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Charles Green defends his bigotry claim


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In the context of what he said, what kind of bigotry was he implying if it wasnt religous? He told the truth to please us, then shat it when the sfa asked him to explain. Just my opinion mind, as a "tarrier bastard". What a great forum we would have if we all just followed the party line.

People that continue to question green are far from tarriers, maybe they just have a lower tolerance for bullshit.

Or maybe they don't have a life and want everyone to live theirs in the same miserable doomsayers way as them. I don't think your a tarrier mate, the tarriers are trying their hardest to destroy us because they hate us, you are worse than them, you are actually trying to do damage to the club you are supposed to support.

You do not try and put your views across in a constructive manner, but come on and slander and slag a man when you have zero proof. You just a bit of a cunt and really should just fuck off.

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The horse has bolted now, we are stuck with charlie and his "backers" for the foreseeable. Take your pick from Kennedy/McColl/Park or Walter and i would sleep much better at night.

All our current investors are noth

ing better than vultures out to make a buck. My real hatred is for D&P for giving green and co first dibs to purchase just because he said he would try for the cva.

Hes now 10 days late with our 30 million in the bank come the end of july. Lets hope one of these "billionaires" comes through eh.

i think you would admit 30 mill was a spl quote AND that we dont need anywhere near that investment now......also the backers you have mentioned didnt exactly fight for control did they......also as for first dibs didnt tbks bk etc all say they would go for a cva????

also as a genuine question......is there anything you are happy with regarding the new regime??

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I quite liked that interview, without going over the top about it.

It's not for me to fall and fawn at anyone's feet (okay maybe Ally or Walter) but anyone who thinks that Whyte ever gave as much of an insight to the kind of guy he was needs their heads examined.

Green can at least hold a conversation, seems composed in interviews, has met the fans in a casual, out-and-about style and, in my opinion, seems to be getting a feel for the club with every passing day. He still wants to make money. That is fine. We are all relaxed about the situation now.

Whyte was all about deflective press statements (downright denial in some cases) and fucking 'buzz words' while fucking flogging some of the club's most treasured possessions. Cunt.

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The horse has bolted now, we are stuck with charlie and his "backers" for the foreseeable. Take your pick from Kennedy/McColl/Park or Walter and i would sleep much better at night.

All our current investors are nothing better than vultures out to make a buck. My real hatred is for D&P for giving green and co first dibs to purchase just because he said he would try for the cva.

Hes now 10 days late with our 30 million in the bank come the end of july. Lets hope one of these "billionaires" comes through eh.

A bit early in his tenure to be making such outlandish assumptions about their intentions, do you think you have given him a fair chance? There is nothing wrong with keeping a critical eye on things after the trauma of whyte but you seem to have your opinion set in stone too soon.

Had a wee read at some of the articles on here from when whyte slithered into town, scary how similar some of it is to whats been written about CG now. I believe CG to be 1000 times the man whyte is but I wish some of us would be a bit more reserved about dishing out the accolades so soon after his arrival, whyte said a lot of things too. I can accept Charles Green has done some pandering to get sales but I think he comes across as sincere and genuinely wants to make a success of things.

You seem to think he wants to make a profit at the expense of Rangers, I think he wants to make us financially sound then take his profit.

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He backtracked on his "bigot" comment instead of sticking by his guns and saying it is a bunch of tarrier cunts that tried to kill us off, basically. A kind of win/win for him. Most of us still think hes a hero, and he might escape an sfa fine for telling the truth.

Did you have the sound turned off or your hearing aid out.

He explained the word bigot and the context in which he used it.

Most importantly said he wasn't backing away from his comment.

Fairly clear to most.

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He's not backing down.

He has simply laid down his response to the SFA ridiculous charge.

Charlie is clearly going to fight and beat them at every turn.

The man has been a godsend. Long have we waited for someone who knows how to play the game.

Keep it up Mr Green.

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Explain to me what charlie meant then when he said about bigotry? if he didnt mean religous, what did he mean? Football rivalry bigotry? I'll happily stfu if someone can explain what he meant.

I wish he would just come out and say rhegan is a fenian that wants us crippled, instead of his half arsed pandering to our support. Might as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb. I could at least have some respect for him if he said what all of us know is true.

Is this fenian banned yet?

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