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Now you talking pure pish, did none of them every attend a wedding. christening or funeral?

No one said quoting from the bible

The last bit says it all have you never heard of jonh knox

Hope you can understand this even with spelling and punctuation mistakes einstien

Your not seriously suggesting that everyone who attends weddings/christenings/funerals do so out of deference to a long standing role religion has played in their lives? You know as well as i do, that most people attending these ritual ceremonies do so because of procedural,historical reasons rather than out of accordance with a deep religious significance in their lives.Religion is dying fast in Scotland, these ceremonies are almost as popular as ever simply because society hasn't developed any real functional alternatives that have had time to permeate the public consciousness.

As for your bible comment. Your right, no-one in the thread brought it up. I did. I'm allowed to aren't I? I did so because in my opinion, a basic knowledge of the bible is essential for anyone claiming to be a proud, god fearing proddy.Wouldn't you agree that a believer in an all-seeing, all-knowing creator of the universe is best advised to read up on his authenticated gospel?

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reading this thread as a heathen bastard i don't condemn anybody's choice of sky fairy,it's all about living by a moral code,god didn't make man,man made god,you don't need to have faith in any deity to live knowing right from wrong,if you have that faith then that's all and good,i won't judge you by your beliefs,I'll judge you by the person you are,life is governed by the choices you make and the actions you do,don't try to force your religion upon me and i won't force my views upon you is the way i see it,if there is a higher being of some form then i believe judgement will be upon how you lived your life not what way you prayed or worshipped

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On a serious note I couldn't care less what someone believes I've always had a thinking of live and let live if I or anyone I know was in some kind of accident and needed a blood or organ donation I wouldn't ask what were the donors religious beliefs I would just be thankfull

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Like to ask where at all i have mentioned athiesim as a religion????

I have said we are all Rangers supporters but from different backgrounds.

As for people attacking my great grandad that is actually quite pathetic tbh as non of you or myself for that matter knew the man,the point to my story being look at a man with a strong protestant background in love wirh an irish catholic

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Athiest? couldn't really comment as they have no rules, but like the rest of us, when things are bad they worry hope won't say pray , when thing are good they thank God!

Possibly the stupidest thing I've ever read on rm.

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Kind of agree with th OP though. But whatever religion we are, the club should embrace. It just so happens 95% of us are protestants.

l don't think thats true now is it? last time l looked there were more than a few people who support Rangers that don't give a fuck about religion. Not having a dig mate :21::21::21::21:

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Why is it the Germans clubs can celebrate their Protestant history and continue to be proud Protestant clubs as well as welcoming other faiths but The Rangers are forced to not celebrate our Protestant history and always has to be low key and are constantly regarded as a bigoted club by Catholics, Atheists, Scottish Journo's etc etc?

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