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Charles Green V The Rhebels

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We've bought Edmiston house and it's been sitting empty for over a year. Thought this was getting redeveloped?

somebody said on here yesterday that they heard it was being treated for asbestos hence the delay, might be something in that as it is a old building

either way its ours now apparently so no rent to pay (or lease or whatever)

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ok deep breath in and ahhhh, ok i`m relaxed now. Fuck off!

Tut tut, resorting to swearing is tantamount to losing the debate, which you have just lost.

Shame you don't know much, may I suggest you arm yourself with facts, not myths, before you start typing.

We are both fans of the most successful Club in Scotland, so let's agree to disagree on this topic.

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Tut tut, resorting to swearing is tantamount to losing the debate, which you have just lost.

Shame you don't know much, may I suggest you arm yourself with facts, not myths, before you start typing.

We are both fans of the most successful Club in Scotland, so let's agree to disagree on this topic.

No, the night is young and the debate still fresh, and i feel a bit of a bromance developing?
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I find the title of the OP blog absolutely scandalous.

Doesn't matter who it is, we all want one thing ... what's best for the club, just because one group disagrees with the other doesn't mean you should ever use the term "rhebel" to describe fellow supporters.

The guys you write about (on both sides) are supporters, most, if not all, will be season ticket holders too

We may disagree about our approach to what is best for the club but that should never detract from the core belief that you are fighting for the benefit of the club.

Also, can anyone explain to me what Scottish Independance has got to do with what's best for the club, to me, when you use that as part of an argument again certain Rangers supporters, it shows the points you're tryi g to make are weak to begin with.

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It's extremely hard to know whom to believe. However what has always 'got' me is the so called 'Blue Knights' and now McColl & Paul Murray have all had a lot to say but have also always either offered just a shilling short so therefore missing out on ownership or they say they won't invest or buy the club from Green. For guys to whom £1.0m is like £100.00 to Joe Average this is very odd behavior for Rangers Men. I don't know McColl but I don't like his politics particularly someone who wants and banana republic in Scotland but does not live here.

Bottom line is this is one bear who simply does not know what or whom to believe.

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All I am asking for is the number of shares CG has, which you are unable to give me.

Wow, the moon isn't made of cheese, you live and learn every day, but it would be if it was made backwards.

CG has 5m shares I believe, but could be wrong

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This is a "once upon a time" story, sent out by RST etc to demonise CG.

ALL shares (in all Companies) are 1p shares, check your share certificate (IF you have one).

They are called 1p shares as 1p is the lowest coin of the realm. Trading prices rise and fall, so shares cannot be marketed as anything more than 1p.

Ok bornabear, after the best part of the day indulging your deflection tactics, time to get back to the actual debate. If You are arguing that I'm wrong about charles buying his shares at a penny each then how much did he pay oh knowledgeable one??
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The people wanting Green out are hardly "anti Rangers are they" no matter what any Rangers fans think of P.Murray etc.....

THEY certainly think everyone anti mini and mccolk are. They love to dish out the shite and bile but can't take it back. Best revisionists on the planet. Reminds me of another minority, so fuck them!
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I won't bother to post a lengthy reply one way or the other. I will simply say that to refer to any Rangers fan as a rhebel, no matter whether you disagree with them or not, is a fucking disgrace.

Totally agre, that was unfortunately the biggest thing I took from the article so assumed it was going to be a one sided biased view so didn't read further.

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1p a share mate, 1p a fuc£in share.

0.7P a share, 1P a share, £9.50 a share doesn't really matter.

Did anyone else offer the money for the club that had a chance BEFORE the end of the acceptance period set by the administrators? Tell me HOW many offered, exactly please and what price per share? You could also add how much of their own money they were putting in or were they using investors/partners in that offer that needed to go through due dilligence too?

As for the calling of Anti-Green people Rhebels i agree it is wrong, but I do also agree that the Anti-Green character assasination is wrong too, he did step up to the plate, whether he invested his own money or not doesn't matter either, as others did not step forward in time for due diligence (as per my "who else gave an appropriate bid quesion"). If you want to find something from the administrators of a block to any other realistic valid investor and think D&P blocked them unreasonably then sue them.

Has Green tried to make money and take advantage of a situation, certainly. Did he use investors money, hell yes. Has anyone else offered an appropriate bid to buy the club now? didn't see one. Are the current crop of new prospective "owners" now trying to do the same and take advantage of the current unrest? Certainly.

What we need to do is agree on a way forward and push the club to take action, something we cannot agree on.

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0.7P a share, 1P a share, £9.50 a share doesn't really matter.

Did anyone else offer the money for the club that had a chance BEFORE the end of the acceptance period set by the administrators? Tell me HOW many offered, exactly please and what price per share? You could also add how much of their own money they were putting in or were they using investors/partners in that offer that needed to go through due dilligence too?

As for the calling of Anti-Green people Rhebels i agree it is wrong, but I do also agree that the Anti-Green character assasination is wrong too, he did step up to the plate, whether he invested his own money or not doesn't matter either, as others did not step forward in time for due diligence (as per my "who else gave an appropriate bid quesion"). If you want to find something from the administrators of a block to any other realistic valid investor and think D&P blocked them unreasonably then sue them.

Has Green tried to make money and take advantage of a situation, certainly. Did he use investors money, hell yes. Has anyone else offered an appropriate bid to buy the club now? didn't see one. Are the current crop of new prospective "owners" now trying to do the same and take advantage of the current unrest? Certainly.

What we need to do is agree on a way forward and push the club to take action, something we cannot agree on.

But you miss the big point, Green has stolen trillions from Rangers. So much in fact he has contacted Obama and offered to pay off the US debt. Apart from which he bought the club out from underneath the line-up of hundreds of Rangers millionaires and some multi-millionaires who were lined up to by the club.

He also gazumped the fans group led by the Barren Knights who had the backing of another Hibs supporting billionaire. :D

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