met him say he's not a nice guy.

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finally today, Thomson seemed to pour scorn on the rumour that McGobblegiver and co have been circulating about BDO LLP.

The rumour being: BDO are a liquidation specialist with an office in or around York St, and some time in the last week they circulated an internal email asking staff to identify if they would have a conflict of interest by working on a liquidation procedure involving RFC.

Well , Thomson finally broke ranks with his cohorts today, saying that there was no truth in the aforementioned rumour and his sources are excellent on this one.

Has he finally opened his eyes to all the bull he has been fed by the mhanky mob?

(waits for thread to be chopped, I have searched for previous mentions but the search engine won't find small words like BDO)

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Thomson is OK, I questioned his objectivity myself but he's been very keen to praise the fans recently.

just what fucking planet are you on with your 'Thimson is OK.'

he is a self serving cunt who will fuck Rangers or, for that matter, the scum or anyone else, to promote his journalistic career in a field where the truth is always subservient to market share.

he is a fucking laughing stock among his peers for his glaring ineptitude - violating the first law of journalism - check your fucking sources - something every high school journalist knows.

his recent 'praise' of Rangers fans that you speak so highly of was clear subterfuge in the same article for sticking the fucking knife into our team again - slagging Rangers regarding debts, knowing fine well that this is the reality of every fucking company that enters administration.

commending this cunt Thimson and failing to see his real motivation in his 'praise' article is comparable of your daily blowjob of duff & phelps.

you praise these dudes while completely ignoring the fact that the fucking owner of the company, David Grier, was the central figure involved in Craig Whyte's acquisition of Rangers.

duff$phelps are whyte's choice of administrators!

the role of an administrator is to be independent, and to look after the interests of all the creditors without prejudice.

how can duff & phelps be independent when Grier and whyte have had a menage every other weekend with a porn star provided by whyte's high-flying tax advisor Paul Baxendale-Walker?

do the other creditors have the opportunity, like whyte, of being in bed with David Grier, the principal partner of duff & phelps.

like fuck.

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just what fucking planet are you on with your 'Thimson is OK.'

he is a self serving cunt who will fuck Rangers or, for that matter, the scum or anyone else, to promote his journalistic career in a field where the truth is always subservient to market share.

he is a fucking laughing stock among his peers for his glaring ineptitude - violating the first law of journalism - check your fucking sources - something every high school journalist knows.

his recent 'praise' of Rangers fans that you speak so highly of was clear subterfuge in the same article for sticking the fucking knife into our team again - slagging Rangers regarding debts, knowing fine well that this is the reality of every fucking company that enters administration.

commending this cunt Thimson and failing to see his real motivation in his 'praise' article is comparable of your daily blowjob of duff & phelps.

you praise these dudes while completely ignoring the fact that the fucking owner of the company, David Grier, was the central figure involved in Craig Whyte's acquisition of Rangers.

duff$phelps are whyte's choice of administrators!

the role of an administrator is to be independent, and to look after the interests of all the creditors without prejudice.

how can duff & phelps be independent when Grier and whyte have had a menage every other weekend with a porn star provided by whyte's high-flying tax advisor Paul Baxendale-Walker?

do the other creditors have the opportunity, like whyte, of being in bed with David Grier, the principal partner of duff & phelps.

like fuck.

I simply don't see conspiracy, blame and agenda in everything and everyone. I know who is responsible for our problems, and I stick to blaming them instead of constantly trying to find more people to blame.

The Grier connection was explained on day one of administration, and it's irrelevant anyway. The administrators answer to the courts, they're closely monitored and have to give reports, some people don't seem to realise that the stuff they talk about would see Duff and Phelps put in jail, and I don't believe for a second Craig Whyte has got so much to offer them that they'd risk their highly paid jobs, reputations and jail time to help him. Whyte appointed them because he didn't want HMRC involved and the club was probably heading to liquidation if there was no administration, so the fact he wanted to bring them in is no evidence at all of anything dodgy.

As for Thomson, I was responding to people calling him a Celtic fan, if there was a personal vendetta he simply wouldn't praise the fans the way he did, fans are what they hate about our club more than anything. I don't know how good or bad a journalist he is, I don't know his exact motives for praising the fans, I know that i'm not surprised somebody sees a big story with the shite that has gone on at our club, and I know Thomson can't do any damage to us that hasn't already been done. If he was to reveal something that could see David Murray and Craig Whyte put in jail, i'd be delighted.

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You would think that as it is openly accepted by the media that mad joes rhetoric is indeed condoned by bheast fc, if not written by them, the same media would accept Rangers core values of pro British / Protestant.

If its good enough for scumtic to be pro catholic, pro irish republic, and actually be admired for it (in the mhedia)!!! Then it should be good enough for Rangers to be pro British / Protestant and not be lambasted for it!

After all, the last time I looked this is actually Britain. Or am I missing something?

With regard to the "MEDIA", you are missing ahell of a lot.

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