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how much would green sell the club to the fans for

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now is a great time to follow through with what we started by actually raising the money which we previously all pledged!! if green was prepared to sell the club for 20million to smith could we as fans not raise that sort of cash?? i would imagine something in the region of 15 million could actually be achieved by doing this! and if we were to start again from division three we could restructure the club from pillar to post paying small wages until we are back in the spl!! the money saved in three seasons of low wages could go straight into our title push for the spl and we would then assemble a nice squad with a blend of young talent with first team experience with experienced pros! and rightfuly return to being spl champions!!!


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Duno mate. Would love it.

The only way we could raise that sort of cash would be via a fans membership scheme.

That could raise some serious cash if done right.

A simple but affective scheme with huge potential.

TOTALLY AGREE but we would need someone we trust at the helm i dont see why we shouldnt try if green has stated he would sell for the right price!! how muchdid we get to in the pledge???

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he could easily put up 40% of the club for a public sale and make enough to cover the club for a good few seasons, that leaves his consortium with 60% of the club between them still

A far more realistic and workable situation. The club would be a shambles if fully owned by the fans

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I know this was banded about for raising cash for the rfff but obviously nothing happened.

Don't know why.

Dortmund and Munich for example have them and they raise serious cash for them on an annual basis.

It also gives overseas bears who obviously can't get to games a chance to be more involved with the club.

Something simple as £120 per year or £10 per month could raise serious cash.

50,000 X 120 = £6million.

Open up worldwide that figure could be massive especially now when everyone is feeling we are being battered from pillar to post.

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Its not too early for the fans to invest. Yes to own the club but not to raise cash?

Barcelona fans do it with their scheme where they vote on a new president every 2 years and have seat on the board.

The membership money is invested in the team.

Its so simple with huge potential.

Need a trust worthy board aka the fighting fund for example with leading bears fronting the scheme ie Walter.

The fans have the power n potential to raise real cash if done right.

Players bought with the cash any future sell on invested into the team again.

No profit just money into the team.

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Well, let us first see how the model works in Germany where it´s more or less standard.

The idea is that paying members got voting rights yes, depending on where you live you can vote for which elector (rather like an MP) you want to represent you in the AGM. These electors than vote on a number of proposed members of the board when their mandate is up for renewal.

The board then elects a President who will choose his club Directors among suitable candidates.

At a glance there ain´t much difference because the topdog at the club is more likely than not to be someone rich and influential.

The difference is perhaps that he´s more expected to make sure the clubs got good sponsors, good finances etc. Not bankrolling the club.

As for the financial gain of the club, let us avoid looking at a giant like Bayern Munich but look at Schalke who are fairly big. They got about a 100k members that pay the club something like €6m p.a net. Adults pay €75, children and old farts less.

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I know this was banded about for raising cash for the rfff but obviously nothing happened.

Don't know why.

Dortmund and Munich for example have them and they raise serious cash for them on an annual basis.

It also gives overseas bears who obviously can't get to games a chance to be more involved with the club.

Something simple as £120 per year or £10 per month could raise serious cash.

50,000 X 120 = £6million.

Open up worldwide that figure could be massive especially now when everyone is feeling we are being battered from pillar to post.


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gut sick of the 50 or so types of speculation concernining the club,most fans are sick of it as well,different owners,conmen,last minute bids,uncertainty of anything realistic,the more this drags on the more the fans will get disillusioned and thats not a good thing especially at this stage,green put the money up when nobody else would and were shuffling their feet,now its walter the saviour? if that goes tits up whats next/.? the organisation from the rst and walter should have been done by now and ready to go into the final stages of the bidding if thats what the fans really want? what next? who knows? and the more it drags on the less the fans are going to care,and thats sad for a great club.watp :uk:

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Dortmund and Munich for example have them and they raise serious cash for them on an annual basis.

Actually all Bundesliga blubs operate a membership scheme.

German clubs are actually sporting associations. Some of these clubs were formed years ago out of mundane groups such as gymnastic clubs.

German clubs operate on a 50+1 rule mandated by the government where bu a minimum of 51% of the club must be owned by the club members.

This does not prevent private investment for businessmen who wish to invest in the club but prevents any one individual from exercising total control.

Clubs are run by a board made up of delegates selected by the shareholders. This gives the membership a say in the running of the club.

Not sure if this model would work for Rangers but I suspect it would have prevented this fiasco.

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The fact Walter's consortium has been forced to walk away suggests he's looking to make a big profit. It seems £6m (500k profit) doesn't even scratch the surface with this guy.

How do you make a profit from selling at £6m and arithmetic was a strong point of mine at my non apartheid school

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