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Pride in our fans and club

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Got up for the usual day of drudgery this morning as no doubt many bears around Australia and the world will be doing and then it suddenly dawned on me we played a game of Football at Ibrox last night. So on the net I went pretty much before my eyes had adjusted to light so that I could find out what the go was back in the land of Rangers.

The crowd near or over a whopping 50 thousand to watch our team play East Fife really made me feel very proud to be a part albeit a distant part of the world greatest club supported by the worlds biggest and greatest real fan base.

Given that we have been through our darkest hour I feel that those who turned out last night to support our club in it's hour of need are responsible for sowing the seeds of sunlight on what will undoubtably become our finest hour. Those fans who at this time are putting the club first in both time and a financial sense will ensure we get back to the top and when we do they will have every right to feel proud about their part in all this.

I am proud to be a Ger and feel real pride in the McCoists and McCullochs of this world however the sheer strength and belief of our fans gives me great pleasure in being associated with them.


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Me and my bro were there tonight and I can categorically say that I have rarely seen such a depth of feeling for our glorious club. Every song sung by the 40k+ in Ibrox was a warcry, not only from us in the stadium but also from the worldwide extended Rangers family, crying out in defiance of SFA/SPL tyranny and incompetence. :ulster:

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east fife... after reading all the attendance forecasts, i was so worried of the impact of a poor turnout on our players.

then when listening to the match live 4,000 miles away, and hearing the cheers of a packed ibrox with a delayed kick off to let the punters in... the most pride i have ever had in my fellow bears.


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So proud this morning (and every morning I wake up a Bluenose!). Tuesday night against East Fife - 40,000 fantastic Rangers fans in a Bouncing Ibrox! Just wish I could have been there - can't wait for the East stirling game now! WATP!

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Penny arcade as the teams came out for half time was fantastic, had the hairs on my arms stand up and I've been going to games since I was a boy.

I hope we keep it up.

Also loved the signs "rangers then rangers now rangers forever est 1872 " that were in place of some advertising boards. Was a nice touch.

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It was really emotional last night. Rangers back home at Ibrox playing a game. I don't might admitting there were moments last night when I was choked with emotion and struggled to sing along.

The support was absolutely magnificent but we need to keep it going so please please make sure you all go to as many games as possible and let's show the scummy barstards who want to destroy our club that We Don't Do Walking Away and we'll never surrender.



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Good game of football, great atmosphere and not an SPhell diddy in site. Even the pay at the gate shambles was bearable!

A Dutch father and son combo stood behind me in the queue at the BR. They couldn't believe the whole thing - wouldn't happen in Holland. The son was whistling the Sash before long. I should have warned him not to do it if he went near the San Giro! Finally got into the Club Deck about 8.05 and I was still in good humour!

It's good to be a bear! :21:

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