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It didn't take long - Inverness panic stations

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"But this has now been thrown in to disarray by this decision. This is a sad day for all clubs in Scotland."

No its not. 30 clubs including Rangers seem happy enough. 90% of supporters in the SPL ,we are told, wanted this. Where's the problem?

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In simple terms......Aw fuck...what have we done doh

No. Don't be silly, In simple terms it's "what have you done?". They don't do personal or collective responsibility in the SPL. It's not their fault. It's the fault of the SFL.

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In simple terms......Aw fuck...what have we done doh

I am told that the new favourite phrase of SPL Boards is no longer 'sporting integrity' but 'personal guarantees' . I wonder if Kenny has any 'personal guarantees' with regard to ICT?

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Well this is a shock, very surprising indeed, nobody could have predicted this at all, if only someone saw it coming.

Aw wait, WE ALL DID! So now you reap what you sow. You made your bed along with all the rest now you can lie in it and sweat.

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"There will now inevitably be serious consequences for the game in Scotland.

"We have all, as clubs, accepted the views of our stakeholders in making the initial judgement to uphold sporting integrity.

"All clubs will now have to live with the repercussions of this decision. Scottish football was at a crossroads today in terms of what was on the table for all clubs regarding reorganisation, financial distribution and a road map that would have taken the game forward.

"But this has now been thrown in to disarray by this decision. This is a sad day for all clubs in Scotland."

"None of us will escape the financial fallout from this. There was an opportunity on the table, in terms of the joint agreement tabled at today's meeting, for us all to come together and a genuine willingness to improve the game substantially over the coming years. But it now looks as though this will once again be kicked back in to the long grass. A once in a lifetime opportunity to bring forward change may well have been lost.

"The directors of ICTFC are fully aware of the financial implications of this latest decision on Newco. The loss of either our fans or our sponsors was never going to leave any of the clubs in Scotland in a healthy financial position and for some this could spell the end of football as we know it.

"Certain clubs in the SFL have perceived the financial information they were receiving as a 'big stick' to beat them into accepting Newco in the First Division. This was definitely not the case, as far as I am concerned. What they were being told was the reality of the situation.

"We will be convening an emergency board meeting over the weekend to discuss the very serious financial implications for us as a club going forward."

What a serious asshole you are Cameron! How dare you make such a statement (in bold).

Two years have passed since Henry McLeish reported and little or no effort was made to work opoperatively/collaboratively with the SFL clubs to implement the recommendations of his report. Why? Because it threatened the SFA/SPL empire and the privalaged position of SPL clubs - including Rangers.

In fact the reality is that you and your SPL colleagues decried every proposal to extend the number of clubs in the SPL as unworkable.

Everyone recalls Doncaster's statement that a 16 team SPL was not viable, and everyone knows of the reluctance of the SPL clubs to distribute the income from TV monies more fairly.

In the space of two weeks the McLeish report was dusted off and touted around the SFL clubs - against the backcloth of threats and intimidation - as the answer to all the ills of the Scottish game.

You were one of those who jumped on the anti-Rangers bandwagon; you knwe what you were doing would have serious financial ramifications for your club, but you went right ahead and did it!

Don't expect any sympathy from any Rangers fan or, indeed, anyone else. You made your bed, so lie in it!

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For their fans and all the other fans, it has been an opportunistic move based on spite to harm this club, but by doing so harming their clubs. They couldn't climb to our height so they dragged us down to their level. Now we are all in a freefall.

If Inverness go bust it is their own fault. Their board buckled to their supporters pressure, let them turn around to those fans and tell them that their wage budget needs at least a 30% cut and ticket prices wll rise.

When did they even become a professional club out of interest?

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I am told that the new favourite phrase of SPL Boards is no longer 'sporting integrity' but 'personal guarantees' . I wonder if Kenny has any 'personal guarantees' with regard to ICT?

They sided with the second biggest away support in Britain, who threatened to boycott all SPL grounds if they voted us in.Fuckin retards, do the fuckin simple maths ya bunch of wankers, you would have had an even bigger away support coming through your fuckin shitey little gates twice a season.

I really hope you are not the last club who shits their pants and runs to the bank for an overdraft denial, but im happy you are the first to jobby scrape your pants within hours of the announcement.

Bunch of sheepshagging no marks who thought they were more significant than they ever could aspire to be.

Oh please god, if you really are up there, let it be Aberdeen next, please.

Die the fuckin lot of ye's!

No Surrender


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Totally pathetic, blaming SFL Clubs.

You asked your stakeholders (fans) and voted accordingly with them. Not financially as you should have done.

The ones to blame are, yourself (for being a wimp), your fans (hate filled idiots), SPL Chairmen (more wimps), O'Regan (fuckwit 1) and Dumcaster (fuckwit 2).

Have your Emergency Meeting, then get back to your big lie of "Loch Ness Monster".

You lot started it.... the SFL has finish it.

We will miss playing you again. ha ha :21:

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They sided with the second biggest away support in Britain, who threatened to boycott all SPL grounds if they voted us in.Fuckin retards, do the fuckin simple maths ya bunch of wankers, you would have had an even bigger away support coming through your fuckin shitey little gates twice a season.

I really hope you are not the last club who shits their pants and runs to the bank for an overdraft denial, but im happy you are the first to jobby scrape your pants within hours of the announcement.

Bunch of sheepshagging no marks who thought they were more significant than they ever could aspire to be.

Oh please god, if you really are up there, let it be Aberdeen next, please.

Die the fuckin lot of ye's!

No Surrender


hey rab, i think you're enjoying this a wee bit too much :lol:

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