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I object to the singing of the BB on the grounds that my mind hasn't being infected by an intolerable hatred of Cathlics/Irish, and im sick and tired of people using the club I support as a vehicle to project their obssesive, unjustifiable views.

But i appreciate many people on this forum think that

A: Its OK to hate someone because of thier religion and that the current societal trend of clamping down on the dissemination of such views will eventually wane or

B: Its not possible for anyone to support Rangers without possessing such views, and I am therefore a 'taig' infiltrator and not worth listening to anyway.

So I will try a different line of reasoning in the hope that it will hold sway with even the more hardline bigots in our support.

Imagine you are one of the few Rangers players who will stand by the club and play next season, when so many more so-called 'Rangers men' have walked out on the club.Now Imagine having to scrap it out with Scotlands minnows week-in-week-out, to re-claim our possition in the SPL.Only for Scotlands football officiating bodies to issue penalties, possibly a points deduction, because your own fans insisted on reviving songs that were outlawed, songs we have been punished for in the past.How do you think it would feel to be Ally or one of the players, giving your all to get us back in the SPL, only for your own fans to drag us in the opposite direction.

The Billy Boys is dead.Even with all the will in the world from the most dedicated zealots on this forum, you surely must understand that the anti-sectarian drive isn't going to be unwound.It's never going to become more acceptable by society to be publicly sectarian.The sooner we all come to terms with that the better.

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Why isn't it ok to hate someone for their religion?

You really have to ask that question?

Im an atheist, i detest all religion, but you can't hate or openly discriminate against someone because some latent beliefs pertaining to their religion are objectionable.There are probably elements of protestantism that cathlics don't like, but sectarianism gets us nowhere.

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How can TBB be banned when we here the likes of Arsenal,Chelsea and even Man U belt out out their horrible sped up version during Champs League matches......im sure UEFA woukd still have recognised the song and sanctioned those clubs accordingly if it had indeed just been the song.

As others have said a word has been latched on to and classed as demeaning catholics because its apparently the context we use it as.........this song was itself part of a "hate" campaign because it was our most passiobetly sung song and always sent shivers down the spine when belted out fully,i for one miss it.

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How can TBB be banned when we here the likes of Arsenal,Chelsea and even Man U belt out out their horrible sped up version during Champs League matches......im sure UEFA woukd still have recognised the song and sanctioned those clubs accordingly if it had indeed just been the song.

As others have said a word has been latched on to and classed as demeaning catholics because its apparently the context we use it as.........this song was itself part of a "hate" campaign because it was our most passiobetly sung song and always sent shivers down the spine when belted out fully,i for one miss it.

Arsenal, Chelsea and Man U don't sing the BB lyrics as far as I know(stand to be corrected), they probably sing the melody with different words.The melody itself has nothing to do with Rangers or Northern Ireland.I read a story on another Rangers website about 7 years ago which said the melody comes from late 19th/early 20th century post-civil war America and was adopted by protestant gangs in the 1920's.

Anyway the BB was banned not because one word was "latched on to" and classed as demeaning, but because it WAS demeaning to cathlics and was explicitly meant to be.

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There is also the hearts and killie versions which are essentially TBB replaced with ayrshire and hibee blood.......octo i totally understand where your coming from i still personally however find it one of the most spine tingling sons sung at ibrox......however if your saying it was adoptef by orotestant gangs then used by us how can the context be assumed that Rangers fans are aiming it soley at catholics,over the years rightly or wrongly it became a huge "anthem" by Rangers fans and i would sayit was more actively pursued for those reasons.

There are several songs sang not just at football matches that are truely offensive to different races,cultures etc and have never came under such intense scrutiny.

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i will always sing it with pride, their threats and rules do not deter me.

n dont bother replying to me if your an apologist cunt

That's good mate, get the club fined and punished more when we are already on the ropes.

And before you say it, I'm not an 'apologist cunt' as you refer to some of our fans are, just someone with a bit of sense.

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There is also the hearts and killie versions which are essentially TBB replaced with ayrshire and hibee blood.......octo i totally understand where your coming from i still personally however find it one of the most spine tingling sons sung at ibrox......however if your saying it was adoptef by orotestant gangs then used by us how can the context be assumed that Rangers fans are aiming it soley at catholics,over the years rightly or wrongly it became a huge "anthem" by Rangers fans and i would sayit was more actively pursued for those reasons.

There are several songs sang not just at football matches that are truely offensive to different races,cultures etc and have never came under such intense scrutiny.

I understand what your saying.The sound created when it was sung was amazing, and i also sympathise a little with the people who argue that no-one was ever really offended by it and just pretended to be in the hope that it would lead to punishments for the club.

But the problem remains, the song itself as a whole was written by Protestant gangs who engaged in sectarian violence in the 1920's and has that one line in it, pro-claiming its sectarian origins for all to see.

Your problem is that in the world we live in now, every political, social and religious institution have declared such public displays of sectarianism, reagardless of the impact they cause, as totally unacceptale.Therefor the position adopted by some who want to see a return of the BB is a completely unarguable one.

As I said in a previous post, society is not going to become more acceptable towards public displays of sectarianism over time, only less.So these endless discussions on BB are a complete waste of time.Infact, can you imagine if everyone who ever posted in Rangers Media lamenting the death of BB actually put that energy towards writing new songs, this conversation would have died ages ago.

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Dont get me wrong i know the song in that form would not be allowed to have a long term return.........however it shows again that there is a "wanting" for it to return and i have a feeling that it might in the short term.

It saddens me really that you do get the likes that are offended for the sheer hell of it, imagibe the amount of music and national anthems you could demand to be banned because it was bigoted towatrds another nation or people

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Why isn't it ok to hate someone for their religion? Their religion is a joke, kiddy fiddling, aye alright, move em on to the next county for fresh meat. Oh it's ok Africa, condoms don't stop aids, don't use them. The head of their church is a bloody nazi ffs. If that's no enough reason to hate catholics....then I guess i'm just an angry h**....which is apparently just fine to sing to us....

Don't forget their sectarian employment policies in state funded schools depriving hundreds maybe thousands of perfectly good non RC teachers of progression in their chosen vocation

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Let's bring apartheid back in South Africa while we're at it. Or what about Hitler too, I mean he hated the Jews as much as some people on here seem to hate Catholics.

We have educational apartheid here

Educate children together and the problem will disappear in a generation

Blaming Rangers for societys problem is the lazy way out

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My understanding is that the song is banned because of one word.

If we had a fans representative worthy of their name they should have been in talks with UEFA already to get a version of the song legitimised with "Celtic" or whatever in place of Fen**n. Whatever you or I think about the origins of that word, the fact remains that it is the problem with the authorities.

There was nothing more stirring than hearing "Hello, Hello" being belted out by 50,000 voices, I'd gladly sing one word different to hear that again.


We have the technology................


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bloody stupid, this whole saga gives us a chance to rebuild and rebuild without this bigoted element, wait for it; im a taig im a sympathizer im this and that, well in the words of our manager its bigots like you that have to question whether you are true fans or not.

I hope we can rebuild and i hope we can weed out the racists and bigots while we do.

Sing the billy boys and let see where it gets us eh? :wanker:

Fantastic tune to be sung on the terraces and can be still sung with changing of words, but some people are too arrogant and quite frankly stupid to stop being a bigot.

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Next year let's bring it back they've no sanctions left so letts hear it

Do we never learn???

It's time to realise we can't sing that song without getting more sanctions on RFC. It's pointless trying to change the odd word because people will still sing the old words. This "I'll sing what I want" attitude only harms Rangers.

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bloody stupid, this whole saga gives us a chance to rebuild and rebuild without this bigoted element, wait for it; im a taig im a sympathizer im this and that, well in the words of our manager its bigots like you that have to question whether you are true fans or not

Away you go.

YOU are what's wrong with our support. Wanting to drop and forget our traditions and history to appease others. Fuck everyone else, stop bowing down to them.

I hope people like you are 'weeded out' you are the type of person who would 'grass' another supporter, which just isn't right no matter what they do.

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Away you go.

YOU are what's wrong with our support. Wanting to drop and forget our traditions and history to appease others. Fuck everyone else, stop bowing down to them.

I hope people like you are 'weeded out' you are the type of person who would 'grass' another supporter, which just isn't right no matter what they do.

Wait a minute...

You do know the manager of this football club and the previous manager called on fans who continue to sings this song and others like it to be weeded out because of the harm it was doing to the football club?

I don't agree we cannot sings these songs but I accept that if we do then the club get's punished and with where we are just now and where we may be going it's foolish to think fines ect are not going to matter. You might be able to hold your head up and say " Well I can sings what I want an when I want" but when it hurts our club don't bother coming on here ranting about it when everyone knows fine well what is going to happen in this song returns.

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I'll say it again but from the otherside of the coin, This will get us in bother, differentiate from what you feel is your right and what is best for rangers at this time.

Asking to refrain from singing TBB is not saying stop your beliefs and the likes but more put rangers first for a moment in these times.

Why do people feel being asked this is in someway attacking thr beliefs, it's to stop punishments or grows from fear of more punishments.

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bloody stupid, this whole saga gives us a chance to rebuild and rebuild without this bigoted element, wait for it; im a taig im a sympathizer im this and that, well in the words of our manager its bigots like you that have to question whether you are true fans or not.

I hope we can rebuild and i hope we can weed out the racists and bigots while we do.

Sing the billy boys and let see where it gets us eh? :wanker:

Fantastic tune to be sung on the terraces and can be still sung with changing of words, but some people are too arrogant and quite frankly stupid to stop being a bigot.

If you don't like it then can I advise you spend your Saturday afternoons in another sports stadium?

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And I'm sick of the scum getting away with everything


It seems it one rule for The Rangers and another for the rest.

We can all hear the bile they continue to sing yet it is only one set of supporters that get pulled up, it has to end and if it's going to be effective then every club has to be dealt with in the same manner. Sadly in Scotland that does not seem to be the case these days.

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Let's bring apartheid back in South Africa while we're at it. Or what about Hitler too, I mean he hated the Jews as much as some people on here seem to hate Catholics.

Are you a fucking windae licker?

Your claiming tbb a football anthem is the same as Hitler killing jews?

Wow this site is fucking beyond belief sometimes

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