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"Scotland might surprise you"


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“Scotland might surprise you” – according to the Scottish Tourist Board promotional advert. It would certainly surprise you, had you flown into any of our country’s airports and been greeted by the billboard which welcomed visitors with the claim “Scotland - probably the best small country in the world”

Because any visitor would be more than surprised at the manifestation of hatred towards one of Scotland’s oldest and most respected institutions – Rangers Football Club. Furthermore temporary guests to our shores would be even more surprised to learn that this outward pouring of hatred, venom, poison and bile, often from behind the safety of a keyboard, was neither condemned nor challenged by Scotland “moral guardians of society” – the press.

But the surprises will just keep on coming for our visitors. They will learn of the journalist who saw fit to support Scotland’s Hate Crime Bill


and yet, surprisingly, described the festering festival of hatred conducted by a hate-filled mob against Rangers FC as follows : “A voracious, voluble, impassioned type of democracy has won the day.” Scotland may surprise you with her shameless levels of hypocrisy.

And such visitors would be right to ask what kind of “democracy” is Scotland where football authorities usurp the fundamental presumption of innocence, who seek to impose draconian and excessive punishments on the untried, and who ignore the rulings of Scotland’s courts to inflict unlawful transfer embargos on the aforementioned Rangers FC. Small wonder then that “Scotland might surprise you”

And they would be surprised by the lack of contrition shown by those who declared the innocent “guilty” before trial, yet were subsequently vindicated of the allegations against them. They would be even more surprised that the guilty have gone unpunished, remain in their respective posts and still weave their web of chaos with regard to our national game.

But they wont be surprised that the hate filled mob reneged on their promises to sell out Saturdays or support their own clubs. For this was never about devotion but hatred motivated by petty jealousy and bigotry, among other things. Scotland’s visitors will be further surprised to learn the only tale of devotion was that shown by the supporters of Rangers FC, despite their club being castigated to the lowest tier of Scottish football.

Perhaps what would surprise them most however, is that this country, so capable of such unbridled and unchallenged hatred, and which is more than willing to turn a blind eye to injustice against her own, has aspirations of self-governance.

It would not surprise me if our departing visitors were to commit an act of graffiti on that billboard as they leave our shores…

“Scotland – probably the best small-minded country in the world”

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Scotland surprises me and I was born there. My mum was quite a patriotic Scot, full of The Corries and Hamish Imlach and although I've spent my formative years in England I'm still proud to be Scottish but that pride has waned somewhat in recent years and that's because I've seen how Scotland treats its most famous Son as an outcast and as an irrelevance when all we ask is to be listened to and to be given the same voice as everybody else. My dear old Mum would not of wanted the Scotland we have today as nationalistic as she was she married two Englishman and raised her Son and Daughter here so I'm sure she wanted us to have a voice too. No to the destruction of the UK :uk:

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Good read but I think you'll find the majority of people visiting Scotland wouldn't give a shit about Rangers or football in general, only the REAL football fans know the truth, but sadly more and more football fans turn to madrid barca arsenal united liverpool munich and probably couldn't name you football teams outwith la liga the premiership and the bundesliga. We are a huge club to our own fans around the world, people will have heard of us but the simple fact is nobody gives a shit about our brand because of the league we play in, which is the sad case for so many clubs around Europe.

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Good read but I think you'll find the majority of people visiting Scotland wouldn't give a shit about Rangers or football in general, only the REAL football fans know the truth, but sadly more and more football fans turn to madrid barca arsenal united liverpool munich and probably couldn't name you football teams outwith la liga the premiership and the bundesliga. We are a huge club to our own fans around the world, people will have heard of us but the simple fact is nobody gives a shit about our brand because of the league we play in, which is the sad case for so many clubs around Europe.

I'm pretty pissed so don't remember what my response to the post was. Whoops.

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Good read but I think you'll find the majority of people visiting Scotland wouldn't give a shit about Rangers or football in general, only the REAL football fans know the truth, but sadly more and more football fans turn to madrid barca arsenal united liverpool munich and probably couldn't name you football teams outwith la liga the premiership and the bundesliga. We are a huge club to our own fans around the world, people will have heard of us but the simple fact is nobody gives a shit about our brand because of the league we play in, which is the sad case for so many clubs around Europe.

Im sure they wont, but I do and I love to rip the pish out how we are "probably best small country in the world" claims after all this country has done, collectively to this club.

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I read someones opinion about Spiers before regarding him always having to say in most articles / interviews that he grew up as a 'Rangers supporter.' It is like someone that says 'I'm not a racist but.....'

Ive heard it too - I dont believe it bud.

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“Scotland – probably the best small-minded country in the world” No doubt about it, a nation of losers.

Scotland “moral guardians of society” – the press. You are being cynical?.

Scotland may surprise you with her shameless levels of hypocrisy. Been going on for hundreds of years.

what kind of “democracy” is Scotland. A treacherous one.

Scotland has aspirations of self-governance. If they can't govern them self then how can they govern the people?.

It doesn't come as a surprise that most Scots who leave to live in another Country, leave all of the above behind and are successful and well thought of.

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I think at times we get Scotland (all the people) confused with Scotland (football, reporters etc.). Not all Scotland hates Rangers not even a majority do. The majority of people do not give a toss about football, all they know about football is what they read in the papers and on TV assuming they read or listen.

Some (not op) use Rangers haters to show the whole country in a bad light, but its not really like that IMO.

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It's no coincidence that we (an institution) are under attack, to be killed off, at the same time those in charge try to 'republicanise' us.

If we are serious about saving the queen, then we have to at least vote in favour of her kingdom.

It's a 'NO' vote for me :7325:

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I think at times we get Scotland (all the people) confused with Scotland (football, reporters etc.). Not all Scotland hates Rangers not even a majority do. The majority of people do not give a toss about football, all they know about football is what they read in the papers and on TV assuming they read or listen.

Some (not op) use Rangers haters to show the whole country in a bad light, but its not really like that IMO.

I think as a collective our country needs to hold up it hands Bearger. It wasnt just the footballing authorities, or supporters - the failings of our press and politicians were equally as indictable. Not one one of them called into the question the actions of a lynch mob or footballing authorities usurping the basic fundamentals of our country.

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“Scotland – probably the best small-minded country in the world” No doubt about it, a nation of losers.

Scotland “moral guardians of society” – the press. You are being cynical?.

Scotland may surprise you with her shameless levels of hypocrisy. Been going on for hundreds of years.

what kind of “democracy” is Scotland. A treacherous one.

Scotland has aspirations of self-governance. If they can't govern them self then how can they govern the people?.

It doesn't come as a surprise that most Scots who leave to live in another Country, leave all of the above behind and are successful and well thought of.

It was a slight on Cameron's comments following the Leveson Enquiry - he referred to the press as "the moral guardians of society"

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The people that done the most damage to the club(custodians aside), were mostly english. HMRC, Regan and Doncaster. Don't let the pesky facts spoil a rabble rousing article mind.

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The people that done the most damage to the club(custodians aside), were mostly english. HMRC, Reagan and Doncaster. Don't let the pesky facts spoil a rabble rousing article mind.

I think you will find that Messrs and Reagan and Doncaster head Scotland's Footballing authorities. But dont let your xenophobia spoil your retort.

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The people that done the most damage to the club(custodians aside), were mostly english. HMRC, Regan and Doncaster. Don't let the pesky facts spoil a rabble rousing article mind.

The Press and media was SCOTTISH BASED and most of the Journalists were SCOTTISH

So were a lot of the fans of the other football clubs who kicked us when we were down and bayed for our blood.

So too were the SPL Chairmen who said no, well most of them were!

Take off the SNP YES Campaign blinkers.

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