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Revenge - on whom - by whom and who benefits


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For me its not revenge it has always been about the truth and I feel alot of the truth has still been masked. I would like to see justice served on those that lied and tried to bring our club down for what it seem to be over nothing. CW I now believe he is the one the killed the club but I still feel HMRC and others had a big part to play in this including the media and the way SFA and SPL handled the whole affair over. Revenge NO Justice YES

I bascially agree with this HMRC had a part but (IMHO) not a part that can be proven - (or as I said - unless sothing else comes out about the instigators!)

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Without going too far into it, simply as I can't be arsed arguing with the lurking bastards on here, do you not find it bizarrely coincidental (at the very least) that within a few years of Paedophilia State FC appointing a high-ranking influential government politician, spin-doctor, war-criminal sex-pest (but lets concentrate on the high-ranking influential government politician aspect) as their chairman, Rangers Football Club are given "special treatment" by HMRC, an organisation run by civil-servants, directly accountable to the people John Reid associates with?

John bastard Reid.

Go after John Reid if you want justice.

That bastard should be hanging from a lampost.

I cant stand Dr Death BUT I also don't see where or why he would conspire with HMRC - I don't havethat levelof paranoia BUT I do believe in high levels of incompetence!

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John Reid has a reputation for being able to influence in the most unsavoury of ways.

I had the misfortune of seeing him at work at close quarters.

He is also an attention seeker. I have no doubt that he has had a guiding hand. HMRC aren't The Untouchables, they can be influenced.

He is a fucking genuinely horrible cunt that I have no doubt will endure some sort of retribution. Then again, he knows too much about too many people to seriously be challenged. A bit like J Edgar Hoover.

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The fact that this was dragged out for nigh two years,and cost our club it`s league status,our european place.Millions in transfer fees for players that jumped,there has to be some retribution. Hmrc are not squeaky clean in this and the reason this was dragged out for so long when a verdict on the BTC should have been delivered by July 2011 has to be investigated and heads must roll. As for the bloggers they will get theirs ,whether it be from the club,the fans, or from some other source. The role Lloyds played in this has to be investigated also.

This is going to drag on for a long time but i have no doubt the truth will out.

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It seems quite conceivable that some sort of political pressure was applied to some heid high yins at HMRC in order to spur them on in this attack on our club. Who in political circles in Scotland would have the motivation or malice to seek the demise of our club is a matter of conjecture. The eagerness of large sections of the Scottish media to join in with this attack just illustrates the depth these so called "impartial" journalists would venture in their scramble to vilify us by any means possible. Yes, we should be seeking revenge AND reparation for the damage, financial and reputational, inflicted on our club. We have been grossly maligned throughout the UK and we as a support need to make our voices heard by the authorities in this country and to let them know that we will not sit idly by until there has been a full scale inquiry into the murky dealing within HMRC that sees us in the position we are in today.

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I cant stand Dr Death BUT I also don't see where or why he would conspire with HMRC - I don't havethat levelof paranoia BUT I do believe in high levels of incompetence!

I've seen the incompetence line before, but A) i rarely see any of this "incompetence" effect any team other than Rangers, certainly never hurt the taigs anyway. And B) the amount of incompetence" that has hurt Rangers has to be way more than coincidental.

It's a campaign of hatred mate, I used to be in your camp and thought that there was no way that we were being conspired against, but fuck sake, all you have to do is just look at everything that has happened.

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I've seen the incompetence line before, but A) i rarely see any of this "incompetence" effect any team other than Rangers, certainly never hurt the taigs anyway. And B) the amount of incompetence" that has hurt Rangers has to be way more than coincidental.

It's a campaign of hatred mate, I used to be in your camp and thought that there was no way that we were being conspired against, but fuck sake, all you have to do is just look at everything that has happened.

using your logic is like saying Rangers are guilty cause it looks like we are guilty - just because it looks like a conspiracy does not mean there is one - however I do believe that many may have jumped on to the 'kicking' but just dont believe they 'conspired'. The SFA are to caught up in rules and processes to be effective and dont know how to make good decisions ( craig levin?) - and the SPL chairmen spotted an opportunity to make more (oh how that backfired :lol:) and liewell is just bitter and twisted but I dont think colusion existed. I think you may confuse opportunity with colusion.

Oh and no-one could have touched us without Murray and Shyte doing thier bits to get us where we are - and I dont think they coludded either! But two separate incompetentcies - Murray selling to Whyte and Whytes mismanagement !

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using your logic is like saying Rangers are guilty cause it looks like we are guilty - just because it looks like a conspiracy does not mean there is one - however I do believe that many may have jumped on to the 'kicking' but just dont believe they 'conspired'. The SFA are to caught up in rules and processes to be effective and dont know how to make good decisions ( craig levin?) - and the SPL chairmen spotted an opportunity to make more (oh how that backfired :lol:) and liewell is just bitter and twisted but I dont think colusion existed. I think you may confuse opportunity with colusion.

Oh and no-one could have touched us without Murray and Shyte doing thier bits to get us where we are - and I dont think they coludded either! But two separate incompetentcies - Murray selling to Whyte and Whytes mismanagement !

As has been stated, ad infinitum, HMRC were told that our EBT's were not illegal but they persisted in pursuing us through the courts despite failing with similar cases like Redknapp and Mandric? Who was responsible for taking this decision? Were they encouraged or coerced by others into persecuting Rangers? We as a support are entitled to know. Rangers have been pilloried for 2 years and for what? Our reputation has been nearly destroyed, and for what? The only resolution to these questions is, in my opinion, a full public enquiry into the whole affair. We,as a support, and our club deserve no less for the two years of hell we have had to endure.

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It's mad after everything posters still feel all was above board and push on with the parra attitude towards others, strange.

So now we must all believe in the 'great conspiracy' - na not for me - I see enough incompetence and mis-management in our game without believing in conspiracy theorists!

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So now we must all believe in the 'great conspiracy' - na not for me - I see enough incompetence and mis-management in our game without believing in conspiracy theorists!

I'm not positing any "conspiricy theory". All the events leading up to and including HMRC's legal pursuit of Rangers MUST be investigated through a full public inquiry in order that we can see the processes that led to the disasterous decisions that HMRC took.

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So now we must all believe in the 'great conspiracy' - na not for me - I see enough incompetence and mis-management in our game without believing in conspiracy theorists!

what great conspiracy? I don't think mentioned any great conspiracy.
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I'm not positing any "conspiricy theory". All the events leading up to and including HMRC's legal pursuit of Rangers MUST be investigated through a full public inquiry in order that we can see the processes that led to the disasterous decisions that HMRC took.

some would rather it just was left behind all this mess, lol I even read it's not the rangers way if we pursue this perceived injustice.
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Without going too far into it, simply as I can't be arsed arguing with the lurking bastards on here, do you not find it bizarrely coincidental (at the very least) that within a few years of Paedophilia State FC appointing a high-ranking influential government politician, spin-doctor, war-criminal sex-pest (but lets concentrate on the high-ranking influential government politician aspect) as their chairman, Rangers Football Club are given "special treatment" by HMRC, an organisation run by civil-servants, directly accountable to the people John Reid associates with?

John bastard Reid.

Go after John Reid if you want justice.

That bastard should be hanging from a lampost.

i agree with this totally - Reid will have used his contacts within the goverment, called in a few favours perhaps (probably knows someone who was in the Defence department who has since been shifted to the treasury) and i think he has a lot to with what's gone on.

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As has been stated, ad infinitum, HMRC were told that our EBT's were not illegal but they persisted in pursuing us through the courts despite failing with similar cases like Redknapp and Mandric? Who was responsible for taking this decision? Were they encouraged or coerced by others into persecuting Rangers? We as a support are entitled to know. Rangers have been pilloried for 2 years and for what? Our reputation has been nearly destroyed, and for what? The only resolution to these questions is, in my opinion, a full public enquiry into the whole affair. We,as a support, and our club deserve no less for the two years of hell we have had to endure.

HMRC had clever people putting thier case to the court - they just lost - thats the problem with the law,its available to all to solve disputes. HMRC are as entitled to use the law as we are to defend ourselves with it. Its shite what happen but unless there is a lot going on behind the scenes we have not yet heard off I just dont see what a public enquiry is needed for - If Murray had not built up debt (forgetting the EBT we had debt, he had debt in MIH) and if he had not sold to Craig Shyte and if he had not been a crook NO one could have come anyplace near us!

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HMRC had clever people putting thier case to the court - they just lost - thats the problem with the law,its available to all to solve disputes. HMRC are as entitled to use the law as we are to defend ourselves with it. Its shite what happen but unless there is a lot going on behind the scenes we have not yet heard off I just dont see what a public enquiry is needed for - If Murray had not built up debt (forgetting the EBT we had debt, he had debt in MIH) and if he had not sold to Craig Shyte and if he had not been a crook NO one could have come anyplace near us!

Very few individuals or companies have the financial clout to take on the full force of HMRC and come out winning. I do not see that Rangers now just doing nothing is helpful. As I said up above HMRC had plenty of legal info in regards of EBT's plus two failed cases re Redknapp and Mandric. We NEED to know why they pursued Rangers using taxpayers £millions on what was eventually another failed prosecution which also financially ruined Rangers.

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Is that not called, holding an opinion?

It can be, but when your opinion seems to be at odds with everyone all the time you have to wonder if its holding an opinion you have, or do you just like arguing or trolling, hence why i used that term in my first post.

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