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The Young Team...


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Couldn't make today, but seen the highlights, what a breath of fresh air, eh?

Barrie McKay - If it wasn't for his blatant boy-ish face, you'd be completely forgiven for forgetting he was still only 17 years of old. He's shown a mature head, and he looks to have maturity beyond his age. He's chipped in with the goals and sealed his place in the team, and has got the perfect platform to hone his game and take advantage of that pace and instinct he has.

Lewis MacLeod - Similar in many ways to McKay. Only 18, but has slotted into the team very effectively, and the majority of the time, hasn't looked out of place at all. Have perhaps been slightly critical of him in a couple of our poorer games, but thought he looked excellent today, and that goal today had class written all over it.

Fraser Aird - Another exciting prospect. Made a great impact the other night with 4 assists in a reserve game, and made an excellent step up today. The kind of player who can get the fans off their seats, and looks like he could be as good as a new signing.

Robbie Crawford - Took his goal very well today - looks a natural. Signed up on a long term contract along with McKay and MacLeod, and has a great chance to step up. Looking forward to seeing a bit more of him in the coming weeks.

Ross Perry - fair enough, he's got a couple of years more experience than these other guys, but he's still pretty young with a lot to offer and learn. He really impressed me at the back last season, and although he's taken a while to get up to pace this season, I think he'll stamp his mark on the back-line before long.

Just a few of the exciting talents being honed at Auchenhowie. Personally, there's nothing better to see than young lads coming through the youth system and taking their chance and making a name for themselves. We all like to see the big name signings, but that's always the most exciting thing for me, and we've got a great window now to really give these guys a chance. There's no opportunity to sign others, so these boys know their chance will come, and for McKay, MacLeod and Perry it's here; and they're making the most of it. Aird and Crawford will surely see a lot more action this season, and I don't doubt they'll be the last youngster's to do so.

And it's great to see!

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There was an old guy near me today constantly moaning about Perry, like "Don't pass it to the fucking number 4", not even saying his name. Really annoys me when people moan about the players even when we're playing good, he was moaning when we were 4-1 up as well <cr>

Thought Aird was a stand out today, really excited by him (tu)

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There was an old guy near me today constantly moaning about Perry, like "Don't pass it to the fucking number 4", not even saying his name. Really annoys me when people moan about the players even when we're playing good, he was moaning when we were 4-1 up as well <cr>

Perry does have a bit of work to do though, I must admit. He's struggled to get back up and running at the same level at the rest, but I believe he missed pretty much all of pre-season, so I think he deserves a bit more time.

I think he's showed too much talent in the past to let it go to waste though.

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I have to say I thought McKay and perry were very poor today, McKay in particular. He was not interested at all, his passing was slack and to be honest looked as if he had been on the piss last night.

Aird when he came on was a breath of fresh air and completely changed the tempo if the game. McLeod was superb, took his goal well but played much better after McKay went off .

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We do need to remember that they are young, and will most likely be inconsistent.

Got to support these guys, and im sure they will turn out excellent players.

Only one im not convinced by is Crawford, mainly because i dont really know what his best position is, doesn't seem to have the attributes to be great in any position IMO.

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We do need to remember that they are young, and will most likely be inconsistent.

Got to support these guys, and im sure they will turn out excellent players.

Only one im not convinced by is Crawford, mainly because i dont really know what his best position is, doesn't seem to have the attributes to be great in any position IMO.

Got to disagree with you on Crawford, think he looks really good in the games i've seen him in. Stand out in reserve games.

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The young team have certainly done well hopefully Luca Gasparotto, Andy Murdoch, Kamil Wiktorski, Jamie Burrows, Callum Gallagher and Kane Hemmings get a look in at some point in the season aswell.

People are complaining about lack of squad depth but the youth players who have come in have looked better than many of our experienced signings and the players I mentioned above are just as good as the ones that have come in.

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There was an old guy near me today constantly moaning about Perry, like "Don't pass it to the fucking number 4", not even saying his name. Really annoys me when people moan about the players even when we're playing good, he was moaning when we were 4-1 up as well <cr>


Thought Aird was a stand out today, really excited by him (tu)

Was really impressed by aird when he came on today...really direct and pacy and gave us some much needed width/balance.

Not to agree with the old guy slating him at the game as ultimately getting on his back will further damage his confidence BUT he was very poor again today...his distribution is awful, he has no pace and we will need a big improvement/performance from him against well on Wednesday.

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There was an old guy near me today constantly moaning about Perry, like "Don't pass it to the fucking number 4", not even saying his name. Really annoys me when people moan about the players even when we're playing good, he was moaning when we were 4-1 up as well wacko.gif

Thought Aird was a stand out today, really excited by him (tu)

I think what makes Aird's appearance more timely is that we've been crying out for a winger since the P'head game. He also looks as if he won't be bullied off the ball - nice to see.

In what has been a bad year it's nice to see some talented youngsters breaking through into the first team.

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Think when it comes to perry a lot of people forget his best performances came when he was playing next to weir , goian or boca . Now he's playing next to a bombscare in cribari which must make it a bit more difficult . No young players should ever be hounded by the boo boys they need time .

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Some good performances by several of young players brought to mind a point raised by several people on RM not just myself. That there is an opprtunity to forge the nucleus of team from these young players which with the addition of a small number of players of significant quality could take us to another level beyond that which we were at before the troubles of the past few years.

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Think when it comes to perry a lot of people forget his best performances came when he was playing next to weir , goian or boca . Now he's playing next to a bombscare in cribari which must make it a bit more difficult . No young players should ever be hounded by the boo boys they need time .

I definetly agree that people need to stay of his and others back and give them time but I think alot of people are criticising edmilsin unjustly...he is certainly not amazing and he struggles with the physicality and pace of some players but he is tidy enough and if you watch his positioning he actually does quite a bit of covering for perry and the full backs.

I think your right about weir/boca though and it seems to me that the main issue with the defence at the moment is a lack of communication/leadership...I honestly think we could have done worse than offered davie a short term player/coach contract for this season to help the younger lads like hegarty and perry especially.

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