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Battle Cry


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By Mark Hateley

RANGERS have history at Tannadice. Ever since my own playing days it’s been a place that tends to separate the men from the boys.

There was such a feeling of hostility in the air every time our team bus pulled up outside the stadium it felt like an electric charge.

I always felt there was something about wearing a blue shirt and running out at that particular ground which set the juices flowing. And I’d give my right arm to be there in the thick of it tomorrow.

Because this is the day above all others when Ally McCoist will find out exactly what he’s got inside that dressing room. This is judgment day.

Now, Alistair and I know a thing or two about what it takes to wear that jersey in the heat of battle in the most hostile of environments. It doesn’t feel all that long ago when we walked out together at Elland Road to take on Leeds United in the Battle of Britain without a Rangers fan in sight.

That took a bit of bottle, let me tell you. But I scored one, Coisty got the other and the club celebrated one of its greatest victories. It was a night that will never be forgotten.

The same opportunity is about to be presented to the Rangers players of today when they make the trip to Tayside on Scottish Cup duty. If they take United down without the backing of a travelling support – only 300 Rangers fans have bought tickets – they too will be remembered forever.

This is the very essence of what being a Rangers player is all about. When you pull that shirt over your head you had better be prepared to take on allcomers. And you have to realise there is no sweeter victory than one achieved against all odds.

These players have to understand a win at Tannadice would mean much more than just a place in the draw for the next round. It would be a symbolic strike back and a clear sign Rangers are on the road to recovery.

What’s more, it would indicate to all their many doubters that these guys are made of the right stuff after all and really are capable of cutting it at the club.

Let’s face it, they could do with sending out that kind of message because right now very few of these guys look like becoming the genuine article. They seem to like the idea of being a Rangers player and all the trimmings that come with it. I’m sure they enjoy driving nice cars through the big iron gates at Murray Park and training at one of Europe’s most advanced facilities. But when push comes to shove, how badly do they want it?

How much are they prepared to hurt for the honour of wearing that badge? How much does it truly mean to them? There is no place better than Tannadice to find out.

Let’s not forget, this is the ground where nine in a row was secured. That was another of the greatest successes in this club’s history and I can say with some pride I was there that night too.

Okay, I wasn’t playing but there was a very good reason for that. I was suspended because of the red card I got at Celtic Park on my comeback game, following my return from QPR.

Tensions were running even higher than usual that day in Glasgow’s East End. It felt as if I had returned to go to war and among all the red mist I was sent packing for squaring up to Celtic’s keeper Stewart Kerr. It was an ugly brute of a football match but we won it and in doing so we all but secured a place in history.

What I didn’t realise until I woke up with a hangover in my hotel bedroom the next morning, and looked at the papers, was that Jackie McNamara had punched me on the side of jaw from behind.

I looked at the photos and then realised my face was a bit sore right enough. He must have caught me with a good one but I’d no idea at the time. That’s focus for you!

And guess who will be standing in United’s dugout tomorrow, taking his bow as Peter Houston’s replacement? Jackie McNamara. You couldn’t make it up.

Here’s a little guy who likes a scrap, as I found out from my morning papers. Jackie will have United’s players up and ready to go to battle. The place will be rocking because of it.

Then Rangers will walk out into the middle of it all without a supporter in sight. That’s when we’ll learn what this lot are all about. They’d better bring their A game and realise the time for playing around at being Rangers players is well and truly over.

Kids like Barrie McKay and Kyle Hutton will have to perform like men. It’s part of the growing up process and this is their time.

Back in my day you learned your trade playing against big, brutal halfwits who would kick you up and down the pitch in the reserves. These boys are getting a similar education in the Third Division.

So they should look upon Tannadice almost like it’s a first-team debut. They’ve got to roll the sleeves up and earn their shirts. They have to prove they belong out there.

Being a Rangers player is more than just an ego trip.

It’s a responsibility. It’s a constant test of nerve and endeavour. It’s about making sure standards that have been set down the years are not allowed to slip, no matter how challenging the times.

Tannadice presents this lot with the ultimate test of character. If these players have pride in themselves and in their club they will know already defeat is simply not an option.

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Attitude should not be an issue in this game. I'm expecting our players to run out of their skin.

Whoever starts needs to show us how much it means to them. That's why I'd be tempted to give the likes of Kal, Robbie, Fraser and Barrie the nod.

However the likes of Black, Shiels and Templeton need to show us why they were bought in.

Mon Rangers


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Stirs the blood.Good article by Mark.

Ally knows what it is like to play away in an important match with no fans. If he can impart that knowledge and get the lads into the right frame of mind then it can go a long way.

Let's get the battle fever on

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What I didn’t realise until I woke up with a hangover in my hotel bedroom the next morning, and looked at the papers, was that Jackie McNamara had punched me on the side of jaw from behind.

I looked at the photos and then realised my face was a bit sore right enough. He must have caught me with a good one but I’d no idea at the time. :lol:

Cracking read, love it if we skelp this lot tomorrow.

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That took a bit of bottle, let me tell you. But I scored one, Coisty got the other and the club celebrated one of its greatest victories. It was a night that will never be forgotten.

The same opportunity is about to be presented to the Rangers players of today when they make the trip to Tayside on Scottish Cup duty. If they take United down without the backing of a travelling support – only 300 Rangers fans have bought tickets – they too will be remembered forever.

GOAT - if you really are you one of the 400 300 and you bump into Maverick_Golfer then please rip his head off! :)

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