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Anyone else getting bombarded with emails from Dingwall?


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Here's the email from the jaffa lover


Get behind the Rangers share issue

The time is right.

I’ve probably been one of the most skeptical about the takeover of the club by Charles Green and his group. After what we’ve been through with David Murray and Craig Whyte then you’d have to be zipped up the back not to be cautious.

I’d come to assume that to make it all work Whyte had a mystery buyer up his sleeve who would swoop in at the last moment - and right on cue Charlie appeared much to the dismay of us who were backing the Blue Knights.

In the ensuing months whether through my membership of the Fight Fund committee, as member of the Board of the Rangers Supporters Trust or on a personal basis I’ve asked umpteen questions and invited the new owners to jump through hoops in order to prove their bona fides.

One by one they have ticked most of the boxes, certainly all the major ones. I’d like to see clarity on some of the beneficial owners of some shareholdings - it’s ludicrous that Stewart Regan at the SFA knows who they are but Rangers fans don’t. However, their shareholdings will be so diluted after the share issue that I don’t consider them to be a major issue.

Time after time I’ve thought “they’ll never do that, they can’t deliver in that time-scale” - but they have.

I would of course far have preferred to have the club run and owned by Bluenoses but that was not to be. By asking the right questions and the fans putting up their hard-earned for season books we have saved the club and ensured proper corporate governance. Going forward we have to continue to ask the same sorts of questions and get the same standard of behaviour. If we don’t it’s a red alert.

The affairs of the club n ow take place under a microscope - in fact thousands of microscopes - and every financial, legal and sporting move it makes is done under an unprecedented level of scrutiny - that can only be healthy so long a it remains rationale.

I’m not 100% sure of the level of investment the fans will make - having calmed fears I think the current directors may have eliminated the climate of fear and uncertainty that would have maximised a shares take-up as fans now think the crisis is over and that the money men have solved all our problems when you look at the level of corporate investment.

In business equity is king - control the shares and you control the company - get yourself some shares and take an active interest in the financial and legal affairs of the club, that is the only way to protect Rangers long-term.

The old cliche is that shares can go up or down - that’s true but I’m looking at it as making a wee contribution to putting the club back on it’s feet. Whether shares go up or down matters little to me - what I care about is that the cash from the share issue is employed in those area promised in the Prospectus.

Sometimes it takes an outsider to fully appreciate what history has given us at Ibrox. One of them said to me ‘we knew it was a big club, we didn’t realise it was a worldwide phenomenon’. That’s the sort of ambition for the club some of our previous ‘custodians’ didn’t have.

Read the prospectus from the club - https://www.rangerss.../Prospectus.pdf

- and make have a think. Take independent advice if you feel you need to. And hopefully you’ll join with other fans and invest collectively to make our voices heard more loudly - check out www.buyrangers.org where you can invest for a minimum of £125.

I got as far as skeptical - if they canny spell can they count?

As an aside - has everyone who paid them money for shares previously had their money back and was it a lower amount as I believe some was invested in the club

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Does anyone actually want Mark Dingwall to have anything to do with our Club the fat wank should stick to running his shitty website and leave the running of our club to the real men like Charles Green.

The arse keeps e mailing me so i have replied , politely of course , and now unsubscribed , god knows how i was subscribed in the first place the fat prick must be buying e mail addresses.

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"By asking the right questions and the fans putting up their hard-earned for season books we have saved the club and ensured proper corporate governance"

ahem.....i fail to make the leap of logic that marries DONT GIVE (CG) ANY MONEY OR BUY SEASON BOOKS with the quote above.

now, where is that exceptionally large stone so that he can go and crawl back under it?

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The arse keeps e mailing me so i have replied , politely of course , and now unsubscribed , god knows how i was subscribed in the first place the fat prick must be buying e mail addresses.

I would be having a word with them and find out how they got your details in the first place.

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"By asking the right questions and the fans putting up their hard-earned for season books we have saved the club and ensured proper corporate governance"

ahem.....i fail to make the leap of logic that marries DONT GIVE (CG) ANY MONEY OR BUY SEASON BOOKS with the quote above.

now, where is that exceptionally large stone so that he can go and crawl back under it?

He and the Follow Follow website could have killed Us and they would not have cared as long as they were being denied the seat on the board they wanted.

Oh and as a side note along with ED I was one of very few people to not support the blue knights for me as I didn't like how they did business trying to talk their way into ownership rather than just shutting the fuck up and getting on with buying us but also as I really don't like Paul Murray for various reasons.

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given that no one party buying into the share issue is to control more than 10% maximum their say will be very limited on the running of the club - unless they could get a majority backing from other parties. Given their previous rants against Green that backing would be hard to come by IMO.

It's all academic anyway the RST could not muster the level of investment required for that percentage.

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I'm guessing he signed up to FF. That's how he got mine.

Signed up when RM was down.

That place is a bomb site.

Traitors :lol:

It is possible that would be how he got your email addresses but surely you'd have clicked to not receive any of the crap they send out.

No matter what happened if we broke down for ever I wouldnt join there only ever heard bad things about it.

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Traitors :lol:

It is possible that would be how he got your email addresses but surely you'd have clicked to not receive any of the crap they send out.

No matter what happened if we broke down for ever I wouldnt join there only ever heard bad things about it.

It really is terrible.
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Although I would never buy anything from this man does it actually say what you will get for your £125, say if shares are £1 each will you get 125, 120 or even 100?

My understanding is you get a single share in the RST who invest in the club and then take all the shares together and use them to try influence what goes on but at the most they will end up with about 2% of shares available imo.

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begs the question why invest through the RST?

if you buy shares yourself, it's one man, one vote.

Through the RST, if you are voted against by the others within the RST vote, your vote counts for fuck all as the RST would put the majority vote forward on behalf of their whole stake holding.

it's false democracy.

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begs the question why invest through the RST?

if you buy shares yourself, it's one man, one vote.

Through the RST, if you are voted against by the others within the RST vote, your vote counts for fuck all as the RST would put the majority vote forward on behalf of their whole stake holding.

it's false democracy.

I cant think of 1 single reason to buy through them. If you dont have the £500, wait till after the IPO then buy them at whatever level you can afford.
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Did you get banned?

Dunno, not been back on it since. I tried not to write anything too controversial like "fuck" or "that's pish" so I think I should be alright.

i might just go on a post the full "The wee proclaimer" blog to see how long I last.

Does anyone know who wrote that blog? I'm going for CanadianBacon :7325:

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Dunno, not been back on it since. I tried not to write anything too controversial like "fuck" or "that's pish" so I think I should be alright.

i might just go on a post the full "The wee proclaimer" blog to see how long I last.

Does anyone know who wrote that blog? I'm going for CanadianBacon :7325:

What's that blog sure I've seen it before but can't remember though.

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What's that blog sure I've seen it before but can't remember though.

I see it's actually still going. I hadn't read it for over a year and thought it was finished, but it appears not.

Here's the link http://theweeproclaimer.wordpress.com/

Is a good laugh, rips Dingwall to shreds.

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What's that blog sure I've seen it before but can't remember though.

Here's a wee taster from the wee proclaimer -

Mark Dingwall and C********p

Posted August 31, 2012 by theweeproclaimer

Categories: Mark Dingwall, this is your life.

Pink Floyd’s “Time” from the record breaking (no pun intended) album Dark Side of the Moon begins with these lines.

“Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day

You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way”

Now, if your day is dull, don’t fritter and waste your hours trying to find out which word I have censored in the title. Ooops, there’s the clue. All right, I’ll “fess up” as our Colonial cousins would say. The word is “censorship”.

I’ve already written a blog on the confirmed bachelor’s use of censorship on his swamp (that’s Follow Follow to those who missed the original explanation of that term on here). Whether it is the deletion of posts on his dwindling membership forum if they do not toe the party line or whether it is his obsession with blanking out the name of a rival forum who, without doubt, care more for Rangers than he and his pixies do.

I’m also reliably informed that no reference to any of my critical works have ever appeared on FF. Wonder why? Perhaps I should try to be more hard hitting, more dynamic. Maybe that would get me on there.

His forum is a place I have also covered in a previous blog explaining how few people actually post, how the numbers are inflated by selected people using multiple log in names (imagine some of that crowd ending up realising they have been taking to themselves for the last fifteen minutes), how his numbers are dwindling, how many Celtic fans openly brag on their own forums what they read and replied to, how many journos read his exclusives and wet their pants at what they read. Etc., etc., etc.

Charles Green is anything but a foolish man. Despite opposition from many – particularly the Fat Profiteer – he has taken control of the Club, stood up for the Club and seems to be pretty much on the ball as to where he is taking Rangers. The fans, almost to a man, are now firmly behind this straight talking Yorkshireman.

It would come as no surprise to me if, being anything but a foolish man, among the people who have recently been “browsing” on FF was Charles Green himself.

That might explain the recent panic within Admin over on FF recently, when Mark Dingwall, realising he had shot himself in the foot with his constant attacks on the new owner, ordered the complete removal of any thread, any post, any word that was critical of Charles Green.

All threads in support of other groups looking to buy the Club over the last year or so also appear to have been seriously edited.

All threads instructing FF posters not to buy season tickets have gone.

All references to “wanting a Rangers man” in control are away, consigned to the refuse bin of cyberspace.

Does that explain the sudden panic? The slaving away in the wee, sma’ hours pressing “delete”, “delete” and “delete” again and again?

Could it be that the man who runs Follow Follow, who controls the ineffective Rangers Supporters Trust (that’ll be ten pounds please), who is never off television and radio as the self proclaimed Voice of Rangers fans, who sells tacky unlicensed Rangers gear on eBay, who is attempting to get a foot in almost every supporters group, who once in a while brings out the worst fanzine on the market, who fleeces the fans by hiring pubs for away glamour games and charging entry to the Bears, who has sat on £93,000 of Rangers fans money through the Gersave campaign, who bounced cheques for payment of tables at a Rangers function, who doesn’t pay tax on any of his Rangers related income and who is now trying to get fans to buy shares that he will control for them and so on and so on ….. has finally accepted that Charles Green owns Rangers and that the same man has read the bile written about him on “the galaxy’s biggest-est ever and best-est ever Rangers forum out there (even if we are polluted by all sorts who don’t belong on a Rangers forum).

All the censorship was a mite too late, Mark. Charles Green, if he didn’t get to venom before you got rid of it, has had screenshots sent to him. There goes the seat on the Board.

It is perhaps fitting that I end with the lyrics on another Roger Waters composition from the same album, “Eclipse”:

“All that you touch

All that you see

All that you taste

All you feel.

All that you love

All that you hate

All you distrust

All you save.

All that you give

All that you deal

All that you buy,

beg, borrow or steal.

All you create

All you destroy

All that you do

All that you say.

All that you eat

And everyone you meet

All that you slight

And everyone you fight.

All that is now

All that is gone

All that’s to come

and everything under the sun is in tune

but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.”


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I see it's actually still going. I hadn't read it for over a year and thought it was finished, but it appears not.

Here's the link http://theweeproclaimer.wordpress.com/

Is a good laugh, rips Dingwall to shreds.

This bit's interesting

"Has Charles Green read any of my blogs? I know they found their way into Ibrox. Has he been told, like the rest of us, that the missing Gersave £93,000 of fan’s money has supposedly been repaid to the fans who donated it? If so, can he ask Dingwall to prove this? Because I haven’t heard or read of one single fan saying he or she had their money returned. Giving Dingwall the benefit of the doubt, because I am trying to be fair, can Charles Green at least get his new buddy to own up that he screwed up big time by collecting for the club in time of need, amassing a pretty big amount of dosh, holding on to it for years and then doing, well … bugger all with it? Oh, and while you are checking, Charles, ask him to refund the interest too."

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