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Don't Sugar Coat the Money Grabbers


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Firstly, it's very unfair Sone Aluko is being lumped in with the 3 treacherous, back stabbing cunts that, in hindsight were never fit to wear our badge, by the BBC in their recent articles.

Aluko, firstly, paid US out of his own pocket to come here, this guy does not owe us anything. Secondly, his contract was never long term, so everyone should get behind Sone for what he did for us last season, had it not been for his glorious goal against the scum we really could have experienced the ultimate low on Ibrox soil. All the best Sone in the future Sone, your efforts won't be forgotten.

As for Naismith, Whittaker & McCabe, go fuck yoruselfs you selfish cunts. I hope their careers go from shit to shitter, after they are sued by Charles Green for their estimated transfer value.

McCoist was right, don't treat the fans like idiots, we all know how this works. If a club looking for your signature doesn't have to pay the club a transfer fee, the agents & player will tout themselves around as free agents looking for an increased sign-on fee. The bottom line is they hope to pocket money that otherwise would have went to Rangers as a transfer fee. Flount it around like cheap tarts, boys.

I fully understand players that "want to walk away" (even i'm sick of hearing that phrase) - but do it in the proper manner. Stick in a transfer request, you signed a contract, it's being honoured now.

To use the newco situation is 1. An excuse to break a contract you signed & 2. as a way of screwing the club out of your transfer value, is utterly fucking despicable to a club & set of fans that have made you the wealthy millionaires & international players you are now. Of all the lows we've experienced since February, this is amongst the worst. To see the players we've paid money to go see, to cheer them on, to now turn their backs in the worst possible way is unforgivable.

As for the 75% wage cut, it was commendable, yes, but let's not forget the amount of time Whittaker & Naisy have spent on the treatment table within their time at the club. Taking a 75% reduction for 4 months to these guys would have been a sort term blow, but a mere drop in the ocean once back to normal with the kind of wage packets these guys are on. It Doesn't get you a pass in this one. The club owes you nothing.

A few of us on Rangers MEdia have mentioned that going to Div3 will "weed out the glory hunters". Infacts it's weeding out the fucking snivelling mercenaries disguised as Rangers.

I hope the majority of bears are with me in my disgust, hopefully the rest of the lads will do the right thing, and either stay, or request for a transfer to exit their respective contracts.

EDIT: Should we get behind Charlie Green to use the RFFF to launch legal proceedings agains tthe cunts who renegade on their contracts? Green, and D&P obviously felt there is a strong legal case that their contracts were transferred over, the RFFF is undefetaed in the courst after takign the SFA to task, lets sue the traitors for their estimated trnsfer value.

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I'm sickened by Steven Whittaker's statements, that he owes no loyalty to a newco. Well, in that case, neither do I, so should I just fuck off and sit at home rather than go and watch the Gers? I'd have given my left nut to pull on that jersey, there are no words I can use to describe the joy I have felt supporting Rangers, nor to describe the anger at the last few months' events. I will do my utmost to be at Ibrox every other Saturday whether we are in the First or Third Division.

Steven Naismith was always going to leave. From day one I knew he'd be out. He's a wee prick who had one decent season at Ibrox.

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And there will be more coming out with the same shite in the next few days money grabbing bastards.

perhaps the rest will be as disgusted as we are at these 2 wankers and do the decent thing.

i have faith in Shagger, probably our highest valued player currently at the club & the only guy who is truelly premiership standard who could get a first team place down south. I hope he gives the club & the fans the decency to meet with McCoist and at least request a transfer out.

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perhaps the rest will be as disgusted as we are at these 2 wankers and do the decent thing.

i have faith in Shagger, probably our highest valued player currently at the club & the only guy who is truelly premiership standard who could get a first team place down south. I hope he gives the club & the fans the decency to meet with McCoist and at least request a transfer out.

And if you're wrong? Will he be a cunt too?

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And there will be more coming out with the same shite in the next few days money grabbing bastards.

Lafferty and Davis I expect. I think McGregor will stay with Rangers.

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Really disappointed in Naismith....

I don't see why these players are saying they don't trust Green and Zeus and thats why they are not transferring..... Has it really anything to do with them in terms of trusting these people?

they have a contract, they get paid their money.... Just like before, playing in the same stadium with the same squad, same management team..... So why are they giving this big huge schpeel? They obviously just have an opportunity to tout their way into England for more money and they are taking it. I for one will not be thanking them for their time. They can fuck off. That goes for the rest who want to follow suit.

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Really disappointed in Naismith....

I don't see why these players are saying they don't trust Green and Zeus and thats why they are not transferring..... Has it really anything to do with them in terms of trusting these people?

they have a contract, they get paid their money.... Just like before, playing in the same stadium with the same squad, same management team..... So why are they giving this big huge schpeel? They obviously just have an opportunity to tout their way into England for more money and they are taking it. I for one will not be thanking them for their time. They can fuck off. That goes for the rest who want to follow suit.

I imagine the thinking behind that is, what if they do not have the funding and what if in 6 or 7 months time they are asked to take another heavy wage cut because we end up in administration again? Basically, what if the new owners are another Craig Whyte?

This isn't me justifying their decision, btw, I'm wholly against how they've went about it.

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Their motivations are purely selfish. They should have stayed with the newco and put in a transfer request. The club needs the money their contracts are worth more than ever.

They have chosen to take the cowards way out instead of standing and being counted like a true Ranger should.

All the excuses and dramatics will not mask their guilt.

Any player who takes similar action will be a coward in my eyes and will never be spoken of in a positive way.

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From Gersnet:

If their T&C's are protected by TUPE then the only reason to leave is the uncertainty over which League/Division we will be playing in. That will be decided within the next two weeks or a little longer, so what's the rush? There would be plenty of time to arrange transfers thereafter.

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I have just read the 2 players statements, and what a pair of cunts, never mind all the rest of the predicted pish about what they feel for the club, what about the way they have treated their manager, a man who has stuck by these two cunts through injury and bad form, they couldn't even speak to him first. The two of you are a fuckin disgrace, and this great club, (by the way naismith, we are still the same club) will grow and prosper without yous, hang your heads in fuckin shame

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money grabbers, treacherous, back stabbers doh

have a word with youself, ffs, do you not think they have families to support, bills to pay,

some people never cease to amaze :anguish:

And they couldn't wait 4 days before doing this, i agree with you, some people never cease to amaze me either. If there was a poll predicting the first players to jump ship, these 2 would have been high on most peoples list, after the problems they created with the vote for the wage cut

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money grabbers, treacherous, back stabbers doh

have a word with youself, ffs, do you not think they have families to support, bills to pay,

some people never cease to amaze :anguish:

So do the Rangers supporters who bought the season tickets that paid their wages.

Nobody is asking them to play in D3, just to transfer to the newco so we can at least get a fee for them when they move on.

Millions of people unemployed just now and you are worried about the bank accounts of millionaires?????? What about the families of the Ibrox staff? Don't they count?

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Would anyone be surprised if it emerged that this was a coordinated and structured 'Get Green Out' campaign by those who want to buy the club for buttons (The Troo Bloo How-Do-You-Do G'Nights, Part-4) and that these players are party to this scam? :angry:

Aye, that'll be it.

Jesus christ.

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Their statements were designed to invoke anger and were used partly with the aim of getting fans to say GTF then. The club is bigger than any and every player. We should expect no less as most footballers are mercenaries.

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money grabbers, treacherous, back stabbers doh

have a word with youself, ffs, do you not think they have families to support, bills to pay,

some people never cease to amaze :anguish:

families to support? you got to be fucking joking. They reverted back to the contracts they were on before we went into admin, those contracts will now be honoured, and they can be transfered out the club in the proper manner.

Transferring to the newco doesn't turn them into beggars who canny afford a can of soup, they go back to being the top paid football players in Scotland, their motives are purely greed at the potential of picking up a massive sign on fee, that should have been due to the club in the form of a transfer fee, if they had an inch of honour.

Wake up.

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