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The new excuse to justify their hatred of Gers

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What about there made up transfer ban <cr> and we are the same club only with a wee change to our company name

Not even that. Sevco is a temporary name until the paperwork is completed to transfer our name across.

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If any of you can look at this serious then the op has some valid points.

Yes we have been punished with a 10 point deduction, 160k fine, loss of 2nd place money (I never knew that) and an illegal transfer ban but although we are the same club we are now a new business.

Any new business can't enter uefa tournaments until they have three years audited accounts and I'm afraid that is us regardless if it's CL or Europa.

This isn't a punishment it's just a fact of life and their rules to which no footballing body in Scotland is to blame.

Whose fault is this, well CW for the cunt not paying our bills.

Does it feel like a punishment? off course it does, no trips to Spain, Italy, England etc to which I'm gutted as I know lots of fans said the SPL was our bread and butter but in my personal opinion nothing beats our euro nights.

Then we come to the traitors, shagger, Naismith etc these cunts walked away of their own free will so who do we blame? apart from them, again it's back to CW for not paying the bills which forced the oldco towards liquidation.

We can't blame any of the Scottish authorities or the mhedia for this, we're a newco and go to the bottom leauge and is what most bears wanted.

so yes we have been punished as a club both as the oldco and also as the newco but we really need to separate fact from fiction and what is a punishment and what isn't.

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Actually a Rangers/Nottingham Forest supporter, currently in Aberdeen due to work

Dont worry mate I believe you

It is hard to get any credibilty on here at times without being labelled a dirty taig smelly bastard, or a sheep shagging ugly rancod prick

I am a panther, here is me with my ma back in 96

No one on here believes me though


and again in 02 a little bigger hehe


Heres me trying to pump a white tiger hahaha what a day man


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Dont worry mate I believe you

It is hard to get any credibilty on here at times without being labelled a dirty taig smelly bastard, or a sheep shagging ugly rancod prick

I am a panther, here is me with my ma back in 96

No one on here believes me though


and again in 02 a little bigger hehe


Heres me trying to pump a white tiger hahaha what a day man



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Now maybe I've got this wrong, but they can't have it both ways. Either we are a new club or not. If we are, why are we still getting sanctions. Did Annan, ICT etc get any when they joined. Well why do they keep throwing sanction after sanction at us. We reapplied & were accepted, end of.

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Now maybe I've got this wrong, but they can't have it both ways. Either we are a new club or not. If we are, why are we still getting sanctions. Did Annan, ICT etc get any when they joined. Well why do they keep throwing sanction after sanction at us. We reapplied & were accepted, end of.

we're the same club who have went from an oldcompany to a newcomoany on the business side.

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Now maybe I've got this wrong, but they can't have it both ways. Either we are a new club or not. If we are, why are we still getting sanctions. Did Annan, ICT etc get any when they joined. Well why do they keep throwing sanction after sanction at us. We reapplied & were accepted, end of.

the problem is that they are having both ways - out of the SPL - treated as a newco - now treated as same club as we need to accept sanctions. Problem is if we don't accept sanctions no licence and we are then a new co and wont get in to any SFL.

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Okay, but if they are investigating that with us - aren't there hundreds of clubs across the UK who have used EBTs to pay their playing staff? Including Celtic? Where does it stop? Will the SPL trophy go to the team in 6th place eventually?

Surely all these clubs couldn't have been chancing it against the rules of their respective FA?

Chancing it against the Taxman to save money, I can see happening. But breaking the rules of your FA seems a risk that could have bigger consequences.

I share your frustration, I don't know if all UK Football Associations state that clubs must declare any and all contractual payments to playing staff.

I think Doncaster asked all SPL clubs to inform him if any of them used the EBT scheme. I know clubs might not be honest about it but its a start. As much as I hate SPL and SFA just now there is zero chance of them ignoring other clubs if they used EBT's.

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"So lets look at the what has been imposed on Rangers. We have already had a ten-point deduction from the SPL, lost our Champions League place for finishing second last season, been put out of Europe for 3 seasons, had a £160,000 fine, been refused entry to the SPL, been relegated to Division Three and lost the majority of our first team squad. "

10 point for administration -(clubs in administration ALWAYS lose points).

Lost Champions league place - UEFA rules for clubs that went into administration

Out of Europe for 3 seasons - UEFA rules for clubs that went into administration

160,000 - for going into administration

Refused entry to SPL - Rangers are a NEW club, why should they go straight into Prem?

Relegated to Div 3 - NO, we have NOT been relegated, we are a NEW club.

Lost majority of First team squad - So now we are blaming OTHERS for our players leaving?

All of the above is because we could NOT pay our bills, had to close down Rangers and return.

We have NOT been punished for the player dual contracts, conning the taxman etc.

Who needs enemies, eh!!

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"So lets look at the what has been imposed on Rangers. We have already had a ten-point deduction from the SPL, lost our Champions League place for finishing second last season, been put out of Europe for 3 seasons, had a £160,000 fine, been refused entry to the SPL, been relegated to Division Three and lost the majority of our first team squad. "

10 point for administration -(clubs in administration ALWAYS lose points).

Lost Champions league place - UEFA rules for clubs that went into administration

Out of Europe for 3 seasons - UEFA rules for clubs that went into administration

160,000 - for going into administration

Refused entry to SPL - Rangers are a NEW club, why should they go straight into Prem?

Relegated to Div 3 - NO, we have NOT been relegated, we are a NEW club.

Lost majority of First team squad - So now we are blaming OTHERS for our players leaving?

All of the above is because we could NOT pay our bills, had to close down Rangers and return.

We have NOT been punished for the player dual contracts, conning the taxman etc.

I think it is important that we all look at the post above, as this is where those who criticise us will run to. The important things to remember are the following:

10 points for administration IS a punishment for poorly run finance.

Lost Champions League place IS a punishment for not returning audited accounts in time.

Out of Europe for 3 season is NOT a punishment, but something that we are stuck with as a newco.

£160k IS a punishment for bringing the game into disrepute, and relates to the conning of the taxman over the period of Whyte's time in charge.

Refused transfer of membership into SPL is probably debatable as a punishment, but we are NOT a new club.

We were not relegated to Division 3, we were re-admitted in that place, so NOT a punishment.

Lost the players - This IS a punishment of sorts because of the newco situation, but not one imposed by any association, however, it does satisfy the need others have for the club to suffer genuine pain. The irritation that our players took a pay cut rather than us have redundancies was widespread.

We haven't been punished for EBT's, because we haven't been found guilty of EBT's, and actually, we never will, as EBT's are NOT illegal, we may be found guilty of giving players side letters to cover their remuneration, but we would need to have a hearing first, there needs to be a question as to whether the issue lies with Rangers, or with MIH, but this appears to be actually, at worst a minor administrative screw-up.

As earlier 'conning the taxman' was part of the disrepute charge, and anything else in that record is not the domain of the SFA or SPL, but HMRC, who seem to be content at the current state of affairs.

I don't expect everyone to agree with my opinion on each of these, but we do need to continually face these stupid arguments face-on.

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It puzzles me that this is goin on and on in my mind we been more than punished we have been well n truely fucked over and maybe theyll not be happy untill they pound us into submission

well a wee message to them all enough is enough we ve taken the medicine you profured and we aint takin any more its time to make a stand enough is enough we are Rangers we number in the millions and its time for those who would try to beat us down to realise the giant is getting off the floor and gonna come right back at you.

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Actually a Rangers/Nottingham Forest supporter, currently in Aberdeen due to work

A one sided rivalry you mutton molesting munter from the most sullen district of this cesspit country.

A one-sided rivalry in the sense that aberdeen doh have done fuck-all in the last 30 years to rival rangers, on the park or off it. Not even close. Think Man United-leeds, Hamburg-st pauli haha.

Also a one-sided rivalry in the sense that only one side are aware a rivalry exists.

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Have you heard the latest thing to make my blood boil......Rangers have not yet been punished?! Apparently we have only faced the consequences of previous actions and there has been no punishment. This new line is being thrown around alot in the Sundays today and in the radio yesterday. Totally unchallenged too! This is another ploy to seek popularity from the public to strip us of titles! Especially after Ally shot them down about taking titles.

So lets look at the what has been imposed on Rangers. We have already had a ten-point deduction from the SPL, lost our Champions League place for finishing second last season, been put out of Europe for 3 seasons, had a £160,000 fine, been refused entry to the SPL, been relegated to Division Three and lost the majority of our first team squad.

This is pinishment you cretins!........punishment is the consequence of our actions. Another way of looking at it is if I commit a crime and get the jail......The consequences of that are I go to jail. the jails is my punishment and the consequences are what happens to my family, me in the jail etc. I dont therefore go to jail, finish my sentence only to be an be told that my sentence is just a consequence and I should still be punished now?

In my opinion heres the the difference. Going into adminisatration and possible liquidation this season or next is a consequence of kicking out the the worlds mose successful club from your top league, a club whos fans have financed a you for decades, have given your local economy a boost twice a year and given the a co efficient place in europe for being a runner up and a loser!

The 10 point deducation you will get for that is called a punishment!



Oh ffs! I'm all for supporting the club through thick or thin, but look at the issues clearly - what's happened so far is pretty much all to do with admin and upcoming liquidation of oldco, But the club is still awaiting appeal tribunal decision on punishment for bringing game into disrepute and the decision on the EBT dual contracts, if proven. Those are the punishments in dispute at the moment and the problem Green has is he doesn't want to be associated with them as they are oldco stuff, BUT, they are football issues and as such the CLUB still has to take them on.

God alone knows what's going to happen , but putting our hands over our ears and saying that's too much, stop, isn't going to make them go away!!!!!

ffs am I really the only one who sees this?

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Oh ffs! I'm all for supporting the club through thick or thin, but look at the issues clearly - what's happened so far is pretty much all to do with admin and upcoming liquidation of oldco, But the club is still awaiting appeal tribunal decision on punishment for bringing game into disrepute and the decision on the EBT dual contracts, if proven. Those are the punishments in dispute at the moment and the problem Green has is he doesn't want to be associated with them as they are oldco stuff, BUT, they are football issues and as such the CLUB still has to take them on.

God alone knows what's going to happen , but putting our hands over our ears and saying that's too much, stop, isn't going to make them go away!!!!!

ffs am I really the only one who sees this?

I see it, but firstly, whether it is just to do with the admin/newco, we have still received various punishments.

The disrepute charge now seems pretty much resolved.

And if proven is the key part of the dual contracts, so why on earth are people demanding we be punished for it before a hearing?

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I see it, but firstly, whether it is just to do with the admin/newco, we have still received various punishments.

The disrepute charge now seems pretty much resolved.

And if proven is the key part of the dual contracts, so why on earth are people demanding we be punished for it before a hearing?

There have been a ton of punishments, and I agree until anything is proven there should absolutely be no clamouring for more. The authorities have made an absolute shambles of this by delaying decisions until the last minute - a week away from the start of the season!

But the fans need to understand what's actually going on instead of what they think is happening due to misinformation. Forums like this need to discuss what's going on or there is no point in their existence. I've previously been reluctant to post anything here as you will just be shouted down or banned if you disagree with the herd.

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a wire brush.........ffs........................laugh.gif

This is only my 3rd or 4th post, and already I'm thinking, what have I got myself in for? :lol:

As for justifying their hatred towards us, it's coz they can't feel love for their own club. They obviously love The Rangers more, and coz they were raised to hated us, it has caused them to lash out in furious anger against those they truly love. You see it on Jeremy Kyle all the time. People turn on the ones they care about, end of! :lol:

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"So lets look at the what has been imposed on Rangers. We have already had a ten-point deduction from the SPL, lost our Champions League place for finishing second last season, been put out of Europe for 3 seasons, had a £160,000 fine, been refused entry to the SPL, been relegated to Division Three and lost the majority of our first team squad. "

10 point for administration -(clubs in administration ALWAYS lose points).

Lost Champions league place - UEFA rules for clubs that went into administration

Out of Europe for 3 seasons - UEFA rules for clubs that went into administration

160,000 - for going into administration

Refused entry to SPL - Rangers are a NEW club, why should they go straight into Prem?

Relegated to Div 3 - NO, we have NOT been relegated, we are a NEW club.

Lost majority of First team squad - So now we are blaming OTHERS for our players leaving?

All of the above is because we could NOT pay our bills, had to close down Rangers and return.

We have NOT been punished for the player dual contracts, conning the taxman etc.

1--- Motherwell never lost 10 points when they went into Administration , nor did Celtic when they became insolvent in 94.

2--- Rangers would have been banned from Europe this season for not having audited accounts not going into admin.

3--- Out of Europe for 3 season cause the new company set up needs to provide audited accounts for that period, nothing to do with admin or being a new club.

4--- Rangers were not fined £160,000 for going into admin, that was a punishment for what was classed as bringing the game into disrepute by the sfa.

5--- If Rangers are a new club why did the spl even have a vote in the first place or want to put us into Div1????

6--- So Rangers fc is not the same club as Rangers fc??, My god the clue is in the name muppet.

7--- No Rangers fan is blaming anyone else for players leaving only the greed of players who have sat about for years injured taking money from the club while not playing. Did Rangers say to Ness or Paysmith we wont pay you when you are out for a full year because of injury?, be nice if some had returned the favour.

And last but not least you are a fecking awful Timposter, infact the worst i have ever seen. Can't seem to make your mind up between they and we.

If Rangers are a new club why don't you lot feck off and go find another team to hate???

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