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Another club bites the dust

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Whatever - but after this football has to go on - the real fault lies with Murray (D) and Whyte - and yet there is little anger directed in their drection!

The problems Rangers are having are as a result of the names mentioned the problems of the other clubs have absolutely nothing to do with the actions of these people who were involved with Rangers. They are as a direct result of both hatred of our great team and pandering to the bigots that follow their own clubs.

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Whatever - but after this football has to go on - the real fault lies with Murray (D) and Whyte - and yet there is little anger directed in their drection!

BP9 there's been plenty thrown in their direction,I'm not sure whether you've been offline or skim reading but we want to sink the boot into the bastards that are 'jumping on our heads while we're down'

The fuckers that like to quote sporting integrity will now find out what cost this 'buzzphrase' comes at.

I might be a sick bastard but hopefully the fans groups can get a coffin made up with each clubs name as they go under one by one.

I will love it!

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Can all these clubs who are going to die not just sell some of their top earners and survive? Albeit it with a weaker team?

Like we could have done in january?

We were fucked in January .shyte hadn't paid a bill since he took over and selling jela made no difference.

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Football is a sport - other teams fans have forgotten that and a great many of our own supporters as well. If the thirst for revenge and the glorying in anothers demise is your idea of Sport then I feel sorry for you you and sorry for the supporters of other clubs who have done the same.

It's gone way beyond sport now BP, and that is why Rangers fans are so bitter, in the past I would have agreed with your comments, I also agree that we should be above others in our attitude but unfortunately being DIGNIFIED has got us to the point of ridicule, and I have turned from being a reasonable type of fan into a bitter angry bastard who doesn't give a fuck about any other club bar The Rangers, I probably know deep down that it is wrong to be like this but as far as I'm concerned they can all die a slow lingering death and I won't give a flying fuck.

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No - other clubs fans worked at the lowest level of bitterness, hatred and revenge - but their vindictivnes and lack of sportsmanship is no model for our own support.

Football is a sport and at some point we have ALL forgotten that - other teams are no more than rivals and at some point we need to work for a common good - or their is no Football.

Do you leave beer and crisps out in case a burglar pops by for a friendly rob?

Do you carry KY in your handbag lest someone says: "Fuck you."

Are you a French national?

Do you carry the Italian Military flag with you - the one featuring a white cross on a white background?

Are you a jellyfish or other spineless creature?

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I say an eye or an eye.

Their fans were quite happy to kick fuck out of us when we were down so now it's our turn to kick them back.

Do unto others as they did unto you, that's my motto.

it's funny that your quotes of justification are all biblical , and old testement, what happened to those new fanfled bits of love, forgiveness, etc?

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Do you leave beer and crisps out in case a burglar pops by for a friendly rob?

Do you carry KY in your handbag lest someone says: "Fuck you."

Are you a French national?

Do you carry the Italian Military flag with you - the one featuring a white cross on a white background?

Are you a jellyfish or other spineless creature?

I realise Football is a sport. I believe in sportsmanship and that sportsmanship includes elements such as fair play, and appreciation of others skills, even in defeat. You migh not buy into these ideals - in fact most of Scottish football may have lost sight of the concept of fair play. But that does not make me, for one minute, think I should change and work to the base level. If you are happy, down in the gutter, scrabbling away with the other dregs of Scottish football - that is your choice - and it is clear from your posts you are happy at that low level. I may be in the minority at the moment but that will never stop me wanting higher ideals for our club and support.

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BP9 there's been plenty thrown in their direction,I'm not sure whether you've been offline or skim reading but we want to sink the boot into the bastards that are 'jumping on our heads while we're down'

The fuckers that like to quote sporting integrity will now find out what cost this 'buzzphrase' comes at.

I might be a sick bastard but hopefully the fans groups can get a coffin made up with each clubs name as they go under one by one.

I will love it!

I realise Football is a sport. I believe in sportsmanship and that sportsmanship includes elements such as fair play, and appreciation of others skills, even in defeat. You migh not buy into these ideals, other clubs and fans have lost sight of that concept but Revenge, while a base human trait, is also a path of self destruction, and IMHO does Rangers no good. I may be in the minority at the moment but that will never stop me wanting higher ideals for our club and support.

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It's gone way beyond sport now BP, and that is why Rangers fans are so bitter, in the past I would have agreed with your comments, I also agree that we should be above others in our attitude but unfortunately being DIGNIFIED has got us to the point of ridicule, and I have turned from being a reasonable type of fan into a bitter angry bastard who doesn't give a fuck about any other club bar The Rangers, I probably know deep down that it is wrong to be like this but as far as I'm concerned they can all die a slow lingering death and I won't give a flying fuck.

Someplace I think there is a quote that says something like "The true measure of a man is not what he does under no pressure but what he does in adversity" . We bought into the ideals but under pressure are showing the cracks. Lets keep true!

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Hence why you are seeing the reaction you are. There is a belief, though I dont personally suscribe to it, that in order to survive we have to hate them as much as they hate us.

Fuck the lot of them

Fight fire with fire

I always wished other teams the best as being in the south east of England our football gets a tanking, i also used to think we were sometimes paranoid re the hatred of us.

Not now! Scottish football clubs and associations have let me down more than i could ever have thought possible.

So one last time and I will move on to focus on Rangers and Rangers only

Fuck you Scottish football, fuck you for as long as I live.

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If you are happy, down in the gutter, scrabbling away with the other dregs of Scottish football - that is your choice - and it is clear from your posts you are happy at that low level. I may be in the minority at the moment but that will never stop me wanting higher ideals for our club and support.

You worked so hard to rationalise your personal delusion - The Rangers support are now happy in the gutter you say?

Yes, worked so hard, and still managed nothing more than to pour yet more misplaced scorn on your fellow supporters.

Given that so many have belittled and berated you in this very thread (how unusual) I am assuming you couldn't possibly just be talking the purest shite to me alone :sherlock:

It's not been the greatest of weeks for you, has it? Slaughtered endlessly on RM and your beloved, wannabe nation-breakers seeing their destruction drive fall apart - support 30% down this very week I see :uk:

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No - other clubs fans worked at the lowest level of bitterness, hatred and revenge - but their vindictivnes and lack of sportsmanship is no model for our own support.

Football is a sport and at some point we have ALL forgotten that - other teams are no more than rivals and at some point we need to work for a common good - or their is no Football.

You're posts are Lolable...

We have all been called for everything, yet we should not smile at those same people when they feel their own short sighted ineptness coming back to bite them. Ok.

But, do you know what. Abershaggers do not define what the spl is. The paedofeniassookers don't define the spl. Scumdee don't either. The spl is just the place the better teams play other better teams. What import is it that one of them goes bust. They will be replaced and it goes on. No impact to us. When we return to our rightful place ,after those who sought to reduce us, we will be playing the better teams that are there.

You just don't want this thread. But, there's lots of threads on this site. Read those. Post away even. People like apologists ((well some do). We have a thread for almost anything, so why not this? If the spl or SFA had the same foresight as the op, then they might have done something earlier to define the rules, they didn't. This thread is to have a laugh when some clubs might follow follow us in the coming times, and they will have to walk a mile in our shoes. Go away if you don't like the banter. I think its healthy. Unlike your bottled up views on expression.

Their fans asked for this, yet we shouldn't laugh at a silly desire of a small mind ?


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People are entitled to react in any way they see fit, it may not sit well with your own belief but that is your choice.

I couldn't care less what happens to other clubs in the SPL as for me at this moment in time my thoughts are that we should be focusing on removing everyone within the walls of the SFA as the other clubs would just be a side show.

The SFA scum are guilty of showing no wish in any way to help the biggest club in Scotland in a time of need and in doing so proved that they are a bigger enemy than any of the other clubs bar one as the others were forced to listen to fans rather than the bank managers.

So until the SFA scum are dealt with other clubs will be a side show to while away the time.

I would rather we put more effort in to enjoying the lower leagues and as we leave them in our wake they will remember the season that the mighty RFC were in their league and how much they benefited from it and appreciated the revenue that RFC brought to them in a time of financial prudence, unlike the Death Star SPL.

PS and the financial benefit it will bring to the local community too.

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Someplace I think there is a quote that says something like "The true measure of a man is not what he does under no pressure but what he does in adversity" . We bought into the ideals but under pressure are showing the cracks. Lets keep true!

We have been through the pressure. The road back up isn't the pressure. Are you saying we were too nasty to them when they kicked us? Are you saying we cracked under the pressure? Lmao, I don't know a true bear who isn't smiling right now. You forgot the constant selling of all our best assets for the last decade? That's pressure. You forgot about some of our signings ? Some of those gave me blood pressure.

I'm seeing the real bears uniting in intent to support more than ever. Is that cracking? We have a cleaner bank and financial state on which to have a new episode during our return to the top. Rebuilding on a solid footing and some new experiences on the way. Continuing the glory of 140 years. The worst is long gone BP, and our fans are mainly united from what I see.

Adversity is for other to cry about. There are some advers financial account out there, not created by us... Laugh a little, it'll make the day nicer.


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So lets work to the lowest common denominator now ? eh D'art ? I though you had a bit more pride than that .

The people I want to see suffer in this are Murray (D), Whyte, and Regan (who is an incompetent arse) but wanting to glory in other fans and clubs going through what we have is just kinda petty and sad. Is that what you really want for our support ?

It's called revenge my good man.

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People are entitled to react in any way they see fit, it may not sit well with your own belief but that is your choice.

I couldn't care less what happens to other clubs in the SPL as for me at this moment in time my thoughts are that we should be focusing on removing everyone within the walls of the SFA as the other clubs would just be a side show.

The SFA scum are guilty of showing no wish in any way to help the biggest club in Scotland in a time of need and in doing so proved that they are a bigger enemy than any of the other clubs bar one as the others were forced to listen to fans rather than the bank managers.

So until the SFA scum are dealt with other clubs will be a side show to while away the time.

I would rather we put more effort in to enjoying the lower leagues and as we leave them in our wake they will remember the season that the mighty RFC were in their league and how much they benefited from it and appreciated the revenue that RFC brought to them in a time of financial prudence, unlike the Death Star SPL.

PS and the financial benefit it will bring to the local community too.

This. Well said sir

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Fuck forgiveness and all that bollocks. Call this sport what has happened to us? Bollocks.

This is a war and I'm in no mood to forgive those bastards whose only desire is to see us dead.

I truly hope that all those who have attempted to kill us off go through what we have.

Maybe then, and only then, this game can go back to being a sport.

Until then, fuck em all.

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