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Mobile RM Problem?


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Anyone having problems working ths site on their mobile? Since the site came back up last week everytime i click to view a post it starts from the last page. Very annoying if eg there is a 10 page discussion and i have to click all the way back to page 1. Starts at the bottom of a post even if it is only 1 page too.

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i hate the new format, if a thread has 10 pages how do u access the last page, with next next next next lol

whats happening admin is this permanent or just a wee trial, old format was mega lol im all for change but no crap changes.... get intae these RM programmers haha

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i hate the new format, if a thread has 10 pages how do u access the last page, with next next next next lol

whats happening admin is this permanent or just a wee trial, old format was mega lol im all for change but no crap changes.... get intae these RM programmers haha

See post #3 mate. Work in progress (tu)

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i hate the new format, if a thread has 10 pages how do u access the last page, with next next next next lol

whats happening admin is this permanent or just a wee trial, old format was mega lol im all for change but no crap changes.... get intae these RM programmers haha

try going in the OT ,and look at the X factor thread , lol
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The mobile version does scroll to the bottom on the posts & shows the last one. Down at the very bottom there's a link to take you to the full version of the site so you can use that to get the normal look. (tu)

The mobile look is controlled by a 'style sheet' which lays out it's look so it's tweekable but would require admin and the current hosts to look at it.

(all websites use style sheets & usually they help mobiles by presenting the site in a form that's better for the phone. This mobile setup just needs a little work)

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I get a royal marine staring at me on the mobile site at the bottom of the page, creepy.

I hope Badger brings back the neg rep...TerryTibbs needs a lesson.

Mind that guy that started a thread about the ads coming up as granny porn & everyone was saying it's based on your search engine :lol: :lol:

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