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It's most amusing seeing the responses from those who don't really like us, to put it mildly. A strange explosion of venom and lies has burst forth from the usual organs of bile.

Never forget their lies, their venom or the the misdeeds they have committed against us.

However, also remember that their continued obsession reflects their own belief that we are indeed the same club. Unfortunately for these bitter bigots, gutter journalists and simpletons they reveal by their own actions that they do not believe what they try, and gloriously fail, to convince us of. Even they, at some deep. repressed, subconscious level do not believe their own lies. Their continued obsession defeats the point they are trying to make. If you haven't convinced yourself, you won't convince others.

The logical distinction between club and company is ignored in order to conflate the two separate entities. History, however, is not so helpful for them. Our club, like many others including theirs, started before their first corporate entity.

The sporting entity, the club itself, existed before the game became more professional. Indeed, in many instances, including Rangers, the club begins for the purest of sporting reasons. In essence it is the core around which a corporate structure added for the professional age of football, which is a necessary process is the modern sporting context.

Ultimately, the core that is the club reflects the Corinthian values of the sport. In essence, it is the basic unity of sporting integrity. Yesterday demonstrated emphatically and unambiguously that the integrity of Rangers Football Club as a sporting entity has not been breached, never mind extinguished. So we cannot be surprised when the usual self-proclaimed champions of "sporting integrity" are frustrated at this defiance of the club and the support, but we can enjoy the irony them raging against the continued integrity of Rangers.

Jealousy can be a dreadful thing which eats away at a person. It's a most intriguing thing to witness in these anti-Rangers obsessives. Their obsession envelops and consumes them. It's just a pity they can't muster up that emotion for their own club. Perhaps they feel their club hasn't been involved in anything of interest for quite some time. Maybe they too are only here to see the Rangers.

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They tried to kill us - and failed. In reality, they never stood a chance.

That's what really upsets them.

Before you know it we'll be back winning the top trophies and that's going to hurt them most of all.


Oh the rivers of venom that will be unleashed.

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Jealousy is a word I have started to use. It explains the constant references to zombies, cheating, no history, etc. I am outnumbered 3:1 in my workplace and the snide digs are constant, but I am sure it is out of jealousy. This behaviour carries on throughout the workplace.

Some of these individuals are the most bitter people you will meet, pretending to spit everytime there is mention of the Queen or Mo' Johnston, so maybe aren't the best examples.

Generally, there is a lot of jealousy across social networks. It's like being back on the playground.

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They tried every dirty trick in the book.

In 'It's a knockout' terms they played Joker after Joker after Joker and still we have failed to die.

As a football club and as a business we have come out stronger and galvanised.

We are a big shark circling below and the SPL are weak swimmers struggling at the surface.

Ripe for the picking.

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Jealousy is a word I have started to use. It explains the constant references to zombies, cheating, no history, etc. I am outnumbered 3:1 in my workplace and the snide digs are constant, but I am sure it is out of jealousy. This behaviour carries on throughout the workplace.

Some of these individuals are the most bitter people you will meet, pretending to spit everytime there is mention of the Queen or Mo' Johnston, so maybe aren't the best examples.

Generally, there is a lot of jealousy across social networks. It's like being back on the playground.

Remember the Hugh Dallas game?

When we get back to the top, they'll be worse than ever. The next match against them, particularly at their cauldron of bigotry, will be so incendiary, that the stadium will resemble The Killing Fields with added napalm.

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They tried every dirty trick in the book.

In 'It's a knockout' terms they played Joker after Joker after Joker and still we have failed to die.

As a football club and as a business we have come out stronger and galvanised.

We are a big shark circling below and the SPL are weak swimmers struggling at the surface.

Ripe for the picking.

I like the metaphors you have used here.
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Jealousy is a word I have started to use. It explains the constant references to zombies, cheating, no history, etc. I am outnumbered 3:1 in my workplace and the snide digs are constant, but I am sure it is out of jealousy. This behaviour carries on throughout the workplace.

Some of these individuals are the most bitter people you will meet, pretending to spit everytime there is mention of the Queen or Mo' Johnston, so maybe aren't the best examples.

Generally, there is a lot of jealousy across social networks. It's like being back on the playground.

Can you imagine if roles were reversed,they'd be squealing discrimination from the rooftops,bassas.Wee apples grow big Darche :7325:
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Jealousy is a word I have started to use. It explains the constant references to zombies, cheating, no history, etc. I am outnumbered 3:1 in my workplace and the snide digs are constant, but I am sure it is out of jealousy. This behaviour carries on throughout the workplace.

Some of these individuals are the most bitter people you will meet, pretending to spit everytime there is mention of the Queen or Mo' Johnston, so maybe aren't the best examples.

Generally, there is a lot of jealousy across social networks. It's like being back on the playground.

The next time they have a dig, ask them if they wouid be so obsessed if it was Partick Thistle?

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